Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0529

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:45:02 AM

Chapter 0529

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Coming out of the endless desert, Zhang lie came to a rainforest.

Zhang lie sighed: "why did it become like this, why did it become like this..."

After a month and a half in the desert, Zhang lie finally chose to leave. It is certain that there is a natural disaster gene beast, but the problem is that Zhang lie can't find it. It's completely useless.

Zhang lie can vaguely feel the smell of the natural disaster gene beast and keeps spinning in the desert, but Zhang lie can't find it. Obviously, the natural disaster gene beast is avoiding himself.

Zhang lie is also very helpless. He doesn't know what kind of intelligence the natural disaster gene beast has opened. Even such a tiny creature after Zhang lie deliberately hides, he also chooses to avoid it.

"I don't know whether the data of Xingluo emperor is wrong or not."

The natural disaster gene beast in the desert is named Saji beast by Xingluo emperor. Xingluo emperor's naming taste is definitely not to be renamed party secretary.

Shaji beast has the ability to sneak into the sand, which is still very deep. The second ability is to seek good fortune and avoid evil. It is estimated that it is this ability to avoid Zhang lie's hostile hunting.

Zhang lie now walks into the rainforest. This time, according to the data of Xingluo emperor, the creature on the ultimate gene like a golden giant ape is still unknown whether it is a natural disaster gene beast.

Walking in the rain forest, there are thick and tall trees in front of you. Each tree needs 50 people to hug. According to the data of Xingluo emperor, a group of giant ape genetic life lives in the rain forest.

Ordinary black haired giant apes are five meters tall, including silver giant apes and gold giant apes.

There are giant ape corpses at Zhang lie's feet and around him. Corpses lie on the rainforest ground everywhere. Blood flows on the ground with the rain. Zhang lie walks in the corpse pile.

It's no wonder that Zhang lie, shortly after entering the rainforest, took the initiative to provoke the black haired giant ape, but he didn't expect to provoke a demon.

In desperation, Zhang lie can only kill them directly.

After killing several giant apes, it seems to have angered the giant apes. A group of giant apes with black and silver hair rushed up. Zhang lie was merciless naturally. As a result, he killed them. There are dead bodies everywhere in the rainforest.

Boom, boom!

Then came the great earthquake. Zhang lie felt that the shock was getting louder and louder, and his voice was getting closer and closer. He couldn't help getting excited. Did he win the prize?

In front of him, the huge trees in the woods were pulled away, and the golden haired giant ape was almost 100 meters tall. In Zhang lie's eyes, the unattainable trees were just long grass in the hands of the golden giant ape.

The golden giant ape Zhang opened his mouth and roared. The sound waves came like a torrent. The sound waves alone made Zhang lie feel the pressure.

The giant ape has red eyes, grinning ferocious sharp teeth, gnashing teeth and erect golden hair. It is obvious that he is very angry at Zhang lie's massacre of his fellow countrymen.

Zhang lie took out his ears and asked, "that's it?"

Zhang lie was very disappointed. He walked from the desert to the rainforest, where he fed mosquitoes and killed giant apes. As a result, the so-called Golden giant ape is just a creature based on the ultimate gene.

Indeed, compared with other creatures above the ultimate gene, the golden giant ape is closer to the natural disaster level. It can even be said that it is only a line from the natural disaster level, which is almost the same as the original big bird.

But the ultimate gene is ultimately the ultimate gene. It is a stage different from the natural disaster level, or it may be a line. Only a line is separated like a gap, which is completely another species.

Disappointed, Zhang lie turned around and waved his hand to leave. It was obvious that the golden giant ape didn't want to let go of the fellow slaughterers. A fist fell, the earth shook and the ground burst open. The golden giant ape was just a fist and hit a big pit on the ground.

"Really, I'm going to leave. Why did I attack suddenly?" Zhang lie's voice sounded overhead. I don't know when Zhang lie had fallen on a tree crown.

The golden giant ape roared again, and the sound and air waves swept through the rain forest. The rainstorm stopped instantly, and the raindrops were driven away by the sound waves. Zhang lie was helpless for a while: "what's your attitude? It seems that it's my fault. If it wasn't for your kindred's active attack, I would kill. In the final analysis, it's rooted in you."

The muscles of the golden giant ape bulge. Driven by anger, the potential in the body erupts, the fist falls, the earth explodes, and the terrible shock wave is like a tsunami spreading in all directions. The huge air wave smashes the rocks, lifts the ground, breaks the waist of trees, and then uproots them.

Dust mixed with shock waves swept all the way. The golden giant ape has such power only with a fist. It is worthy of being a line different from the natural disaster level.

The golden ape raised his fist and found nothing under it.

"It's so unreasonable." Suddenly, the voice sounded in my ear, and the golden ape turned to look at it.

Zhang lie, who was haunted, didn't know when he had stood on his shoulder. He was very helpless and said, "come on, what's the truth between me and an animal? It seems that he has been trapped in the desert for too long, and he has become consumptive!"

There is nothing in the desert. If a person walks for a month, even if Zhang lie has a firm will, he will still be affected.

The golden giant ape's pupils contracted and his eyes showed fear. He couldn't even see Zhang lie's actions and didn't know how he left. Even if he was dazzled by anger, the golden giant ape understood the seriousness of the matter.

Zhang lie must not be provoked.

The beast's crisis instinct made it want to escape immediately, but it's too late to escape now.

"Fall down."

Zhang lie waved it.

Wave fist · shake the ground!

The fist fell on the head of the golden giant ape, and an invisible shock appeared, and the golden giant ape fell down like a mountain.

Zhang lie gently fell to the ground: "it's not easy for you to grow to this head. I won't kill you. Let's take care of ourselves."

He's tired of killing the ultimate gene beast during this period of time. He doesn't know how many to kill. Now he's too lazy to do it when he sees the ultimate gene beast.

With a natural and unrestrained turn, Zhang lie disappeared into the rain forest in the twinkling of an eye.

In the Shura clan.

Even the Xingluo emperor was destroyed by the Imperial City, and the Shura emperors below were silent.

The Japanese emperor said, "now you should all know the danger of the imperial city!"

"It is said that they master a kind of poison, which is aimed at the characteristics of our Shura people and will cause great damage to our Shura people!"

"So, for whatever reason, we can't let the imperial city continue to exist!"

As the saying goes, there are many people and great power. Although the imperial city is powerful, there are five superior Shura imperial countries here.

Even before Xingluo emperor died, I'm afraid he didn't dare to provoke five superior Shura emperors at the same time.

"Yes, if you master the poison that specifically poisons our Shura emperor, the human imperial city must be destroyed."

"This man's imperial city is too vicious to survive in the world!"

"No matter what price we pay, we will destroy the imperial city."

The Shura emperor has realized that the existence of the human imperial city will not only threaten his hegemony, but also threaten the survival of the Shura people.

If poisons are produced in unlimited quantities and foreigners buy in large quantities, how can they survive in the Shura world in the future.

Holding the source of the poison is the real reason why the superior Shura emperors held the clan meeting.

"For the future of the Shura, we must destroy the human imperial city. This is not a race war, but a war of survival. If there is a royal city in the Shura boundary, there will be no Shura, and if there is a Shura, there will never be a royal city."

Even if you know that renhuangcheng has the power to destroy the Royal kingdom of Xingluo, this war must be opened.

The threat of the human imperial city is too great. Gathering most of the alien races within the Shura world has threatened the Shura itself, let alone the existence of the poison of the Shura killer.

"Kill these people and animals!"

A Shura emperor stood up and shouted.

"Destroy the Imperial City, kill people and animals, and bring the alien race to a pot!"

Other Shura emperors shouted one after another.

The Shura emperors and the five superior Shura emperors are full of confidence because they don't know the existence of the ten thousand star compass.

Xingluo emperor is a superior Shura emperor after all, and there are five superior Shura emperors here.


The Japanese emperor raised his hand.

Shura emperor's mood slowly calmed down.

The moon eating emperor said: "from now on, we can no longer call the human race human and livestock. We must face up to our opponent. The other party has the qualification to face up to the fact that he has destroyed the Xingluo Kingdom and gathered other races in the Shura world."

The whole body revealed a mysterious smell, and the broken empty emperor said, "if you don't face your opponent, it's easy to roll over“

The cracked emperor, whose face was full of scars, said, "since our opinions are consistent, now we need to talk about how to fight?"

The high temperature of the split Japanese emperor is hidden, and the surrounding air is distorted. Even if the split Japanese emperor has suppressed his own strength, the Shura emperor below still feels the unbearable heat.

The moon eating emperor said, "I have to guard against each other's poison."

A Shura emperor said: "the Shura people who came back from a battlefield know that this poison is very terrible. If they touch it, it will dissolve immediately and lose their combat ability."

Another Shura emperor looked pale and said, "first, the Allied forces of the seven emperors were defeated, and then the state of Xingluo emperor was destroyed. Even the seven Shura emperors and Xingluo emperor are not opponents. It is certain that the poison has an effect on the Shura emperor at the same time."

After hearing this sentence, the Shura emperors' faces changed greatly.

No one escaped back to the Shura emperor level from the war. From the information, the poison is likely to have the same effect on the Shura emperor. Otherwise, how could the powerful Xingluo emperor be killed by the Terran.

The crack Japanese emperor said: "I fled back to the Shura people through the battlefield. I know a lot of useful information and have figured out the countermeasures."

The Shura emperors expressed surprise one after another. They are worthy of being the superior Shura emperor. They thought of countermeasures so soon.

"Although the poison is ferocious, as long as it is stained with Shura, it will die, but it is not without countermeasures."

The space around the broken air emperor splits and continues to grow and die. This is not intentional. As long as it exists, it will have an impact on the space, even sitting quietly.

It is said that although he ranks third in national strength, the strength of the broken sky emperor is close to the Xingluo emperor. The reason why he ranks third in the upper Shura emperor is that the broken sky emperor is too lazy to move. It is rumored that he can become the second Xingluo emperor at any time if he is willing.

So far, the two superior Shura emperors, the split Japanese emperor and the dark moon emperor, have not fought with each other. It is not known which level of the strength of the broken empty emperor is. It is the most mysterious Shura emperor among the eight superior Shura emperors.

The Shura emperors cheered up.

Could it be that in such a short time, the five upper Shura kingdoms have developed an antidote?

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