Published at 5th of October 2022 08:07:47 AM

Chapter 133

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After dinner, an Changqing was left behind by granny Yu Ergu. She just learned about the origin of the chimpanzees.

I don't know how many years ago, the chimpanzees were just a group of ordinary fishermen. They lived by the sea for generations and made a living by fishing. One day, the men in the village went fishing as usual, but brought back a strange big fish. According to the description handed down by the ancestors, the big fish was covered with dark golden scales, had horns on his forehead, and his eyes were like glass, which seemed to be a spiritual thing. But at that time, the village was short of food and clothing. Such a big fish could feed the whole village for ten and a half days. Even though the big fish seemed to beg in his eyes, the villagers still killed the big fish, and each family shared the fish meat.

The villagers who ate the fish soon got sick. Many people began to grow scales on their faces, bodies and legs These villagers are afraid of being treated as monsters and dare not go to see a doctor. Day by day, some villagers died and went crazy Fortunately, those who did not die all had the same dream of the big fish shared by all the villagers.

The big fish claims to be the dragon fish who jumps over the dragon's gate and is about to fly up. But was accidentally killed by the villagers, eat flesh and blood. Die but unwilling, resentment and curse will melt into the flesh and blood, all the villagers who eat the flesh and blood of the big fish, can not escape its curse.

"Whether the existence of the dragon fish is credible or not can not be tested, but the curse is probably true." On one side, Yu Wu added: "some of the villagers who survived by luck have kept the appearance of human beings, while others have become monsters with human bodies and fishtails. They can only live on the sea from now on. Some people happened to see the villagers in the sea, and they called them shark people. The villagers, who still live in the village and have maintained their human form, have since changed their surnames to Yu, calling themselves the chimpanzees

The Spartans, who survived by luck, moved to a more secluded seaside, believing that as long as they sincerely repent, the curse will end after their death. But year after year, they found that the curse did not fade with time. The first group of villagers who ate fish no longer grow old in appearance, and they can live to more than 150 years old. Only when they are about to die, their faces will quickly grow old and decay, and finally die quickly. And the boy they gave birth to began to have all kinds of strange red lines When you reach adulthood, you can even conceive like a woman

All kinds of unusual behaviors make the secluded people even more frightened. They can only hide their whereabouts more carefully. But there is no impermeable wall in the world. It's impossible to completely hide such strange things as an old face. From the emperor seeking immortality to the warlock looking for the trace of the shark people. The chimpanzees suddenly became curiosities. It's just like a rat on the street.

They were chased and hid further and further on the island of the sea. From then on, he did not dare to have too much contact with foreigners. But the island is barren, they want to make a living, can only rely on fishing weaving, a few months or six months out of the sea, venture to trade with foreigners.

"But there are so many people on the island. They are all relatives of the same village. After not communicating with foreigners, blood inheritance becomes a problem. " Yu Erdao: "it is said that at that time, the chimaera abandoned the secular human relations and could combine at will. However, after only two or three generations of this, the evil consequences have emerged. "

The island began to appear a lot of physically disabled or deformed children, and even gave birth to a shark with a fishtail, like a wild animal, no reason, very fierce. Some wise people in the clan said that this might be the real curse of the dragon fish. If they continue to breed, sooner or later their offspring will all become monsters. So they ventured away from the island, went ashore and hid in anonymity. There are also a small number of people who choose to stay on the island, but they dare not continue their blood. They just linger on the island.

Looking at Yu Er's face, an Changqing didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that the ancestors of the chimaera had such a dark past. Immortality is nothing but appearance. No wonder Yu Qi said he would rather not.

Looking at Yu Er's old state, it is obvious that he has entered the last time, and an Changqing's eyes unconsciously take a trace of heaviness.

Yu Er was very relieved. He patted him on the back of his hand and said slowly, "this is the sin of the first man. We can only bear it. Sooner or later, people will die. You should learn to be open to it."

An Changqing murmured and asked, "what's the matter with the high priest?"

Yu Er said, "old three and old five know more about the high priest. Let them tell you."

With that, she closed her eyes and stood up slowly with her knees propped up: "I'm tired. I'll have a rest first."

After she left, Yu Wu continued to preach to him: "the high priest is the last living person on the island. According to the records left behind, he should have been born by two chimpanzees

After discovering the evil result of neglecting the combination of human relations, the villagers left on the isolated island no longer breed blood. But they still have reason. Those children who are born to be chimaeras and only have the instinct of wild animals grow up to be estrous and mating. They can't be called human any more. Their habits are almost like fish, and they don't recognize people. Their only instinct is to lay eggs on the island during mating season every year. Yu Qiao was born after two chimpanzees got married.He was different from other eggs. When he broke the egg, he was human, but because he had no fish tail, he was abandoned by the chimaera. The chimpanzees on the island met him by chance and adopted him.

Yu Qiao has been very intelligent since he was a child, and he has learned a lot without a teacher. When he was 18 years old, the last chimpanzee on the island died, so he left the island and wanted to go ashore to find other people.

"Did he meet Huai Shuan that time?" An Changqing leaned forward and asked.

In the letter of former Yuze King Huai Shuan, he said: when he went out to sea, he met Yu Qiao, who claimed to have been in a shipwreck, and he kindly took him back to Yongzhou. If it is this time that they meet, then the time will be right.

"What happened after he went to sea? What are the disputes with Yuze, xidun and Daye? "

"We didn't experience the time of the high priest. I only heard from my grandparents that the high priest wanted to make a stable life for the chimpanzees, so he took part in the "eight pillars rebellion."

As I said earlier, the chimpanzees have been fishing and weaving for generations. Later, they ate the flesh of the dragon fish. When they were cursed, they also had some unusual abilities. For example, the cloth woven by the mackerel people is very light and tough. It can be made into soft armour and even be invulnerable to fire and sword. People call it "mackerel silk". Another example is that the chimpanzees are good at building seagoing ships. The ships they build are indestructible. They are the most powerful craftsmen. According to the drawings drawn by the chimpanzees, they can't make the same big ships In addition to building big ships, they also used excellent skills to make many unheard of organ weapons for Yu Qiao during the "eight pillars rebellion".

There are few detailed records of "the rebellion of the eight pillar states" in the historical books, but only a few records about the fatuous and incompetent emperors of the former dynasty. The eight pillar States agreed on major events in the state, overthrew the former dynasty, established a new dynasty, and respected Xiao Li as Emperor. An Changqing never knew that Yu Qiao and the shark people had made such a great effort.


"Then Xiao Li broke his promise and betrayed the high priest."

Yu Wu narrowed his eyes and recalled what he had heard when he was a child: "there used to be no high priest in the shark people. Yu Qiao was the first one. It was about the most peaceful and peaceful time for the chimpanzees. He also said that he would lift the blood curse and end the days of hiding. "

So he took part in the "eight pillars rebellion". But in the middle, he met Xiao Li, and they fell in love with each other. Xiao Li was born to be emperor. The rest of the big Zhu states listened to his orders. The Xiao family was also an aristocrat of the former dynasty. For both public and private purposes, Yu Qiao supported him to ascend the throne and become emperor. Even in the campaign against the former dynasty, he contributed the most and made the most contributions.

Xiao Li had promised that he would become emperor side by side with him after he ascended the throne, and that he would also give the remaining people a peaceful life. But after he ascended the throne, he didn't fulfill his promise. In order to appease the orphans of the former dynasty and stabilize the situation of the court, he married the princess of the former dynasty.

Although Yu Qiao was disappointed, he didn't delay the important events of the chimpanzees because of his personal relationship. He only went to find Xiao Li and asked him to erase all the records of the chimpanzees and give them a peaceful day.

But I don't know how this story got out of the air. The story of the chimpanzee tribe was mentioned again. Yu Qiao's face, which had not changed for several years, was also mentioned many times. The secret of "Immortality" of the chimpanzee tribe was exposed, and once again became a "panacea" in the eyes of the world.

Yu Qiao no longer has the expectation to Xiao Li, takes the surviving clansman to flee in a hurry, avoids the chase.

"What roles did Huai Shu'an and Xue Chang play in the process?" An Changqing asked again.

Yu Wu looked at him admiringly and said with a sarcastic smile, "only three people close to Yu Qiao know about the chimpanzees. Xiao Li is one, and the other two are Huai Shuan and Xue Chang. It's mostly one of them, or It's the three of them who let it out. "

An Changqing's back was chilly, her lover betrayed her, and her people were hunted down. Even her best friend couldn't believe it. He could hardly imagine what kind of situation Yu Qiao was in at that time.

"And then?"

"Later, the high priest did not know what method he used to lead all the pursuers to the sea, while the chimpanzees hid in other places and continued to remain anonymous. Since then, the high priest has never appeared. The old people said that he died with his pursuers at sea. But Huai Shu'an and they refused to believe him. They thought he had great ability and could live forever. How could he easily die? "

So later Huai Shu'an found the rest of the chimpanzees and secretly sent them to an island in the South China Sea. He built a heavenly palace on the island, piled up countless gold and silver treasures in it, and built an empty tomb in the center of the heavenly palace, but he never admitted that Yu Qiao was dead.

Yu Wu was obviously disgusted with these people and said with a sneer, "do you think they are ridiculous? Huai Shuan had been guarding the island all his life and named it "the tomb of the shark". When we die, we ask our descendants to guard here from generation to generation, and even poison them, asking us to go to Tiangong every ten years to get the antidote and send it to Yuze. But I hope that one day the high priest will come back alive, find the island and see their compensation. "

These stories are not personally experienced by their younger generation. They are all heard from their grandparents who have experienced all this. Although they have no personal experience, they can still feel the sadness and resentment. Over the years, they have always remembered that they will never leave the island. Only once every ten years will one people be sent to sea. But did not expect that even so, or inevitably in the face of the grief of the death of their loved ones.In fact, their eight brothers and sisters were not related by blood. In those days, the chimpanzees were hiding in Tibet, and many of them intermarried with foreigners to have children. Later, their peaceful life was completely broken, and they fled in all directions to avoid being chased and killed. In the end, only a small group of people survived and were sent to the island by Huai Shuan. After giving birth to them, their parents ranked them according to their age, and they were matched by their brothers and sisters, just to make them cherish the remaining people. Although they are not brothers, they have grown up together since childhood. If they were not afraid of bringing disaster to other people on the island, they would have gone to sea to look for people

Yu Wu closed his eyes and was in a low mood. Next to him, Yu San patted him on the shoulder and said, "we know nothing more than that. If you still want to find an antidote, you can only go to the heavenly palace to find out." After a pause, he said: "the heavenly palace is built for the high priest. The central part is in crisis, and we dare not go deep into it. It is said that many mechanisms can only be solved by others... But you are similar to the high priest. Maybe you can try it."

even if he doesn't say it, an Changqing is going to visit the heavenly palace. After thanking several people, an Changqing temporarily stayed in the room Yu Wu had arranged for him. He was going to ask them to tell him the location of the heavenly palace tomorrow, and then send him out of the village. He would take people to explore

"high priest?" Yu Wuyi straightened up, frowned at him and said, "why didn't you tell me then?"

"one more person is worried." Yu San pressed his shoulder to turn the man over and continued: "it's just a residual shadow. He said to me," life and death have a destiny, cause and effect reincarnation. I'd like to sacrifice the essence and blood of Yu Yi to protect my people. "

it is said that what he said to him is not very accurate. It's just that he inadvertently broke in and ran into some residual scenes. This heavenly palace is at the bottom of the cliff. Because it was built by Huai Shu'an, and it is full of organs, they never went deep into it. Therefore, they never knew that the high priest might have come back

"it's up to them to choose whether to go or not." Yu San said: "an Changqing is not the blood of the high priest, but if he looks so similar to him, maybe it is in response to the sentence of reincarnation of cause and effect. I probably remember the organs outside the heavenly palace. If they want to go, I will show them the way. "

after another cup of tea, they came to the surface. As soon as they put on their clothes, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers. An Changqing knew who it was, turned around and said, "it's me, your majesty?"

"taking the skin of wild animals to make air bags." Xiao Zhige couldn't see anything on his face, but he held an Changqing's hand tightly. The strong one even made an Changqing feel painful: "after I followed you down the river, I couldn't hold my breath for so long. Later, I tried many times, but I couldn't go down. We can only ask the soldiers to speed up the air bag control. "

what he didn't say is that after he lost people the afternoon before, he was like a furious lion, ordering soldiers to hunt wild animals and speed up the air bag. Looking at the number of airbags, he is not going to the village alone. If an Changqing comes back later, he will take people to kill him.An Changqing coughed lightly, looked at Yu San and said, "yesterday I went to the village alone, and he was a little anxious. He didn't mean any harm."

"I understand," he nodded

Several people took their seats in the camp. When huairuyu brothers arrived, an Changqing told them all the things that the village had learned and said that Yu San was willing to take them to the heavenly palace.

Huairuyu was more suspicious and said, "how can Tiangong be closed just at this time?"

Yu San: "I don't know."

Huairuyu: "is there an antidote in Tiangong?"

Yu San: "there should be."

Huairuyu frowned: "what is called should?"

"We haven't been there for decades, either." Yu San was not so polite to him as an Changqing. He said coldly, "we don't need antidotes, but we won't take the risk of further investigation."

What he said is reasonable. In the end, it's still that they want something from others. Huairuyu sighed and no longer questioned it.

But Xiao Zhige said, "how dangerous are the organs in the heavenly palace?"

"I've only been to the outer layer. The outer layer is not dangerous. We've only heard the old people say that it's very dangerous. We're not allowed to set foot on it. So I'm not sure. This time I can only show you the way to the outer layer. If you can't find an antidote in the outer layer, you can only consider looking for it in the center. "

Several people look at each other, and they all have a choice in their eyes. Since they have all come, they will never return empty handed.

Xiao Zhige said: "if there is no problem, we will be well prepared in three days to explore the heavenly palace."

Huairuyu brothers had no objection. Seeing that they had set the time, Yu San got up and said, "I'll come back in the morning in three days. You can speed up the preparation. There is also a waterway to Tiangong. " Then he nodded to an Changqing and left.

The remaining four quickly adjusted their manpower and began to prepare for the trip to the heavenly palace.

To get to Tiangong by water, you need air bags, so you can't take too many. Xiao Zhige and Huai Ruyu chose 20 water-based experts to accompany them, and prepared food and weapons. Just in case, they still took the rest of the thunderbolt and firearm. It's completely airtight in animal skins.

On the third day of the appointment, Yu San appeared as he had promised, and the whole party set out with him to the heavenly palace. The rest of the soldiers were stationed in the same place and waiting.

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