Published at 7th of March 2024 10:11:02 AM

Chapter 285: Domain Singularity

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Chapter 285 Domain Singularity

?Three Years Later...

Shadow Hunter Outpost, In a Secluded Room:


Maximus slowly opened his eyes and breathed out.

"So powerful..." Maximus murmured.

Three years of seclusion.

Over ten quadrillion system points.

He finally created Chapter 8 of 'Origin'.

"I didn't expect it took me this long."

It took him over a hundred years just to upgrade 'Origin' from Tier 7 to Tier 8.

Maximus could only guess how long it would take to upgrade it to Tier 9.

"Now I can advance!"

According to the Tier 8 chapter of 'Origin,' he was only lacking two things before advancing.

First is his elemental affinity; it needed to be at least Rank 8.

Second is his domain; it needed to be fully condensed.

For elemental affinity, Maximus opened his system panel and took a look.

[Life Points: 12 trillion

Potential Points: 153 billion

Unassigned Points: 1.6 quadrillion

1115 Natural Elements: Rank 8 (2 trillion/1 quadrillion)

3 Supreme Elements: Rank 7 (0/1 quadrillion)]

"Barely enough..."

Maximus thought he still needed to accumulate points.

Fortunately, the system points he had left were enough.

[-1 quadrillion]

[3 Supreme Elements: Rank 8 (0/100 quadrillion)]

Upgrading his supreme element affinity, Maximus suddenly felt a rush of elemental energy.

Chaos, Destruction, and Fate...

Various epiphanies about the supreme element began to emerge in his mind.


A few days later...

Maximus fully digested the surge of epiphanies.

"Now, just the domain."

'Origin' gave him the ultimate domain that can peer and copy the origin of things.

Now it's up to him to conceive an Ultimate Domain on his own.

Usually, one only needed to merge one's physique with the origin domain.

Like Skye, merging her immortality physique so she can become immortal in her domain.

However, for his path, Maximus would not only merge his special physique but all the copied special physiques and domains.

Although it would be harder that way, it would undoubtedly be stronger.

"This should be easy,"

Before, he had already begun to merge his domain.

However, because of various things, he stopped.

"Let's start!" Maximus cheered himself.

Maximus had already informed his family and guild about his seclusion.

According to his estimate, it would take him 10 to 100 years to advance to Tier 8.

As for selling Tier 8 knowledge in the dimensional library in the Myriad World Mall, Maximus didn't bother.

What's important right now is strength.

Furthermore, he still had over 800 quintillions; there was no hurry to make money.

Soon, Maximus began to complete his domain.

With his special physique as a foundation, various copied physiques and domains began to merge.

Malgron, who was originally drinking, woke up electrified as he looked at the center of the stronghold.

"I didn't expect that you'd reach this far..." Malgron muttered in amazement.

Maximus's breakthrough, or what it seemed like, was stronger than anything he had ever felt.

Even his enlightenment, creating and mastering the ultimate combat technique, paled in comparison.

Maybe the advancement of his special physique to Tier 10 was barely comparable to this.

"This is worth a celebration!" Malgron reasoned as he took out a Tier 10 wine that he was initially reluctant to drink.

"Cheers to you, Maximus!"


In the Depths of the Abyss:

The four monarchs of the Abyss trembled, sensing a terrifying pulse.

Looking at each other, an insane thought simultaneously appeared in their minds.

"A bearer of an ultimate physique!"

"Damn, another one!"

The wave of pulse they felt was completely different from that of the 'Vermin.'

Even if they were killed, they wouldn't dare to mix the two.

Meaning, there were at least two bearers of Ultimate physique in their ship.

"What a stroke of luck!"

"Is there no end to this?"

"What's the use of fighting? We can just lie down and wait to die."

"Just one 'Vermin,' and we are already on the verge of death, now there is another one!"

"Did the darkness of abyss abandon us..."

Drekthar, Zalthor, and Valdrekth nearly cried at the impermanence of the world.

However, weirdly, Nyxalos, instead of panicking, smiled widely as if he won the jackpot.

"What's wrong, brother? Did you become crazy?" They asked, noticing Nyxalos's weirdness.

"Idiots!" Nyxalos couldn't help but complain.

"What do you think would happen to us when there are two bearers of Ultimate Physique?"

"Die?" Drekthar murmured.

"Truly an idiot!"

"Could it be that we beg so we can become their subordinates?" Zalthor guessed.

"Another idiot!"

"Brother, stop talking in circles, tell us quickly," Valdrekth asked, not trying to guess.

"Tsk, now let me change my question."

"What would happen if two gold mines were found in your house?"

Suddenly, a click seemed to sound in their minds.

If a gold mine was found under your house, it would not cause much commotion.

However, if there are two!

The government would come knocking with guns and cannons regardless of all the obstacles.

The gold mine did not arouse much interest, but what's hidden under it.

A Tier 9 dimension giving birth to at least two Ultimate physiques!

What kind of dimensional joke is this?

Originally, a Tier 9 dimension can only give birth to one or two dimensional physiques.

Yet now you tell me that there are two ultimate physiques in it?

"Brother! The main abyss!" Drekthar hurriedly muttered, hoping to get credit.

"That's right; it seems that your head is beginning to work."

"Initially, even after knowing that there is a bearer of ultimate physique here, the main abyss dimension is reluctant to give support."

"Knowing that a sighting of the transdimensional system was found here, the Main Abyss domain was prepared to abandon us." Nyxalos sighed in sadness.

in the past after knowing this, Nyxalos was in despair.

Although he didn't show it to his stupid brothers, Nyxalos was in tatters, carefully treading, hoping to come out alive.

He didn't even dare to agitate the beings of the Etherium realm for fear of scaring them to call for reinforcement.

Step by step, Nyxalos held his breath, waiting for a chance.

Now, it seems that the darkness of abyss was still on his side.

"Hehe, just wait for us..."

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