Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0030

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:56:19 AM

Chapter 0030

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"Don't force me, wait and see!"

Qin Chongming's face is full of bitterness. For him at present, no matter how to choose, it will be very painful.

One side is the family, the other is the son, how to choose? How?

"Wait, my Lord, what the Qin family lacks most now is time. Please make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Yes, master, you and so on are likely to destroy the whole Qin family!"

Qin Chongming's answer is naturally not the answer that other elders want. Put pressure on him again immediately.

All the people present looked at him, and Qin Chongming saw a kind of determination in their eyes.

If he can't handle it properly, maybe he will be the head of the family.

It doesn't matter whether he is the owner or not. The key is Qin Xiao's safety. He will not be relieved because of his abdication.

Even, as long as he retreats at this time, Qin Xiao can be said to be ten dead without life.

"All right, I have a decision!"

"QIANZI qinxiao, the void world broke into a great disaster, deprived him of all his duties in the Qin family, and expelled him from the Qin family today. His life and death have nothing to do with the Qin family!"

Even Qin Chongming, who had been in the top position for a long time, was flushed with this order.

After all, driving Qin Xiao out of the house at this time is tantamount to pushing him into the fire pit.

a close call!

But who can understand his helplessness? There is still a glimmer of vitality in a narrow life. If you continue to stay in the family, you will die.

At present, he can only expect Qin Xiao to be smart enough to save his life in this storm with his own ability.

"Master, if you do, I'm afraid..."

"Stop talking. I'm the owner of the house. I have my own consideration when I make such a decision!"

However, even if Qin Chongming made such a decision, the elders in the family were still not very satisfied.

Qin Chongming is the owner of his family. His power is still there. The elder's retort was immediately interrupted by him.

"When Qin Xiao is expelled, the two families of Yun and Chu should calm down and compensate for some resources. They are naturally happy to be wall watchers."

"The three consortia are just some things that pretend to be powerful. They have tasted some sweets during this time. It's time to know enough."

"Driving Qin Xiao out of the door is the best explanation to them. There are heads of grievances and owners of debts. They can take revenge and complain. What else does it have to do with my Qin family?"

"Keep an eye on the Wang family. The Qin family has suffered heavy losses this time. Thanks to the bitch of the Wang family, this account will be collected one day!"

Qin Chongming's domineering declaration resounded throughout the top-level conference room, giving full play to the dignity of the owner.

For a moment, no one dared to refute him again.

"Well, since there's no problem, let's go down and implement it!"

"Remember, after blasting the upright out of the Qin family, he claimed that he had fled for fear of crime and had been expelled from the door wall!"

"Break up!"

With the sound falling, Qin Chongming was the first to walk out of the conference room.

Liaocheng, Renji Hospital.

Qin Xiao, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly flashed a short message on his right wrist.


Qin Xiao's thoughts moved, the text message opened, and a familiar voice came into his ears.

The next moment, Qin Xiao received several messages that his federal card was frozen and he was expelled from the Qin family.

In just a few seconds, all Qin Xiao's accounts with records in his family were frozen!

At this time, Qin Xiao finally began to face up to it.

Expel the Qin family?

How could this be possible? He is the only only son of Qin Chongming. He must have made a mistake!

How could the old man expel him from the family? If he is expelled from the family, who will inherit the Qin family in the future?

Thinking of his father as the owner of the family, Qin Xiao suddenly realized that the previous message of "run fast" sounded a little like his old man.

Qin Xiao immediately turned back to the message and began to listen to it again and again.

Once, only once, Qin Xiao, who got serious, immediately recognized the owner of the voice.

Father, Qin Chongming, it's really him!

He really sent himself such a message in this anonymous way!!

Breaking open the shutters, Qin Xiao saw several cars of the three consortia from his account with excellent daylighting.

If he doesn't understand anything, he has lived in vain for so many years.

Previously, although he heard some rumors, he always believed that his father could resist pressure and protect himself.

But he didn't expect that he was directly expelled from his house in only five days.

Although he knew that his father must have been under pressure to do so, he would still be a little angry.

Of course, this resentment is not against his father, but against the elders of the family. His fame in the void world in the past two years has brought many benefits to the family.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened to him, and the elders of the family gave themselves up directly.

However, no matter how angry he is with his family, he can only drag the residual arm that has just finished the operation and start to run away like a lost dog.

Qin Xiao is basically not stupid enough to die.

Naturally, he knew what would happen if he fell into the hands of the three consortia after losing the protection of the Qin family.

With his escape, the purple poison forest incident finally came to an end.

Among the six black iron families, they are basically tossed.

Even the two families of Yun and Chu were exhausted because they sent troops for many times.

However, the two families have not been busy in vain. Whether in this world or in the void world, they can all be regarded as fruitful. It is worthwhile for Zhang lie to set them as chess pieces with strength.

In addition, the three consortia of Zhou, Li and Zhao, in addition to the Zhou family, actually made a lot of money.

Only the Qin family basically disappeared in the black iron base after this matter.

The so-called six members of the black iron base are afraid to be renamed five members from now on.

Of course, in this series of events, only Zhang lie is the real winner.

In one design, Wang and Qin were directly half disabled. Qin Xiaotian died, Wang Jianxin was exiled, and Wang Xiaohua and Qin Xiao fled like a lost dog.

The best thing is that he also let all parties form all kinds of hate chains in all kinds of friction.

In this way, he also forcibly picked himself out of the dangerous situation for the time being, which can be described as a number of birds with one arrow.

Black Gold Hotel, Zhang lie's room.


With a soft sound, Zhang lie patted his right palm, the ripples seemed to spread very slowly, but in fact they spread very quickly, and a large steel shield in the Pseudo Environment cracked in an instant.

Based on Zhang lie's previous genetic martial arts skills, the peak martial arts wave boxing has been a small achievement after five days of continuous study.

It has to be said that this set of martial arts is really in line with Zhang lie's, and it is quite handy to use, which makes Zhang lie happy.

Stop the wave fist drill, Zhang lie starts the drill of towering sword with purple poison Youming sword.

The moves of towering sword tend to Epee, which is relatively simple. The key is that the potential revealed from the genetic level is very difficult to master.

One hundred people can cultivate one hundred kinds of towering sword potentials by cultivating towering sword. Everyone's potentials are different.

Even if the sword movements are roughly the same, there will be differences in the subtle level.

But it is the self cohesive sword potential that is the biggest difficulty of this skill.

Fortunately, Zhang lie is not a simple character. In these five days, except for the time of practicing wave boxing, he is almost completely immersed in this towering sword.

The deep foundation of previous life and this life, coupled with the excellent control ability of their own genetic source and even all aspects.

Finally, I started with my own abnormal gene core and the wonderful skill of fish and dragons.

At this moment, in the mimicry environment, a huge fish behind Zhang lie is swimming flexibly and freely.

In its swimming, the towering sword potential flickers and flickers, which is less rigid than the robot drill at the auction, and more mysterious than the real ocean.


After a long time of preparation, Zhang lie gently cut off the short sword in his hand. With its fall, the big fish in the mimicry environment jumped up with his head up.

The towering waves came out with the short sword, and a hill was directly razed to the ground.


After a sword, Zhang lie exhaled a foul breath and withdrew from the pseudo environment, with a trace of fatigue on his face.

The power of the towering sword didn't disappoint him, but it consumed a lot of body and even source power.

Generally speaking, it is worthy of the name of a unique skill, but it can't be used as a conventional martial skill for the time being. It can only be used as a mace in the last desperate time.

So far, Zhang lie's martial arts cultivation has come to an end for the time being.

It has to be said that both wave fist and towering sword have the characteristics of group killing, which can be regarded as a supplement to Zhang lie's previous shortcomings.

In addition, the refinement during this period and the increase of gene points have made Zhang lie's Yulong nine changes enter the later stage from the middle stage of one change.

The source force in the body has greatly increased, and the small red fish in the gene nucleus is even more delicate, just like a real creature.

Zhang lie's data in all aspects of the void world have also changed considerably.

Zhang lie: fan life.

Skill: basic skill · research level, Yulong nine changes · one change later stage, wave fist · primary, towering sword · primary.

Number of genes: basic gene 140, variant gene 100, super gene 19

Soul sea soul jade: Super silver liquid jade, worm King soul jade, variant wind wolf soul jade, bloodthirsty ant soul jade, big belly magic frog soul jade, variant big belly magic frog soul jade, super purple poison ghost scorpion soul jade.

According to two extremely powerful super soul jade, cultivate several kinds of genetic martial arts, the lowest of which is advanced genetic martial arts.

At present, Zhang lie's data is not luxurious.

On the list of genetic combat power, only supported by these data, he has ranked 53rd without any record.

This is still the result of his major in skill skills at that level. If calculated according to the general advanced skill skills, the ranking may have to move up.

Zhang lie doesn't care about these rankings. He has long chosen to hide the ranking of combat power list before he plans to expose his strength.

Otherwise, the news from the bottom to the counter attack combat power list may have detonated the whole black iron base.

After cleaning up everything and staying in the house for five days, Zhang lie finally plans to go out.

Next, his eyes should also focus on super gene life and several holy drugs urgently needed to refine No. 2 Extreme medicine.

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