Ultimate Gene Valkyrie - Chapter 1196

Published at 9th of May 2022 06:49:46 AM

Chapter 1196

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Li Qianqian said excitedly, "what should we do in the third world? There are a lot of alien and gene animals in the third world. You still have the galaxy to hide. This is our hometown. This world is our only place."

Here's her father, here's her home.

Hearing that the third world was going to be destroyed, Li Qian almost collapsed.

Zhang lie comforted: "Qianqian, don't be excited. I don't intend to leave. The third world is very important to you and us. We promise that we will not give up the third world easily before we despair."

Sun Mengmeng said: "but the space has collapsed to this point. It takes time for gene fighters to leave. Brother lie, I think it's better to make a decision early."

Zhang shook his head and said: "the situation is not desperate. There is still a way for the whole third sector."

"What can I do?"

Li Qianqian and others rekindled hope.

Yang Ze frowned and said, "brother lie and I have no way. I don't think anyone in the third world can repair the collapse to such a high dimensional space."

Zhang lie said with a smile: "the premise is people, as long as not people have this ability."

Yang Ze was stunned: "you mean "Xumi boundary?"

Zhang lie nodded and said, "we don't have your ability to mend, but xumijie can mend."

Yang Ze thought quietly and thought that Zhang lie's method was feasible.

"Now xumijie is not without the ability to repair, it is unable to repair all the space before the collapse of deep space."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "that's because the state of Xumi jiehuang is not complete. As long as he is in a complete state, he can repair the whole space before the collapse of the deep space."

Yang Ze's eyes are bright: "unify Xumi boundary!"

"As long as the three thousand worlds are integrated, there will be demands in the third world."

Li Qian frowned and said, "how do you plan to integrate?"

Zhang tried to avoid sensitive words and said, "I want to re integrate the three thousand worlds."

Li Qian some do not understand: "rule the whole three thousand world, can be saved?"

Zhang lie explained: "in fact, the three thousand world you see now is not the original form. According to the emperor of chaos, the three thousand world itself is a complete world, which is the same as the second world, but later some accidents happened, and the Xumi world collapsed and became the three thousand world."

Originally, Zhang lie wanted to integrate the whole three thousand world, but now he saw the collapse of the high-order meta space.

Zhang lie must unite the three thousand worlds before the collapse of the high-order meta space.

Li Qian frowned and said, "but father, will they simply give up their power?"

Zhang Li said with a smile: "you must not underestimate your father. Their three new super world emperors are smart people. They know what is the right choice."

Li Qianqian also hoped that his father would not stand in a hostile position with Zhang lie.

Yang Ze once again used his space ability to send people back to the super world of the dragon people.

Now the high-order meta space is collapsing every minute. It's urgent for everyone to find Xianlong directly.

Xianlong didn't hide his own breath. With the strength of the people, it was easy to find Xianlong at work.

Xianlong strange asked: "you suddenly so many people come, I am a little afraid, what happened."

As far as Xian long knows, there is no enemy in the third world who can fight against Zhang lie and others. According to reason, there is no need for the whole extreme team to mobilize people to find themselves.

"I want to unite three thousand worlds."

Zhang lie said.

Xian long is Leng Leng first, sigh: "you finally come to this step?"

Before Zhang lie could tell the reason, Xian long would answer first.

"Your Majesty Xian long has already guessed?"

Xianlong stands up, walks to the window and looks out at the super world of the dragon people.

"I have long guessed that you will come to this stage. The desire for life is endless. When you master the power to break through the third world, you will come up with it sooner or later. I just didn't expect it to be so fast."

"I'm going to discuss with the three new super world emperors," Zhang said

"I have no problem, but I have to keep a piece of land enough for the dragon people to survive, at least not worse than the current environment," he said

Zhang lie said seriously: "of course, this is no problem. I promise it will be better than it is now."

"It's done."

Zhang lie looks at Li Qian with a smile on his face.

"I said, all three of them are smart people."

Sun Xiaowu said unexpectedly: "Your Majesty Xianlong, I'm really open-minded. I'm really convinced of this mentality. I didn't expect you to be so broad-minded and directly let the super world out."

Xianlong said: "of course, I have a broad mind. In the final analysis, my position as emperor of the super world does not belong to me. Originally, the dragon people only have a medium-sized world. Later, when you come here, there will be the big world of the dragon people and the super world of the dragon people. I know that I didn't fight this world myself. I got it from you. After all Give it back. "Xianlong knows that it's no use struggling.

Even the super world is fought by Zhang lie. The gap between him and Zhang lie is too big.

As long as Zhang lie has the heart, it is not difficult to crush ten of them.

If we are not strong enough, we will not have the right to choose.

Zhang lie thumbed up and said: "the mentality is really high."

The virtuous dragon white one eye, for familiar public also have no avoid.

"Think I want to have such a mentality, can beat you, will return the world?"

The crowd chuckled.

Xianlong has no good way: "go away, go away, I'm not happy to see you."

"There is one thing that I think you should know. After all, once something happens, you will be finished. You always have to be psychologically prepared," Zhang said

Although it's OK not to tell Xianlong, as an ally, you should give enough trust and tell all the information you know. That's the basic thing.

It's definitely not that Zhang lie can't help but make Xianlong's mentality so good.

Seeing Zhang lie's familiar expression, Xian long suddenly has an ominous premonition.

"I said, what's your expression? Nothing bad will happen."

Zhang lie raised his thumb and said, "Your Majesty Xianlong is really a god of anticipation."

Xian long frowned and said, "no, now there is someone in the third world who can stop you."

Zhang lie put out his hand and said: "combat effectiveness, in fact, is just destructive, does not mean that any problem can be solved."

Sun Mengmeng said with a heavy look: "Your Majesty Xianlong is very sorry. The third world is going to be destroyed."

"What are you talking about?" he said

Zhang lie said seriously: "the third sector is facing the biggest crisis in history. In fact, my action at the moment is to prevent this crisis."

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