Published at 5th of October 2022 08:16:31 AM

Chapter 49

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When they returned to the general's house together, Zhou Helan had invited the craftsman back. Yanzhou is not rich, rich family life is not luxurious, so there are few jewelry shops in the city. The only two jewelry shops are also selling gold and silver jewelry, rarely inlaid with jadeite

the old craftsman took the jade and looked left and right, right and left. After a long time, he trembled and said, "it should be right. It's jade. Only some are of good quality and transparent; Some are miscellaneous. The jadeite is mixed, so we can't sell it. "

the old craftsman slowly separated more than a dozen "stones" on the table, and most of them were bad ones; The remaining half is the first-class jadeite that is transparent and flawless

but even so, if the remaining half of the jadeite can be sold in Yejing, it can also sell a lot of money

it is Zhou Helan who has always been calm. Thinking of the huge benefits hidden behind this, her heart beats fast

"we must make a quick decision." Xiao Zhige said in a deep voice

the northern Di court is deep in the northern desert, and the terrain is complex, so it is easy to be ambushed if it leads troops to attack rashly. But this time it was a great opportunity. When the forces of the northern Di came out, the royal court would be empty. If they led the troops to attack at this time, they would probably solve this serious problem at one stroke

"too risky." Xie Ling, who has always been more prudent, disagreed: "if you want to hide from Hu Yanxun, the number of raids should not be too large, but if so, you may not be sure that you can capture the royal court. And in case Hu Yanxun detects ahead of time and withdraws his troops, he is likely to be attacked by the front and back. "

the other generals nodded, which was the same idea

it's too risky< Other generals also agreed with Qi Wei and did not agree with Xiao Zhige<

Xiao Zhige got up and paced for two steps, pointed to the imperial court of Beidi and said, "the imperial court of Beidi is empty and in the midst of civil strife. It only takes 5000 people to kill them unprepared."< After a pause, he added: "moreover, King Beidi and Hu Yanxun have not dealt with each other for a long time. If he was defeated and returned to the royal court, he would be charged. But if King Beidi dies... He can take his place. "<

huyanxun, the king of dajinwu, is the brother of the king of Beidi. He was brave and good at fighting. He was loved by the people of Beidi. Therefore, he was afraid of the king of Beidi all the time<

"five thousand soldiers, bet on the disintegration of Beidi, bet on the stability of Yanzhou for several years," Xiao Zhige looked at them calmly: "bet or not?"< There was a long silence in the chamber. The fall of Beidi and the absence of war in Yanzhou are too much temptation and perplexity for the generals who have been harassed by Beidi for a long time.After a long silence, Qi Wei was the first to say: "bet on his mother! But the general can't go. I'll go! It's worth my life for half a Beidi! "

"Lao Qi is not suitable for surprise attack! Let me go Xie Ling objected.

Several other generals spoke out one after another, all competing to lead the surprise attack.

Xiao Zhige raised his hand slightly, restrained their quarrel and said, "I'll go. I am most familiar with the northern desert terrain. "

Other people also want to object, and then chatted. It's true that all these years, they only revolved around the northern desert. Only Xiao Zhige, who had gone deep into the northern desert, was most familiar with the terrain.

Seeing that they were silent, Xiao Zhige continued to arrange: "huyanxun will attack the city tonight. I will show my face, and then Qi Wei will lead the battle. I secretly took 5000 people and horses around the Amu ancient road. As long as you delay huyanxun for five days, I will break the royal court! "

Several generals looked at each other for a long time. At last, they could only say: "we will live up to our destiny!"


after arranging everything in the army, Xiao Zhige went back to the general's residence.

An Changqing has not yet gone to bed, is lighting a light in the room to polish a dark purple jade. This jade is the best of the rest. It's also a rare dark purple. It's the size of an egg. At first sight, an Changqing liked it very much. So he borrowed a simple tool from an old craftsman and polished it slowly.

In the last life, he had nothing to do in the mansion, and learned to carve from books. He also tried to smelt jade simply. It's just that he doesn't have all the tools. He's self-taught and can only do some simple tricks. Now that he had a good material and his hands were itching, he borrowed a jade smelting tool from the old craftsman and polished the jade by himself.

"Here, can you smelt jade?" Xiao Zhige was surprised. Then he saw the wound on his belly and frowned: "why don't you ask the craftsman to do it?"

An Changqing said vaguely: "I want to try it myself."

In fact, he just wanted to make something for Xiao Zhige, but he didn't want to tell him in advance because he hadn't finished it yet.

Listen to him say want to try, Xiao Zhige is not easy to defeat his interest. Had to wring eyebrow to take the golden sore medicine, fine to point to the wound on the abdomen on the medicine. It's a hard work to smelt jade. For a long time, an Changqing didn't touch these tools. It's hard to avoid that he made some wounds by hand.

"Be careful in the future." Xiao Zhige disagrees.

An Changqing secretly wrinkled his nose behind his back and groaned: "I know. Today, it's just a handmade one. I hurt it carelessly."

Xiao Zhige gave him good medicine, and then collected the bits and pieces of tools on the table: "I hurt my eyes at night, and I'll do it later in the day."

An Changqing followed him and said "Oh" again.

See his attitude cooperate, Xiao Zhige tighten eyebrow just loosen a few.

After packing up their tools, they went to the ear room to wash, and then nestled in bed to talk. After Xiao Zhige came back, he looked a little dignified. An Changqing leaned cross legged against him and saw that his eyebrows were all wrinkled into the word "Chuan". He put out his hand and pressed it on his eyebrows and muttered, "Why are you frowning again?"

The surprise attack on the king's Court of Beidi was a secret operation, which could not be said by the pillow people. Xiao Zhige didn't want him to worry, so he put it another way: "huyanxun will probably lead the troops to attack the city tonight."

"Is there another war?" An Changqing sat up straight, her eyes slightly worried.

"Well, I'm going to lead the troops."

An Changqing came to Yanzhou these days, and he had blind trust in Xiao Zhige as the common people in Yanzhou. He didn't worry as much as he did at first: "then I'll wait for the king to return in the city."

Xiao Zhige, with a smile in his eyes, took his hand and said in a deep voice, "well, I will definitely come back."

An Changqing nodded without knowing why. He thought it was just an ordinary battle, but he didn't notice the sinking in his words.


Because huyanxun might come to attack the city that night, they didn't sleep. It seems dark in the city, but the soldiers in the barracks are preparing for the coming battle.

Three minutes later, the scouts reported that the army of huyanxun had arrived ten miles outside the city.

Xiao Zhige puts on his armor and says goodbye to an Changqing, ready to fight.

An Changqing watched him leave, but he didn't feel sleepy. After thinking about it, he asked the soldiers to bring him a ladder and climb to the roof to look around.

In the dark barracks, the lights came on one by one, and the urgent sound of the horn tore through the night. In the general's mansion, you can hear the sound of regular steps. The residential buildings in the city also light up one by one.

At that time, the battle preparation of Yanzhou soldiers was over, and the army of wuyanxun came roaring. In a rush of drums, the sound of fighting outside the city was loud.

An Changqing tried to stretch her neck to look into the distance, but she could only vaguely see the big lights and the black head reflected by the fire.


In the fierce battle outside the city gate, Xiao Zhige had already taken 5000 armored troops and sped away quietly to Changri county. From Changri County out of the city, and then through the Amu ancient road, around the front battlefield, you can go deep into the hinterland of northern desert, and directly to the court of Beidi.

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