Published at 25th of October 2021 11:05:02 AM

Chapter 391: 391

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"Next, I'll introduce you to my son, Northill."

Thunderous applause burst out on the field,

All the girls were looking forward to the appearance of the coveted young man on the booth.

The attendants stooped,

Northill followed his instructions and walked slowly to the booth,

He saluted the king,

Then his eyes fell lightly under the stage.

Men stand in the backlight,

He was wearing a retro dark brown evening dress with two rows of golden buttons on his coat, and his slender legs were wrapped in boots, which looked very explosive.

A golden red ribbon was slung across his chest, starting from his shoulders and with beautiful tassels at his tail,

With white gloves on his hands, he put them slightly on the armrest, elegant and noble.

His deep blue eyes looked at the crowd faintly. His handsome face was like a carefully carved work of God, perfect as a painting.

The people in the audience were silent,

The next second, the excited female voice whispered below,

Many noble girls blushed and whispered praise to their relatives.

"Well, now I announce that the dance begins."

At the king's command,

The Royal band played melodious music,

The huge glass lamp in the middle of the ballroom also lit up, illuminating the light pink faces of many girls.

Northill only glanced lightly, and then turned to leave.

The king grabbed him and whispered,

"Be careful later."

Nohill nodded and said respectfully, "I will, father."

Under the ballroom, people gathered in twos and threes. Many noble CHILDES have begun to invite girls to dance.

Of course, many girls are still watching,

Looking forward to becoming Prince nohill's first dance partner.

Fu Sheng was standing in an insignificant corner, shaking a glass of red wine in his hand and drinking slowly,

She watched the bustling crowd coming and going,

Everyone's face was filled with smiles and joy,

"Tuanzi, where is the princess?"

Fu Sheng suddenly thought of Weiya,

She looked around and didn't see her.

[EMM... You mean the woman posing as you?]


She hasn't come yet

"... didn't come?" Fu Sheng was surprised,

She looked back and sipped the wine thoughtfully.


"Excuse me, this beautiful lady, can I invite you to dance?"

A man suddenly stood beside Fu Sheng, interrupting her thinking with a polite voice.

Fu Sheng was stunned and looked at it,

The strange man in front of him was dressed in an elegant white dress. He put out his hand with a smile and invited her.

"..." Fu Sheng immediately stepped back alertly,

She gently lifted her skirt, saluted and politely refused,

"Sorry, sir, it's not very convenient for me."

"That's a pity..." the man was disappointed,

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Thank you." Fu Sheng smiled and said politely.

The man was amazed by her smile,

The next second, he stepped forward with a slightly excited tone,

"I wonder if I can ask the young lady's name?"

"... I'm sorry, no comment."

Fu Sheng glanced at Northill from a distance,

She quickly picked up her skirt and walked to the other side with a strong desire for survival.

The crowd slowly avoided a path as Prince nohill walked,

People who were dancing just now,

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