Published at 5th of October 2022 08:11:56 AM

Chapter 91

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Because the Crown Princess moved the fetal Qi, it was not suitable to bump. After the Taiyi applied the needle, the speed of the car slowed down. When I arrived in Yejing, it was already dark.

The imperial hospital had been informed for a long time, and sent two imperial doctors and a female medical officer to wait in the east palace. The princess was carried in by the prince himself. A group of attendants followed in quietly.

Empress Dowager Zhao did not follow in and stayed outside to appease the officials. All of a sudden, it was also about the Crown Princess and the emperor's heir. It was inconvenient for others to ask more questions at this time, and no one dared to mention the matter of going back to the mansion. So Wu Yangyang followed them all. Empress Dowager Zhao had seen many big storms. At this time, no matter how outsiders speculated, she only did nothing. She comforted the people with a smile, and then secretly knocked a few words not to spread. Only then did she ask the people to go back to their respective homes.

An Changqing's car also turned around and went to the Northern Warlord's house.

When he arrived at the mansion, he heard that Kui Er had come back with news and was waiting for him in his study. After a step, an Changqing turned to his study.

Kui Er is really waiting.

"What did you find out?" An Changqing asked.

What the crown prince and concubine made is really complicated and elusive. But he also felt that there must be something wrong with it. It's just that he didn't figure it out all the time.

Kui Er handed a prescription to an Changqing to see: "when I was in Hongfa temple, my subordinates kept staring at the Crown Princess secretly, but the Crown Princess didn't see any change. However, her maidservant went to find the little Shami who was in charge of medicinal materials in Hongfa Temple privately, and said that she was suffering from fever. She asked for some medicinal materials from the little Shami, He also said that he was afraid that the master would not ask her to serve her when he knew that she was ill. He told the little monk not to tell the story of fever

There are several kinds of herbs for typhoid fever. It's not surprising that they need to be used for fever. But Kui Er Chang is out on a mission, and he knows a little bit about medical theory. Among the herbs she took, in addition to several herbs for treating fever, there were several herbs that would not be used. It seemed that she was trying to cover up something. Kui er's intuition is wrong. When he's watching, he'll pay more attention to the maidservant. Later, while the maidservant was taking advantage of the prescription, she wrote down the prescription, which was not really a prescription for fever.

"The subordinate didn't know the prescription. After the maidservant sent the decoction to the residence of the crown prince, he went to the medicine shop at the foot of the mountain and asked about two or three shops. Only then did the doctor recognize it, saying that the prescription was spread among the old women. It's specially for women who have an affair with others and are pregnant

"Cover up the month?" Hearing this, an Changqing's eyelids jumped, and his intuition was that something was about to come out.

Kui Er continued: "yes. The doctor said that after taking this medicine, the woman would be three or four months pregnant. When the doctor felt her pulse, he could only see that she was just pregnant. But it's cold and strong. It's very harmful. There are also women who can't bear the medicine after use, who have a miscarriage or two lives in one corpse. "

Today, the crown prince and concubine have a sign of miscarriage.

The missing link is added, and an Changqing finally wants to understand the reason why the crown princess is pregnant but does not report. But he never thought that the child was not the prince's.

The crown princess has lived in the east palace for a long time, so she will not go out of the palace at leisure. When she came out of the palace, she was surrounded and guarded. How could she have the chance to have an intimate relationship with others?

Unless that person is in the East Palace, or has a chance to go in and out of the east palace.

Tapping her fingers on the table, an Changqing pondered for a long time: "keep an eye on the East Palace, and then check if there are close bodyguards around the princess..." After a pause, he added: "by the way, pay more attention to these three or four months, can there be foreign men in and out of the East Palace frequently."

Kui Er took the order and left, but an Changqing was frightened.

If this matter is raised, I'm afraid it will lead to an uproar. The crown princess is decided by the empress herself. Her father, Jiang Yuzhong, is Wei Wei and Si Qing, who is in charge of the defense of the imperial palace. Her mother, Zhao, is empress Zhao's cousin. Because of this, over the years, the Jiang and Zhao families have been united.

Once the prince and concubine thing burst out, I'm afraid the former dynasty and the later palace will be shaken.

After thinking about it, an Changqing put the matter under pressure for a while and wrote it down. He was not at ease. If the situation was suddenly exposed, it would be of no benefit to them. After thinking for a while, he simply stood still and was ready to wait for Xiao Zhige to come back.


Xiao Zhige's trip to Yuzhou was not smooth.

After arriving in Yuzhou, he read out the imperial edict and temporarily detained Shu lingting as an imperial envoy. To his surprise, Shu lingting didn't resist too much. Instead, he kept shouting about injustice and wanted to meet his majesty and confront the army.

Xiao Zhige was ready to take him back to Beijing, so he agreed to his request. For the time being, he was detained in the general's house and sent troops to guard him strictly. On the other hand, he sent people to investigate whether Shu lingting really wanted to rebel.

Judging from his selfishness, he felt that shulingting should not have made such a stupid decision. After all, imperial concubine Shu is his sister, and the third prince is his nephew. He helps his nephew to win the throne. In the future, the protection of the Shu family is more prominent than colluding with Xi dung to seek rebellion.

From ancient times to the present, few of the rebels have come to a good end. With shulingting's cautious disposition, I dare not put all my eggs in one basket.It's just that although he has some conjecture in his heart, he still has to go through what he should go through. After searching the general's house, he brought the people in the house to trial, and then investigated Shu lingting's confidants one by one After going through this scene, we did find some evidence that Shu lingting colluded with Xi dun. A servant told us that when he got up in the middle of the night, he saw Shu lingting send an alien man out of the house. Listen to the description of appearance, there are some characteristics of Westerners.

Xiao Zhige took the testimony to try Shu lingting again. At the beginning, he refused to say that he had to see the emperor. Xiao Zhige won't be polite to him, so he let him open his mouth by some means.

Shu lingting finally admitted that he did have contact with Xi Dun people, but he did not intend to rebel. Instead, Xi Dun envoys took the initiative to find him and wanted to meet emperor anqing through him to make a deal with Daye.

"The people of that West claimed to be the envoys of the Empress Dowager. They wanted me to take him to Miansheng. He said that he was willing to use the secret treasure of the dung in the West as a price in exchange for Daye's sending troops to help their king recapture the royal power and eradicate the rebellious minister Xue Wuyi and his followers. " Shu Ling stopped and said, "naturally, I won't trust him easily. Ask him to take out the keepsake and evidence. He showed me the keepsake. It's really a letter from empress dowager Xi dung, so I kept him for the time being. "

When he mentioned the secret treasure of the dung, Xiao Zhige's eyes sank and continued to ask quietly, "where is the envoy now? What is the secret of dung? How do you know if you're making it up to exonerate yourself? "

"I arranged for him to live in another house of mine, but I haven't found out what the secret treasure is yet. The other party insisted on telling his Majesty in person." Shu lingting was a little unwilling. His original plan was that he had better get the clue of the secret treasure of the dung from the envoys, and then give it to the third prince to present to Emperor Anqing. This would be a great achievement. But did not expect to wait for him to set out the news, his side first traitor. He even used it to fabricate evidence of his intention to rebel.

Xiao Zhige carefully observed his face, determined that he really did not know what the secret treasure of the dung was, and then asked about the location of the house where the envoys were placed, so he took people to find the envoys.

The emissary has been waiting for news in this house these days. He looks different from Daye people. Shu lingting has not allowed him to go out at will.

These days, Shu lingting doesn't move. He is thinking whether he wants to ask someone to urge him. Then he sees Xiao Zhige coming in with a team of people with bad looks.

He looks panicked for a moment, and then quickly uses Daye to say that he is a guest of general Shu.

"Are you an envoy sent by the Empress Dowager?" Xiao Zhige looked at him with a bad face.

The other side seemed to be stunned for a while, then nodded quickly and said tentatively: "are you sent by general Shu?"

Xiao Zhige coldly hooked his lips: "yes, general Shu asked me to ask you what the secret treasure of dung in the west is."

The emissary was a little afraid of him, but he thought that maybe Shu lingting was impatient, so he deliberately sent someone to intimidate him. He calmed down and said: "I have told general Shu that I would not say it until I see your emperor."

“…… Then I'm relieved. " After confirming that Shu lingting really didn't know anything, Xiao Zhige's face completely cooled down. With a flash of silver blade in his hand, he saw that the emissary's eyes widened, covered his neck and gasped a few times, then he fell to the ground and broke his life.

"Send the body to Xi dung and give it to Xue Wuyi. Be careful not to be discovered. "


Xiao Zhige takes people out, but comes back empty handed. Shu Ling stops to hear that he has not found anyone in the house, so he has doubts in his heart - he suspects that Xiao Zhige deliberately let go the Xi dung emissary, so that he can get rid of the witness and take the opportunity to get rid of him.

After a moment's silence, he said bitterly, "even if you can't find the emissary of Xi dung, I still have evidence. Wang Ye just escorts me back to Beijing to meet the saint! "

He didn't ignore the precaution in his eyes, but Xiao Zhige didn't prepare to have a conflict with him now. He only coldly nodded his head, and three days later, he escorted people back to Beijing.

From Yuzhou to Yejing, you need to go through the rugged mountains. Even if you take the official road, it will take about three days. Accompanied by the officials of Dali temple, it was not easy to travel day and night, so the journey slowed down a lot.

On the first night of their return, they set up camp at the foot of the mountain for repair. After eating dry food, they were ready to take a rest.

A dozen boulders suddenly rolled down the mountain on the back, and then a group of masked bandits came to kill them with knives. The move is fierce and straight to the point.

The guards were forced to disperse by the boulder, and they didn't react well. They soon saw blood.

Xiao Zhige blocked the machete behind him and calmly directed the rest of the guards to fight back. However, these mountain bandits are well-trained and there are a large number of them. When the guards want to fight back, they also have to protect the officials who can't fight. Under the left and right support, they soon show a declining trend. When Xiao Zhige saw that the situation was not right, he let out a loud arrow to contact them. Soon, a hundred guards who had been following them not far came.

When the other side saw the situation, they killed several more people and then quickly evacuated.

"We'll see how many people are injured when we're chased by a poor bandit."

After controlling the guards who wanted to pursue, Xiao Zhige made a silent look at the leader of the guard. At the end of the team, several people quietly chased the retreat direction of the bandits in the dark.Others counted the number of the wounded

it was dark and chaotic, and no one noticed shulingting. When Xiao Zhige asked, they realized that they had never seen Shu lingting. After lighting the torch and looking for a circle, they found shulingting in a coma in the grass not far away. Shulingting in shackles was crushed by a huge stone. In addition, there was a knife wound on his back that went through his chest

"although they dress up as mountain bandits, they don't want money, and their swords are deadly. They are more like trained killers."

it's just that the other side underestimated his strength and didn't expect that he was accompanied by a helper secretly

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