Published at 24th of July 2023 05:50:59 AM

Chapter 16

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“So, what happened here?”

* * *

Earn the loyalty of that arrogant nobleman in this short period of time during the quest?

‘That's ridiculous. It's impossible.’

Then, by taking advantage of the identity of the worldview, which is a female-oriented game, gently melt Lumen into the beauty world?

‘Are you crazy? Physiologically impossible.’

Neither this nor that, but it was practically impossible to get Lumen Dominic to join through a normal procedure. So Cadel chose to ‘induce him to join based on the actual profit’.

Loyalty? All you have to do is tie it up and build it up.

As long as Lumen stayed by his side, there were many opportunities to show the commander's side, even in an artificial way.

Now, Cadel didn't need a loyal subordinate, he needed power to safely complete the quest. The power that moved according to one's own intentions.



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