Published at 24th of July 2023 05:50:29 AM

Chapter 29

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“Go away.”

A height and width were likely to be five times that of an adult male. A disgustingly monstrous combination of features and a sloppy body covered in mucus and saliva. Even the bark-colored minerals wrapped around it all like hard armor.

The identity of the monster that filled his vision was definitely ‘Amor Ogre’.

‘What? Why did the monster suddenly……. Ah, it's getting dark. Was the time skipped?’

It seemed that the extreme dizziness was a side effect of turning the time fast. As soon as he realized that fact, he heard rough breathing from the side. Cadel, who identified the owner of the breathing sound with his eyes moving, screamed inwardly.

“Damn it……. One after another, and now, even the armor ogre? Did someone put honey on your blood?”

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