Published at 14th of February 2022 09:44:51 AM

Chapter 1724

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In the middle of the night, everything is quiet. Occasionally, there are a few bird songs and the roar of some wild animals in the mountains. It sounds very far away!

The campfire crackled on the campsite.

Silently, a thick fog began to spread towards this side and gradually shrouded the whole camp!

The equation in the tent here had already opened his eyes. Although he didn't feel the obvious spiritual power, his keen sensing ability still made him feel the coming of danger. At least... There were no birds and wild animals in the mountains!

In the tent on the other side, Li Zhaowen also slowly opened his eyes. First, he felt that the surrounding area was very quiet. The silence was abnormal. He thought... Something should be approaching them! So he raised his hand and pushed Qian Yuyang beside him. Although he was sleeping, Qian Yuyang, who had been alert in his subconscious mind, immediately opened his eyes and looked at Li Zhaowen beside him. Without talking, Qian Yuyang understood the meaning in his eyes and silently prepared for the battle!

At the moment, Xiao Qi, who was resting on the carriage alone with Xiaoxue, suddenly felt that something furry was rubbing her face. She suddenly woke up and found that Xiaoxue was rubbing her face with its small tail. She immediately realized what problem should have happened!

"What's the matter? Is something coming? "

Xiao Qi looks at Xiaoxue, who is very upset in front of her, and holds it in her arms! Then she found that Xiaoxue was shaking very seriously. At the moment, she was in a state of great tension and fear!

"What's the matter? Why are you shaking so much? What scares you so much? "

Xiaoqi hugs Xiaoxue tightly and tries to comfort her while asking what happened to her.

"I think... I think it's the mountain spirit!"

Light snow trembled and opened his mouth, and even his voice took a nervous vibrato!

"Mountain essence?"

Xiao Qi was stunned at first. Then she stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the carriage and looked out. She only saw that a thick fog had covered the whole camp. The thick fog made people unable to see the situation outside at all. Things about two or three meters away were completely invisible!

Relying on her own spiritual power, Xiao Qi can see the whole camp clearly! At this time, there was no special change in the camp, but the little ghost faced spiders on the carriage beside them seemed very upset. They huddled together and looked out very vigilantly, as if they were ready to fight at any time!

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Xiao Qi hurried out of the carriage. At this time, she saw equation, Li Zhaowen and Qian Yuyang come out of the two tents!

"What's going on!"

Qian Yuyang looked at the thick fog around him and asked suspiciously!

"Xiaoxue said it was mountain essence!"

Xiao Qi quickly tells them what Xiao Xue said.

"Mountain essence?"

After listening to Xiao Qi's words, the equation was stunned. Then it looked like the direction of thick fog.

Mountain spirit is not a high-class monster, but it is very troublesome, because it has no fixed form. Thick fog, miasma or smoke are its common form! Some mountain spirits for a long time will also have a fixed form, but because of their special physique, they can be said to be demons that can be decomposed into countless parts! In the form of smoke, even if some of them are eliminated, as long as there is enough residue in the smoke, it is still the mountain essence, and it can also arbitrarily use the spiritual power of the mountain!

Mountain spirits usually send part of themselves out to find prey or fight against targets! And another part of it will stay in its own nest, so that even if the part that goes to war is lost, it has another part left, which can quickly restore its combat effectiveness and become a new mountain spirit!

If you want to completely eliminate the mountain essence for a long time, you need to remove it all in one pot without leaving it a little chance to recover!

But this is usually very difficult, because the smoke is invisible. It's really not easy to keep it all... We need to find a perfect way!

"Mountain spirit? A little trouble... "

Li Zhaowen looked around at the smoke that was almost engulfing people. He knew that the mountain spirit in front of him... He had to be 3000 years old without 4000 years! Li Zhaowen, they can't help wondering, what are these mountain spirits and those monsters for thousands of years doing in the Pantheon?

"Xiao Qi, go and tell everyone not to come out. Just stay in the tent. I'll set a border for them. As long as they don't come out, there should be no problem!"

The equation pointed to the two tents on one side and said to Xiao Qi!


Xiao Qi nodded, then ran to the tent and recited the equation. Then... She put Xiaoxue in Wan Lin's hand.

"Help me take care of Xiaoxue for a while!"

With that, she turned and left the tent!

Seeing that Xiao Qi had informed everyone, he raised his hand and set up a boundary above the two tents with spiritual power. In an instant, those thick fog disappeared in the boundary. There was a strong contrast between the inside of the boundary and the outside of the boundary. It was a clear and bright inside, but outside... It was a fog without five fingers!

Then, the equation set a boundary on the carriage containing the ghost faced spider cubs. He had previously agreed with the ghost faced spider's mother that he would take his children back safely, so..... He would do what he said and take the ghost faced spider cubs back completely!

After finishing this, I was relieved, and then raised my finger to the highest mountain in the whole mountain range not far in front.

"It should be hiding there. Go and have a look!"

With that, the four men flew away in the direction indicated by the equation!

In the mountains and forests, the fog is getting stronger and stronger. The dense fog with a fishy smell wraps everything in the mountains and forests tightly! Many sensitive monsters have found a safe place they have already prepared to hide, but there are still some little monsters who can't hide themselves in time, so... They are entangled by the thick fog and can't get away anymore!

Along the way, they saw the bodies of many goblins! Their bodies maintain their original appearance and even their original actions. Some are running, some want to hide in tree holes, caves and so on. They all seem to be wrapped by a layer of cobwebs, like frozen, and then stand in place and can't move at all until they feel that the spiritual power in their body is absorbed by the mountain essence and die in pain!, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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