Published at 22nd of June 2022 08:38:43 AM

Chapter 3600

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"Hehe, do you really think I will believe your lies? Yanyan is simple, so you cheated her. But you'd better be honest with me." Wangweiwei stared at yehaoxuan and said, "there are many people who want to get close to her. You are not the first or the last."

"Approach her?" "I really don't know what you are talking about, and I don't know her identity. I really think she is a trainee nurse," said yehaoxuan

"Trainee nurse? Hehe, although I haven't had much contact with you, I don't think you really treat her as a trainee nurse." Wang Weiwei sneered: "tell me, what is your identity?"

"Well, well, since you want to ask, I'll tell you the truth." Yehaoxuan reluctantly parked the car aside. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A picture of the vicissitudes of life came out.

"You said," wangweiwei thought ye haoxuan was really tamed by her. She stared at ye haoxuan and said, "if I find you have a special purpose, I will really break your leg."

"In fact, I came from another plane. My name is yehaoxuan." Yehaoxuan said seriously, "there was some confusion in my plane space, so he brought me here. That's why they regarded me as an alien at first."

"I'm here for no other purpose. I just want to make myself stronger and find a way to leave here. It's as simple as that. It's only once." Yehaoxuan said.

Wangweiwei stares at yehaoxuan. The expression on her face is changeable.

"That's it. It's over?" Wang Weiwei asked.

"Yes, that's it. It's over." Ye haoxuan nodded and said, "you insist on asking me what my purpose is. I can only tell you my purpose. When I'm finished, I just want to leave here. I want to leave here urgently. Really."

"What you said is bullshit. I don't even believe punctuation." Wang Weiwei said angrily, "I tell you, ye, you'd better not play tricks with me. I'll give you a week. No matter what you think, you must leave here quickly. Otherwise, I'll be rude to you."

"You think I want to stay here?" Yehaoxuan could hardly laugh or cry. He said gloomily, "in my position, there are my relatives and my lover. You want me to stay here, but I don't want to stay."

"You can't use this excuse. I'll look for one later." Wangweiwei gnashed her teeth and said, "find a more reliable excuse that can convince me. Moreover, within these seven days, you'd better be honest with me, otherwise I'll make you look good."

"Well, I'm honest. I promise I won't do anything cheating." Yehaoxuan vowed.

"Well, send me away now. I'm going to be late." Wangweiwei looked at her mobile phone. It was getting late. Her flight was about to take off.

Although she works just to experience life, it's not good to be late often.

"No problem. I'll see you off right away." Yehaoxuan smiled, and then he put into gear. The car left here all the way.

The airport is too far away from her place of residence. When yehaoxuan sent her home, it was already slightly bright. At this time, Li Yan had already got up early to go to work, and carefully she left yehaoxuan breakfast.

Although the life here is not much different from his own life, yehaoxuan's mind is not here. He must quickly find a way to return to his place, because there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with when he returns.

After a hurried breakfast, yehaoxuan ran out. The first thing he went to was the registered residence office. He had to make sure whether there was yehaoxuan in the world.

When he came to the registered residence office, yehaoxuan casually made up a reason why he lost his memory in a car accident and lost all his certificates. He wanted to find out if there was any information about himself here.

The police in the registered residence were very patient. After asking about yehaoxuan, they entered his name into the computer in the registered residence room. After searching, they found that there were hundreds of yehaoxuan in the country, and 180 of them were of the same age.

After comparing the photos of yehaoxuan, the police actually found the photos of yehaoxuan in the file. The difference is that the age and name are consistent with the actual situation of yehaoxuan. Yehaoxuan can be sure that this yehaoxuan is another self in this position.

But it may also be that his arrival has made the spatial plane disordered. Therefore, the situation of Ye haoxuan is somewhat different from that of Ye haoxuan. He is an orphan, has no family, only an elderly grandmother, and his home is in the suburbs of city A.

And ye haoxuan has been missing for three years. The time is after ye haoxuan graduated

Yehaoxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This yehaoxuan, who is himself, may have changed the situation here because of his arrival, but anyway, yehaoxuan has a new identity here.

Now that he has determined his identity, yehaoxuan naturally uses this identity. In disguise, this is another self. His age and appearance are consistent, but his fate is different.

After going through all the formalities, the police here helped yehaoxuan to fill in his information, but the ID card was temporary, and the official ID card could only come out in half a month. However, despite this, yehaoxuan solved the biggest problem, at least he won't worry about it in the future.

It's just that ye haoxuan doesn't know anything about this position. He learned from the police that he still has an old grandmother. He just disappeared for three years. He doesn't know how the old man is doing now.

After finishing the business here, ye haoxuan plans to visit his grandmother in the suburbs of city A. in his life, there is no identity of grandma. It is a kind of fate to meet her here.

Unfortunately, after leaving the registered residence office, ye haoxuan found a serious problem, that is, the problem of life. He found that he had nothing except the more than 100 Yuan Li Yan gave him last night.

A penny can't beat a hero. Now yehaoxuan really realized the meaning of this sentence. No matter which position you are in, if you don't have money, you will be unable to move.

What's more, this is still a strange world, but fortunately, the life style of this world is almost the same as that of his own world. Ye haoxuan's medical skills are still there. As long as his medical skills are still there, he is not afraid of being starved to death.

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