Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2291

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:20 AM

Chapter 2291

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The blood light is surging, and the sword intention breaks the sky. Three thousand blood swords are like a storm, more like a blood river. Snow wolves are continuous, and each snowflake is as heavy as a thousand.

"If you really come, I may worry about three points, but you are just a brand." Zhang Hanshuang said with cold eyes.

The glittering and translucent snowflakes dance around Zhang Hanshuang like angels. Under the cover of ice and snow, they are like beautiful skaters, with their feet condensed and ice skates rising up against the snow waves.

Luo Jianchen took a move with the palm of his hand and cut three thousand Blood Sword silk towards Zhang Hanshuang.

"Your sword meaning is far worse than my brother. I've seen the best sword meaning in the world."

Zhang Hanshuang's figure rotates in the air and dances among the Blood Sword wires, like an elf in ice and snow. The transparent ice skate cuts through the air and makes a light sound.

The transparent ice skate, hidden in the ice and snow, integrated into the space and showed an invisible killing intention. Luo Jianchen's body was cut several knife marks.

White snow, connected to the sky, is endless. The snow color is boundless. The cold wind is biting and roaring out. Zhang Hanshuang stands in a world of ice and snow, like an ice God.

Zhang Hanshuang's body was more chilly, and there was a vast expanse of white behind him. Endless ice and snow appeared in the void, and the icy cold air was like a knife.

That snowflake contains the source force, and even kill the machine, amazing soul.

"Snow dance in the sky!"

Zhang Hanshuang drank and the ice and snow hit again.

Goose feather and heavy snow are everywhere, white and boundless.

Every snowflake is as big as a slap in the face. It shines cold and glittering, as sharp as a sword.

There was a clang sound in the sky. Thousands of snow blades danced and crushed the high sky, completely covering here.

Without breaking the ice and snow in front of him, Zhang Hanshuang can attract ice and snow and borrow infinite power.


The fourth bell sounded long and far away. The four flames gathered at night to illuminate the whole college and satellite area.

Although it was expected, seeing that Zhang Hanshuang defeated luojianchen, everyone couldn't help but be surprised and took a breath.

Zhang lie proudly asked, "how's it going, my sister?"

"Good." The Dean looked at Zhang Hanshuang with a different kind of deep meaning.

When you set foot on the fifth high platform, the flame ignited on the five square stone pillars. In a moment, the space of the high platform expanded and evolved into a arena!

Compared with Zhang lie's time, liquid metal is obviously a circle smaller.

It was corroded by the dark source force for a long time and has not recovered until now.

I feel the chill of surpassing the law emanating from Zhang Hanshuang. The liquid metal doesn't want to fight and wants to surrender directly. I can notice the Dean on the golden cloud above my head. The liquid metal has no choice but to go up. A piece of metal light flies out and turns into one magic sword after another, cutting at Zhang lie. The terrible killing gas of metal erupts.

The snow and ice all over the sky are surrounded by white ice flowers, and the snow and ice are like small elves, turning into fluffy white butterflies, waving their wings, jumping happily beside Zhang Hanshuang, playing happily and being naughty.

Zhang Hanshuang opens his palm and stops at his fingertips with a snowflake. The small snowflake is hexagonal and the pattern extends very neatly, like the branches of a tree, like a beautiful crystal art.

With the flick of Zhang Hanshuang's fingertips, the snowflakes burst out and made a roaring sound of breaking the air. The speed flashed like thunder, and a silver white light flashed in the air, followed by other snow elves.

The sword and snowflake collided in mid air,


Sparks splashed everywhere, and the sound of metal collision continued. All magic swords were cut off by snowflakes. Each snowflake was a terrible weapon.

Liquid metal retreats and roars, and hot metal liquid such as volcanic eruption.

The scene is amazing, bright red slurry. It turns into all kinds of weapons, accompanied by laws, which are overwhelming and endless, like a vast expanse of * *

The metal is endless and murderous.

Zhang Hanshuang looked indifferent and stood in the air, like a God out of the ice age, shouting: "the world is frozen“

The ice and snow world rushed out of the endless white cold air, like the sea roaring.


The wind is howling, the earth is roaring, the cold turns into rows of huge waves, and the huge waves rush forward in rows!

The vast white fog seemed to rush to our eyes, like a roar of the sea, and the hot metal liquid was frozen.

The liquid metal man, like Zhang lie in the battle, melted into the hot metal, but he didn't expect Zhang Hanshuang to be more terrible than it expected. The cold current of the data burst froze all the hot metal liquid, and there was no chance of dark * * hands. The terrible extreme cold current destroyed all obstacles and was unstoppable.

Everything that obstructs the visible becomes powder.

Together with the metal liquid, it is transformed into metal powder and scattered in the air.


The fifth bell wave shook out, which can really be called Huang Zhong Da Lu roaring.

"Too fast. Is she going to challenge her brother's record?"

"There's another monster in the college."

"How come all these monsters are clustered together."

Zhang Hanshuang comes to the sixth level and faces the chain of order.

All the chains lit up, and the raging flame turned into gold, surrounded by Shenhua, roaring Tao sound, chain collision and sparks.

The cold air around Zhang Hanshuang broke out and turned into a storm.

Her ice power comes from the divine body. On the basis of the law, it tests the order God chain understood by the law. It is directly frozen and turned into a popsicle. Zhang Hanshuang touches it with his fingers.

Come on

The chain cracks spread rapidly, and then all collapsed and broke into ice slag.

Everyone present was stunned: "her understanding of the cold ice law has been above the law?"

Only by understanding the law of cold ice and surpassing the law can we freeze the chain of order.

They guessed right, but not all of them.

Above the law is Zhang Hanshuang's divine body power. As for its own exploration and understanding of the power of cold ice, it has not reached this point.


In the distance, the bright light of the sixth column is reflected in the sky, and the other stars shine together.

On the seventh high platform, the flame on the seven stone pillars lights up, the white fog diffuses, the Dragon scales in the air flicker, and a huge dragon claw like a hill is revealed. The cold light flickers and is extremely sharp.


Many people were frightened and retreated. This is a kind of heavenly power and frightening people. It is like a God coming here and overlooking them like mole ants.

Zhang Hanshuang was not afraid at all. The cold air radiated, and the cold spread in all directions, returning to the freezing point again.

Large snowflakes fell from the cloudy sky. Look at the snowflakes. They are exquisite. Then it was as white as jade, but there was a terrible killing opportunity hidden. A snowflake weighed as much as a kilogram, and no one could catch it at all.

The Divine Body erupted, surrounded by cold regular fragments, and a silvery white sun appeared behind it.

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