Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2289

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:23 AM

Chapter 2289

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"Well, enter our college and become my disciple. It's settled now. Leave with me." Said the old man.

Zhang lie hurriedly said, "elder, wait first. I want to see my sister."

The old man said, "no harm, it won't restrict your freedom. As long as your sister is in the satellite area or in the college, you can see her at any time."

"I want to wait for my sister to challenge the way to heaven."

When Zhang lie said this, there was a big wave in the crowd.

After the elder brother challenges the younger sister, there are such operations.

Everyone was stunned. I thought Zhang lie had finished the challenge. The big day recorded in the annals of the college was over. I didn't expect to have a sister.

The old man said with great interest, "Oh, your sister has a challenge, too. I'd like to see it."

As soon as the old man shook his golden robe sleeves, a golden auspicious cloud lifted them up and suspended them in mid air. All the flame pillars on the road to heaven gradually weakened and finally went out.

Zhang lie shouted, "the frost is coming to you, but you should do well."

The following group were speechless. Zhang lie behaved like refueling in the school sports meeting.

Lin Nan immediately picked up the lemon.

"I really think everyone can pass the road to heaven. Even if I pass, I'll let my sister challenge. Do you think it's easy to go to heaven?"

This time, no one dared to say so dead. Zhang Hanshuang jumped up from the crowd, like snowflakes floating in the ice and snow, and gently fell on the high platform.

On the stone pillar, the flame ignites in a moment. The space of the high platform expands and evolves into a arena!

In the field, there is a huge stone. Zhang Hanshuang shrinks and turns into a child. He is only ten years old.

At the same time, the arena also sent out layers of ripples, affecting many people, who felt that they had returned to childhood.

They found that not only Zhang lie, but also Zhang Hanshuang was not affected by the heavy pressure of the ripple. Under the heavy pressure of 10000 kilograms, he still stood calmly and freely.

"What race is this?"

"It's terrible. At the age of ten, ignoring the heavy pressure, it's more terrible than the most powerful beast in the starry sky."

"Maybe screwing up 100000 kg of boulders is the standard configuration of this race. It's too exaggerated."

"It is said that the son of an immortal is just like this."

"Don't talk nonsense. Once heard by the people of the spirit family and the ancient immortal hall, it will harm another race."

The boulder vibrated and slowly stretched out his hands and feet, as well as his head.

The giant stone puppet walked slowly past, each step caused the high platform to vibrate, and the roar echoed, walking faster and faster.

When the quality reaches a certain speed, it is a terrible weapon with high lethality.

Zhang Hanshuang didn't dodge the giant stone puppet that hit him head-on. Until the giant stone puppet rushed in front of him, Zhang Hanshuang fluttered and jumped up like a small butterfly on the top of the giant stone puppet.

The giant stone puppet looked around for a long time. It was worth Zhang Hanshuang's laughter. Zhang Hanshuang jumped to his head.

The giant stone puppet stretched out his hand to catch Zhang Hanshuang, but Zhang Hanshuang said, "sorry, big man, I want to go to college with my brother."

Zhang Hanshuang carefully touched the giant stone puppet. A burst of white frost spread in the giant stone puppet. The giant stone puppet moved slowly and became an ice sculpture directly on the high platform, unable to move.

Like the giant stone puppet, it's difficult for a puppet to be frozen. However, Zhang Hanshuang's power of ice is not general, and even time can freeze.

Everyone was silent at this moment.

Zhang Hanshuang fell to the ground like a snowflake and patted the frozen giant stone puppet.


With a burst of collapse sound, the frozen boulder puppets collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble.

There was a dead silence on the whole road to heaven, and everyone stared directly at the high platform, as if all of them were frozen by Zhang Hanshuang at the same time and turned into ice sculptures.


A bell rang all over Tianxing college, shaking the satellite city outside, and the flame on the huge pillar in the middle rushed into the night to ignite the sky.

It was not until the first bell rang and the fire burst into the sky that the cold ice on them melted and screamed one by one.

"Is this man too powerful?"

"Is this a ten year old child who can master the power of ice?"

"Not a grandstanding person?"

Zhang lie rolls his mouth.

Zhang Hanshuang was cute when he was ten years old. It would be such a terrible humanoid weapon.

However, the way to heaven cannot suppress the level of life. At the semi divine level, the life and super divine level are full of genes. Zhang Hanshuang's physical ability is not weak at all, and he can barely bear the scattered and overflowing divine power.

Zhang lie didn't expect that when Zhang Hanshuang was ten years old, the cold ice divine body was so powerful.

Careful observation found that this was not the case, but the simple way to heaven could not suppress the power of Zhang Hanshuang's divine body.

"If the way to heaven can suppress the power of the divine body of frost, I should be happy."

If the way to heaven can suppress the power of Zhang Hanshuang's divine body, there is no need to look for ways to solve the divine body.

Zhang Hanshuang continued to climb the steps, and the power of time washed himself away. He recovered from childhood to adolescence, and returned to youth from adolescence. Every step is like stepping through space, passing a hundred years step by step.

Zhang Hanshuang had seen what Zhang lie had experienced before. With a cold hum, the force of cold ice surrounded and frozen time and space. He stopped in his youth and didn't enter his old age. When he stepped on the second high platform, the flame lit up on the stone columns at the left and right ends. In a moment, the space of the high platform expanded and evolved into a arena!

There are ten boulders above the arena, each of which has at least 200000 kilograms.

Ten 200000 Jin boulders were pressed down together.

People are curious about how Zhang Hanshuang solves it, but they see that Zhang Hanshuang moves. She adopts the most primitive method.

Boom, boom!

Ten pieces of 200000 Jin boulders fell together and shook the high platform.


Everyone below was surprised, but found that Zhang Hanshuang stood beside the ten 200000 kg boulder as if nothing had happened.

"Is this the wrong place?"

Only a few people at the scene could see that at the moment when the stone fell, Zhang Hanshuang just dodged and disappeared in situ, avoiding ten 200000 kg boulders.

Zhu huojie frowned: "the road to heaven has failed?"

That kind of physical ability is not like an aging old man at all, let alone the source force being suppressed.

The silver haired God taught, "it's not that the man who challenged the way to heaven broke it?"

The vice president knocked the silver haired God on his head with a wine pot. The silver haired God covered his head and asked, "what are you doing, vice president?"

"Nothing. I'm just curious about how your head under your silver hair grows and whether it's broken." The vice president took a sip of wine.

The silver haired God taught, "but the way to heaven has no effect. It's obviously bad."

The deputy chief of the hospital looked white and said, "if your head is broken, the road to heaven will not be broken."

Zhu huojie asked, "does the vice president know the reason?"

"In fact, there is nothing. This little girl is very special, even more special than his brother."

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