Published at 14th of February 2022 09:45:16 AM

Chapter 1695

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Equation and others only took a carriage and set out. All their personal belongings were simplified. The beast escort agency would prepare food. They only took some personal belongings! The coachman's eldest brother was left in the Inn by the equation, and the carriage was driven by three boys in turn. They won't be tired with their ability!

The carriage drove towards the gate of beast city. From a distance, we saw the escort flag of beast escort agency flying in the wind. A large group of cars and horses stopped outside the gate orderly and were waiting for them!

Successfully passed the gate and successfully merged with Wan Changxing!

"It's not easy for us to start!"

The equation was filled with emotion, and WAN Changxing looked at him very excitedly!

"I've heard lin'er say that childe Fang is the legendary figure. I'm really clumsy!"

Wan Changxing must have heard Wan Lin say the true identity of the equation. At this moment, he was very surprised, but also very excited! If such a fairy comes to help him save his wife and daughter, the success index must be "rubbed" to rise!

"What a legend, just thanks for your trust! But they are all replaced temporarily, and they will return to their original owners later! "

Equation politely waved his hand. He didn't like others to put him in a too high position. That's why he didn't want to publicize his identity everywhere! Otherwise, as long as he shows his identity, they will have less trouble all the way, but he just doesn't want to do that!

"We've all heard of your legendary deeds. Where you sit... That's what you deserve!"

Wan Changxing, as the chief escort leader of the beast escort agency, is naturally a personal expert. Seeing that he doesn't like others to discuss his identity, he quickly changed the topic!

"Oh, yes! I just heard lin'er say that the trainer wanted to talk to you, but you refused. Instead, I came first to help me save my wife and daughter. I really appreciate it... "

Wan Changxing's words really come from the bottom of his heart.

"I said, dart leader Wan! Instead of having time to thank you here, it's better to start quickly and celebrate the reunion together after saving your wife and daughter! "

Li Zhaowen poked his head out of the window of the carriage and said to Wan Changxing with a smile!

"Yes! Yes, Mr. Li is right. When his wife and daughter are rescued, we'll celebrate the reunion again! "

After leaving the city, the carriage went all the way to the West! Indeed, only beast city is the most prosperous in the trapped beast Xinjiang. After walking for about half an hour, there was still a lot of noise in the suburbs of beast City, and there were villagers on the road to plant fields everywhere! But gradually, the surrounding environment began to become desolate!

Large and small villages and fields have completely disappeared, replaced by patches of woodlands and mountains. Although they look lush, there is no human habitation. It is completely quiet around. Only the hoofs of the escort team echo in the mountains and forests!

From the name of the trapped animal territory, we know that there are many animals here. Of course, this has been confirmed after they came to the trapped animal territory! Now they are walking on the road, and all kinds of animals, large and small, in the surrounding mountains and forests look at them as if they are watching something new!

"There are so many wild animals here!"

Yuan Yue lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked out. They could all feel the smell of those wild animals!

The beasts just looked at them from a distance and didn't mean to attack them, because it was still close to the beast city. In fact, many of the beasts here were taken in by the large and small animal trainers in the beast city. Therefore, although they were released in the mountains and forests, most of them had their masters without their orders, They don't attack others easily!

"The total number of animals in the trapped animal territory is about 40 times that of all animals in other territories. It can be said that there are more animals than people in the trapped animal territory. Therefore, if we want to live in this trapped animal territory, we must learn how to control those animals so that they will not attack people and can be used by us! So... The animal trainers in the trapped animal territory are so loved by the people, but... It also makes them more and more arrogant and arrogant! "

Wan Changxing followed their carriage on his high horse, chatted with the people in the carriage through the curtain of the carriage, and said something about the customs and customs of the trapped animal territory.

Wan Lin followed his father and said with a smile!

"Although I'm a little ignorant, I got some skills to communicate with animals without a teacher, so I also raised some at home!"

Wan Lin said happily!

"Oh? Then why don't you learn to be an animal trainer! "

Xiao Qi just sat next to the back window and could see Wan Lin following the leader of escort Wan, so she asked curiously!


Wan Lin was a little stunned when he heard Xiao Qi's question. He didn't seem to know how to answer Xiao Qi's question!

Xiao Qi couldn't help laughing at his appearance!

"Don't you even think about it? Since you can communicate with animals without a teacher, why not make some efforts to learn and become a useful animal trainer. Your father and even your beast escort agency will be happy with you! "

After listening to Xiao Qi's words, Wan Lin was a little stunned. He seemed to have found a new world and shouted at his father in front of him with great excitement!

"Father, father, can I be a trainer? I think... I think what little Qi said is very reasonable! Can I study? "

Wan Changxing obviously also heard the dialogue between his son and Xiao Qi. Although he had expectations, he still had some doubts at the moment he turned to his son!

"Can you? You are twenty years old. Is it time to learn now? "

Wan Changxing has doubts about his son, who is like a second generation ancestor. Although Wan Lin has performed very well these two days, he is a lot different from the previous appearance of not working on his limbs and not sharing grain, but he is still a little worse than the sensible child in other people's family!

"It's never too late to learn! But if you don't study... You'll never know anything! "

The equation said faintly!

Hearing this, Wan Changxing immediately nodded, then turned to his son and nodded at him with excitement.

"After saving your mother and sister once, I'll find a teacher to teach you lessons. Lord Fang is right. He wants to learn... It's never too late! ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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