Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2438

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:04:51 AM

Chapter 2438

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The gods of the star Protoss obviously counseled and offered to give each other a step.

Give a little compensation, say an apology, and someone can take it away.

"Shut up and apologize to the traffickers. Are you crazy? Don't think no one knows what you've done." Fang Yi couldn't help but make a noise.

The God of the star Protoss who was scolded blushed and wanted to make a move, but he didn't dare to make a move.

"Are you rolling or not?" Said the man.

Many people were amazed that the strong man was too strong.

Others give steps and don't give a good face. Is there no compromise and concession in his dictionary?

Things that can be solved peacefully, but they won't let go.

Do you really want to fight the protoss!?

Even if your disciple is not sensible, can't you look at it as an elder?

Although the protoss declined, they are also first-class forces.

The celestial God of the star Protoss has an iron blue face and is frozen here. It's really embarrassing. The man was ruthless, strong and cold, making him unable to advance or retreat.

The other party just slapped him and almost killed him. If he did fight, he would send him away.

"Old ancestor, Xingyou is broken, xingprotoss has suffered huge losses, and Zhenshen has also fallen. And Xingyu is seriously injured, so we can't let that guy go!" A true God of the star Protoss, it seems that the God of the star Protoss is in an awkward situation.

He stared at Fang Yi, his eyes were cold and murderous, and his determination was unshakable.

The true God and Xingyou are good friends. There are twelve gods present, and he has no fear of that man.

As everyone knows, the gap between the same God is bigger than that between man and dog.

"That man, let him hand over my family's strange stones, and I can let you go!" The gods of the star Protoss seemed unable to hear the words of the true God.

Don't let go?

Why not let go?

Take your head?

But in front of all forces in the starry sky, the God of the star Protoss is difficult to ride a tiger, so we must find a step for ourselves.

Now don't compensate or apologize. Hand over the things robbed from the star Protoss and get out of here quickly.

But the other party didn't put the star Protoss in his eyes at all.

"What qualifications do you have to gossip here? I won't kill you when I have a good temper, will I?"

The great voice echoed in the starry sky, and everyone was shocked, because they saw the spread of ripples one after another, like thunder, rushing towards the God of the star Protoss.

It was just a sound, but now it turned into a form, more prosperous than thunder and more vast than * *, all pressing on the God above.

The God of the star Protoss was shocked. It was just the first time. This time he was well prepared, but he still couldn't support it!

Under this sound, in the golden ripples, his whole person flew sideways, like being hit by a huge hammer, the sound of bone fracture in his body sounded, and his mouth gushed blood.

The celestial God of the star Protoss fell into the distant mountains and suffered heavy damage. It was difficult to climb up for a long time.

The scene was silent and everyone was hairy. What kind of prestige is this?!

The star Protoss was as pale as death. They trembled from the younger generation to the ancestors of the true God. How can they fight? Even the gods in the family were vulnerable and were shocked to fly like this.

Looking at Fang Yi, they found for the first time that they had caused a big trouble, and unexpectedly led to such a disaster!

Just now, Fang Yizhen turned pale. Now he realized how terrible the person in front of him was.

The heavenly gods of the star Protoss can't even stop each other's voice. Even if the other 11 heavenly gods in the palace group fight, they are far from their opponents.

But now it's too late to say anything. The big feud has long been settled.

"Hey ~!"

A weak sigh came from the chariot, the close door of the chariot opened, and a Golden Avenue spread for thousands of miles. At a high speed, it was close to the sky, and the fate was disturbed.

The universe will burst out and the fate will appear again with the naked eye.

The dense fate track revolves around the people who get out of the car,

"Lao Zu, why did you come down?" The sharp eyed God quickly supported.

But all the people in the starry sky were shocked.

"The gods call him Laozu. What kind of living fossil is this Laozu's Laozu?"

"Is it the one in the legend of the starry sky who is still alive?"

A God who knows the secret of the star Protoss said: "it is said that there are six gods under the star legend. They follow the king of the star Protoss to fight in all directions and sweep the star sky. Five of them died one after another, and only one refined the power of his own destiny to a terrible level."

"I've heard that with the same destiny as heaven, the destiny is immortal and itself is immortal."

"This old guy is a super old monster who has survived for countless years. I heard that he places his fate on the fate of the star Protoss. The star Protoss will not die, and he will not die. The star Protoss will prosper, dominate all directions, and his strength can fight on the star domain. If the star Protoss declines, his strength will continue to decline, even worse than ordinary creatures. Once the star Protoss is destroyed and the family fortune is cut off, he will also dissipate in the star sky."

It is also said that the super ancestor refined the power of fate to a point beyond common sense, and even surpassed the original Star legend. He not only helped the star Protoss avoid all possible declining fate, but also avoided its own falling fate, and even removed itself from the long river of fate. His strength is unpredictable.

Some people even say that the old guy has reached the point where existence is reasonable. What you see in front of you is not the real him. I have long died. The person in front of you is just a ghost of fate between cause and effect. It is similar to a phenomenon. As long as the person related to him is still alive, he can not only live all the time, but also come back from death countless times.

In scientific terms, it is similar to the thinking force field and dream force field. The cognition of others is the existence itself and the great achievement of idealism.

The star Protoss, an activated stone level figure, has not appeared in front of people for countless years. The more you say about your ancestors, the more exaggerated you are.

In any case, when the clan leader of the star Protoss goes to the barren Star area where the flower buds of the virtual domain are located, the old man is the strongest presence in front of him.

"If I don't come out again, the protoss will be gone." The old man came down from the chariot. His face was pale and sick. He seemed to be dying and fell down at the blow. However, no one dared to underestimate the old man.

The old man supported by God, with the resonance of the law at every step, the river of fate surged, stepping on the Golden Avenue tens of thousands of miles long, and appeared here!

This method shocked all forces, and people were silent and dared not speak nonsense.

"Lao Zu!"

The star Protoss shouted and were about to cry. This time they were suppressed miserably. When they saw the taboo characters in the family, they seemed to find a backer.

In the past, they always suppressed others and were extremely strong. Today, they are repeatedly frustrated. Even the gods are scolded for spitting blood. You can imagine their mood.

"Are you going to war with our Protoss?" The God spoke on the Golden Avenue.

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