Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1722

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:19:31 AM

Chapter 1722

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Zhou Ying and outstanding Qingyan both need to rest. They are not close enough to the devil temple to talk. After a brief exchange, they are ready to leave.

Before leaving, the night devil said, "our members have been hunted and killed by members of the eternal day, and several members have died. We have decided to raid the headquarters of the eternal day. How about you?"

Zhang lie asked: "know the eternal day headquarters?"

"How much has been investigated."

Zhang lie said, "call me when you're ready. With your ability, it's not difficult to find me in the fourth world."

After parting from the demon temple, Zhang lie found the ship he hid.

After the members of the eternal day appeared, the spaceship slipped away with Li Qianqian. This is also the instruction left by Zhang lie. If you encounter an enemy who can't fight, let the spaceship leave first.

However, in order to find the ship that slipped away and hid, Zhang lie also made some efforts.

Seeing Zhang lie back, Li Qianqian was ecstatic.

"Just now, the enemy suddenly came, and Zhou Ying was still there."

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "it's all right. Zhou Ying has been saved."

Zhou Ying waved her hand behind Zhang lie and was looking for the spaceship. During this time, Zhou Ying had had enough rest and completely recovered.

Next, Zhang lie goes to buwentian.

Don't ask the sky to see Zhang lie coming again. He was very unhappy and said, "I thought there was a new challenger coming. It was you."

Although he didn't ask the sky and his face was unhappy, when Zhang lie entered the trial space, he was sent to him for the first time.

Don't ask Tianleng, "I'm afraid you'll break my space again."

Zhang lie just smiled: "we have taken all the things in the warehouse."

Don't ask the sky, wave your hand and say, "take it away. Don't report it to me“

"In fact, there is another thing." Zhang lie takes out bast cat's eye.

Seeing the cat's eye, he didn't ask the sky and sighed: "it's a pity that as the first challenger to pass the test space, he was still very optimistic about it at the beginning, but it's too arrogant and too leisurely. He stayed in the fourth world and thought no one could do with it, but the world will never be the same. The things of the ancient times will eventually be eliminated by the new era."

In the cruel genetic world, those who don't want to go further will eventually turn into dust.

"I didn't come here to listen to you. How about this thing?"

Don't ask heaven: "do you want to make a patent medicine?"

Zhang liebai glanced and said, "otherwise?"

Don't ask the sky to look carefully and say: "it's a bit wasteful to simply make the medicine to enhance the root cause. The color of the eyes is much better than I expected before. It seems to contain illusory and real laws. What happened?"

Zhang lie said, "that guy has merged with the core of the dream realm."

Don't ask the sky and ask: "dream realm?"

Zhang lie said, "I heard you gave it a prize."

Don't ask Tiansi cableway: "I didn't give any dream realm at the beginning, but I did give a very special gift, which can store the spiritual power, turn the illusion into reality, and turn the lie into reality. It just needs to consume a lot of spiritual power. Unexpectedly, that guy used it to create a world. He really underestimated it. His idea is really unique."

Zhang lie asked curiously, "what is the origin of the core of the dream realm?"

Don't ask heaven: "you participated in that game before. A fragment of the core of the world is equivalent to what I gave it."

Zhang lie frowned. It sounded like there was something special about it.

"Haven't you participated in the universe rookie competition?"

Don't ask the way of heaven: "if you haven't participated, it doesn't mean you can't get that thing."

Zhang lie asked, "where did you get it?"

Don't ask the sky and directly switch off the topic: "however, it's unlucky to meet you."

Zhang lie frowned and said, "don't you want to answer the previous question?"

Don't ask the sky and look at your eyes carefully. The eyes of the abyss have roughly seen a lot of things.

"After merging with the core, it is estimated that it has become the most powerful life in the fourth world. As long as you have enough time to get familiar with the power, it is estimated that no one in the fourth world can beat it. However, when you meet this guy before you are fully familiar with the ability, only you can kill it in the fourth world. After all, you get the biggest treasure from that world."

Master a large amount of information in that world and obtain the profound meaning intertwined with illusion and reality. In the whole fourth world, only Zhang Lieke made bast.

Originally, after integrating the core of the world, bast had nothing to do with the waves. However, she ran into Zhang lie, who restrained herself, and the result was naturally tragic.

Don't ask the sky, his eyes are full of sense: "maybe this is the doom."

Zhang lie asked, "disappointed?"

Don't ask the sky to sneer: "a fourth world that can only shrink in the turtle shell forever is the strongest. Where is it worth my disappointment?"

Zhang lie said, "I don't have much interest in fate. Can I use my eyes?"

Don't ask the way of heaven: "you want to make a patent medicine. Since you get it, naturally there's no problem. However, you still need the core of avgormon."

Zhang lie said, "I'll get it."

"Due to the existence of illusory and real laws in bast, it is estimated that the balance of potion power cannot be maintained by the core of afgormon alone, and a trace of original chaos may be needed."

Zhang lie doubted, "you don't want to use me to help you clean up the nail households in the fourth world?"

Don't ask the sky, disapprove and say, "anyway, you'll be right in the end, won't you?"

"The chaos emperor is not my enemy. We are allies."

"In that case, isn't it very simple to get a trace of the original chaos?" "I don't want you to kill people," he said

Zhang Hanshuang's face flashed in his mind. Zhang lie nodded and said, "I'll find a way to start."

Don't ask heaven: "making medicine only needs one eye. What are you going to do with the other eye?"

Zhang lie shook his head and said, "I didn't think about how to deal with it?"

Don't ask heaven, "why don't you use it to make your best medicine?"

Zhang lie said warily, "who are you?"

Don't ask the sky and ask, "what's the matter? Don't you know my name?"

Zhang lie said, "I never told you about extreme medicine?"

"Most gene warriors know this."

Zhang lie frowned and said, "in addition to me and the extreme team, have you come to other gene soldiers here?"

"Aren't your parents?"

"Before my parents, there was no limit gene medicine."

"But I have no obligation to tell you. It's confidential who has participated in the trial."

"Sure enough, you are also the life of the Milky Way universe. Even if you are not the life of the Milky Way universe, you are also closely related to the Milky Way universe."

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