Published at 7th of March 2024 10:11:06 AM

Chapter 283: Sextillion Crystal Merits

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Chapter 283 Sextillion Crystal Merits

?"Come, sit..." Malgron invited.

"Hmm," taking out a wine he brewed, Maximus sat across the legendary Malgron.

"Good wine!" Malgron praised, smelling the aroma.

Maximus just nodded and looked at Kelvin.

Malgron's existence can't be known.

At least, it can't be known that he had stayed in the Shadow Hunter outpost.

"Guild Leader, I remembered I still have something important to do."

Kelvin, noticing the atmosphere in the room was not right, quickly excused himself.

"You should get on quickly."

Seeing Kelvin leave, Maximus finally turned his attention to Malgron.

"Pleased to meet you, the strongest one, Malgron," Maximus greeted with respect.

Although he was still a little angry seeing Malgron flirt with his wife, he knew it was only his delusion.

As the strongest being in the Etherium realm, what is a mere woman to Malgron?

Maybe the food his wife made really satisfied this monster.

"Hahaha, it seems that the leader of this stronghold is quite unique," Malgron said with interest.

Since Malgron came to the stronghold, he already noticed Maximus was different.

Possessing an Ultimate Physique, of course, he can easily detect one.

Although he was a little shocked at first, it didn't hinder his hunger, so he ate first.

What Malgron didn't expect was that Maximus would come right at him.

"I say, what brought a legendary being here?" Maximus asked.

Based on the data he read through Tintin, the last sighting of Malgron was at least a thousand epochs ago.

That devastating encounter brought destruction to at least thousands of outposts near the area.

If not for knowing that the Shadow Hunter Outpost is still hidden in the eyes of the abyss.

Maximus would probably have blasted this bomb out of his place without a second thought.

"It's just your stronghold is quite a nice vacation spot; my little fans couldn't see me here."

"It seems that even you have concerns about the abyss."

"Ha! If not for the 'baggage,' the Etherium realm, I could finish the abyss myself." Malgron reasoned.

"Anyway, enough of that, open the wine." Malgron shifted the topic, salivating at the smell of wine.

Maximus didn't ask more and poured wine for Malgron.

Erica also arrived, bringing some snacks, "Husband, here's the food."


"Tsk, tsk, your wife is a really good cook," Malgron said with envy.

"Why don't you get one?" Maximus asks in puzzlement.

According to history, it seems that Malgron didn't have any women in interest.

Even just a casual indulgence was not present.

Of course, history may have been made up to glorify Malgron.

"They're too weak for my taste."

"I want some food or wine. I can just buy one."

Malgron still hadn't met his destiny, or he may never met one.

For him, women are just distractions that will hinder his advancement.

Moreover, what is a woman for? Pleasure?

Isn't fighting someone more pleasurable and blood-inducing?

Sometimes, he can't understand the need for this bedside bloodline inheritance.

He would rather die fighting than die out of boredom.

To be honest, the Abyss realm, the challenge of the Abyss Monarchs, was beginning to bore him.

It was too easy, with a lack of variety.

"Should we update this transdimensional system?" Malgron asked.

What he meant was exposing their dimensional coordinates and allowing the whole transdimensional platform to be complete.

Like a mere messenger to the whole internet.

"No, I plan to wait until the Etherium realm reaches tier 10."

"Why is that? Isn't it more beneficial to have a complete transdimensional system?"

"I have my reasons..." Maximus insisted.

He hadn't yet found a solution to hide the fact that the dimensional library was connected to him.

Before proceeding, he was waiting until he thoroughly studied the transdimensional system or his family and power system.

"Since you're so frank, then I can wait." Malgron didn't ask more and decided to trust Maximus.

"Thank you..." Maximus clenched his fist.

Giving a copy of the Myriad World Mall to Malgron was a complete gamble.

He couldn't stop it if something happened.

However, with 99% certainty, according to what he knew about Malgron, he decided to go all out.

As for why go through all this trouble, he wanted to have Malgron as a friend.

It's not for emotion, reverence, or anything; it's simply for interest.

Malgron had all he needed now, whether it was Abyss source or crystal merits; he had it all.

After Malgron calmed down, he quickly browsed the Myriad World Mall.

From tier 0 to tier 10 items, he quickly shelved all the fighting knowledge that piqued his interest.

As the bearer of the Ultimate Combat Physique, he was hungry for some new battle insight.

"By the way, I owe you a favor; tell me what you want," Malgron suddenly thought.

Although he could play dumb and not acknowledge Maximus's favor.

As the strongest being in the Etherium realm, he still had some pride.

"I just wanted some money and, more importantly, some abyss source," Maximus said frankly.

For the type of Malgron, speaking straightforwardly is the best course of action.

"Money is easy, but why do you want an abyss source? You already have the ultimate physique," Malgron said in puzzlement.

Having an ultimate physique meant that his elemental affinity, understanding, perception, and such would also be at the ultimate level.

As for upgrading weapons or whatsoever, with the myriad world mall, Maximus can just buy it.

"I have my reasons." Maximus didn't disclose the reason.

"Oh, whatever."

"Here's the money." Malgron lazily chose one of the small worlds in his possession and threw it at Maximus.

Looking at the small world, Maximus quickly spread his consciousness inside.

The small world was just an empty space, like his storage dimension, which didn't arouse his interest.

However, piles after piles of Crystal merits nearly blinded his eyes.

After a rough count, there should be more or less a sextillion of Maximus's crystal merits in it.

"So much!" Maximus muttered in shock.

"Hahaha, if you live fighting like me, this is only natural," Malgron said proudly.

This is nearly a hundredth his money; how can it be little?

This is the blood and sweat of the abyss realm that he squeezed for epochs.

If the Etherium realm were to absorb his current worth, it could even advance a few percent.

Unfortunately, for the poor Etherium realm, the one who had the money is him, a bearer of the Ultimate Physique.

Isolating the influence of the world's will was a piece of cake.

So from the beginning to the end, the Etherium didn't get anything from him.

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