Published at 1st of March 2024 06:48:45 AM

Chapter 1325

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Jimo career, which was cruel and heartless at the beginning, was dazed by hatred and completely killed Xiao Yan, now seems to be hard.

After several years of recuperation, he not only failed to recuperate well, but his state seems to have fallen.

What a joy!

But in my heart, Nangong Beichen faintly admires Jimo career. Even if he is ruthless to Xiaoyan, he is a real hero to the Terran!

Seeing that the hero is lonely now, he also sighed.

Pick up your mood. Nangong Beichen wiped his face. He doesn't have much time. He has to go to the church to get married later. What do you have to say: "what are you looking for me?"

Jimo Ya nodded and said straight to the point: "white dust seal said that Murong Xinnuo was playing tricks. She framed Xiaoyan. Why do you want to keep her in front of semi saint and marry her?"

Nangong Beichen couldn't help but turn on the mockery mode: "how are you doing now? Don't you break off your love with her? Didn't you let her be tortured and abused and push her into the abyss of sin with your own hands? You made her completely desperate and taken away by the white dust. I don't know life or death! You still have the face to call her name?"

Jimoya was suffering from angina pectoris. His own sins and remorse gnawed his heart day and night. It was difficult to sleep night and night. At the moment, he was picked out by Nangong Beichen and scolded directly on his face.

Somehow, the relentless scolding made him feel that the pain that made him difficult to breathe seemed lighter.

He lowered his eyes and let Nangong Beichen vent his anger before opening his mouth: "since you scold me and hold grievances for Xiaoyan, why do you marry the culprit who framed her?"

"I am -" Nangong Beichen is angry.

I know Jimo career is not a good man or a Terran hero! Pooh! He is an asshole who looks elegant and generous, but actually refuses to eat at all!

After patience and patience, Nangong Beichen reluctantly didn't throw Jimo Ya out.

Take a deep breath, Only meaningful way: "Isn't there no evidence to prove it was Murong Xinnuo at that time? The semi saints can't find out. I think there must be something we don't know about it. Murong was the daughter of Murong family and was in charge of Nangong family. Since I brought her back to Nangong family, she was considerate and fell in love with me. I also think this woman is a good match! I envy you and Xiaoyan that day I've got a concentric knot. It's said that the couple are concentric and can know each other's intentions, but is it true? "

Jimoya's eyes moved and tasted it carefully. Then he raised his head and looked at Nangong Beichen with surprise.

Nangong Beichen only smiled and raised the wine glass in front of him: "if childe Ya sincerely comes to eat the wedding wine, please drink this cup! If you come for something else, please come back!"

Jimoya got up from kindness and left without looking at the wine glass on the table.

Looking at the back of jimoya's departure, Nangong Beichen drank the wine cup in his hand silently. As soon as he threw it away, the wine cup fell to the ground and smashed it


Xiaoyan slept soundly, as if he had a dream.

Wake up and remember nothing.

When he opened his eyes, he put on the cold jaw sealed by white dust. In his hand, there was a spirit crane with deep eyebrows and eyes.

Aware that Xiaoyan woke up, the white dust laden released the spirit crane in his hand, lowered his head, and the whole person softened, "Xiaoyan, are you awake? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

This novel has been translated by www.novelhall. com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!