Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2567

Published at 22nd of June 2022 08:59:55 AM

Chapter 2567

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The evil Qi spread on the arm, and the black fog wrapped around it, and a powerful force rose to the sky.

The strange creatures eroded by the magic tools were like a reckless bull. They were so terrifying and overbearing that they suddenly swept out and swung their black fists at them.


Sunxiaowu's body was full of light.

"Golden scale fist!"

Sunxiaowu also used the golden scale fist. His right arm was instantly wrapped by the bright golden light. His arm suddenly increased by a circle, and layers of fine golden dragon scales slowly emerged.

The aura of metal spread on the arm. On each scale, there were fairy swords and magic soldiers.

A powerful force rose to the sky.

The immortal sword and magic weapon runes vibrate, making the sound of gold and iron.

Sunxiaowu was like a reckless bull. He was so terrifying and overbearing that he swept out in a flash and swung his golden fist at him.

The black and gold fists collided, and the white light of the flying fairy rushed in all directions, which was the peak attack.

"Golden scale PA fist - collapse!"

The power of the horrible black fog fist surged rapidly. The strange creatures surrounded by more than 2000 laws of fire came to kill, and layers of fine golden dragon scales slowly emerged.

The black fog spread on the arm, and on each scale, burning immortal sword and divine weapon Rune appeared.

The breath suddenly changed, and the right arm was instantly wrapped by black light.

A powerful force rose to the sky.

The right fist burst out in the blink of an eye, like a bull's bombardment. It swept out in an instant.


Sunxiaowu's body glowed, and his body burst out with countless magic weapon runes, bells, swords, swords, guns, tripods, towers... Countless magic weapon runes were turned into essence under the action of divine power, and endless golden lights spread out, like a wave sweeping ahead and impacting the man.

With a bang, the void exploded. There were golden lights everywhere, and light everywhere.

The strange creatures eroded by the magic tools split up tens of thousands of figures and rushed over. Sunxiaowu had no choice. With a bang, he also separated tens of thousands of golden lights and made a violent impact.

This place is boiling.

The 20, 000 strong men fought fiercely in the sky. It was not like three people fighting at all. It was more like two armies fighting against each other.

This fight was so fierce that it made people tremble.

Among the electric fire and stone flowers, the three people collided one after another, using their own means. There was a loud noise. There was a fierce battle between 20000 people, and there was a huge murderous spirit in the four fields. Thousands of strange creatures surrounded by more than 2000 laws of fire also separated themselves. For a time, the sky was full of the three people, and they were in a fierce battle.

This kind of battle is beyond the imagination of those at the same level. It is terrible and shocking.

It doesn't look like the divine realm is in a duel, far beyond the power limit that people of this level can have.

The sky is full of separated bodies, and there are residual shadows everywhere. Every separated strength is the realm of true gods. 30000 true gods fought fiercely, making the whole space turbulent and time-space distorted.

Tens of thousands of black fogs do the same action separately. Their arms are bent and their magic Qi is overwhelming. They cover the sky with layers of black fog.

The black dragon scale covers the arm, and a magical Qi kylin shadow appears behind him.

Every inch of the dark unicorn was possessed by evil Qi. The black lines spread all over the body, and the eyes were hollow like zombies. The black Qi spread on the arms, surrounded by evil Qi.

As the strange creatures eroded by the magical tools wave their fists, the dark Unicorn rushes out from the emptiness to the reality.


Sunxiaowu is under the impact of the dark kylin. If it weren't for him, he would be guarded by King Kong immortal and the magic weapon rune. If it weren't for him, everyone else would be shattered and turned into blood mud.

Even if he barely endured it, sunxiaowu was also injured.


Sun Xiaowu suffered a wound on his back and coughed up blood in his mouth.

At the same time, the strange creatures covered by the black divine fire shot at the same time. Thousands of burning magic weapons' runes interweaved, and many stars emerged, just like a cosmic sea, enveloping him, and two thousand law flames interweaved.

Sunxiaowu was hit again, and his body was submerged in the flame of law.

"Kill them all!" Sunxiaowu shouted out of the law flame.

The war was so fierce that sunxiaowu defeated two with one.

They fought vertically and horizontally, and the war never stopped. It has to be said that after sunxiaowu ignited the fire, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, which is much stronger than before.

The killing was fierce, and sunxiaowu continued to shed blood. Although he was strong, he could not help being besieged.

"King Kong never dies, God of war!"

Under the cover of golden light, the bright Rune culture is a ten meter high golden light shadow, which is like the God of war, surrounded by golden runes, like a burning sun.

The fist shattered the void, and the light enveloped the heaven and earth.


The strange creature covered by the black divine fire suffered a brilliant blow and flew out. His thick black armor was broken.

Dark Qilin collides with him again, and sunxiaowu blows out.

"Golden scale PA fist - collapse!"

The power of the horrible golden light fist surged rapidly. On sunxiaowu's arms, layers of fine golden dragon scales emerged, and his breath suddenly changed. His right arm was instantly wrapped by the bright golden light.

With sunxiaowu's fist, the shadow of the God of war also came out. With the blessing of the shadow of the God of war, the power of the golden scale PA fist avalanche reached a higher level.


A roar, a circle of waves spread, the world trembled, the void shook, the water splashed, accompanied by a golden burst.

The dark Kirin was smashed by sunxiaowu. With the Kirin being smashed, the dark light broke out, like a black sun falling to the ground, drowning everything in front of him.

Under the protection of the golden God of war, sunxiaowu bumped across from the dark light.


Strange creatures eroded by magical tools were blasted off, and black blood gushed.

After the heavy black armor was broken, the real body inside was exposed. When he saw the inside of the heavy black armor, sunxiaowu felt a thrill inside.

Under the protection of thick black armor, it is not his face, but a charred corpse.

"Whatever you are, suppress them all!" Sun Xiaowu roared and rushed forward to solve all the problems.

Sunxiaowu is as brave as a tiger. With the golden light, he leaves a trail of shadows and kills the past.

The mummified corpse also uses its own King Kong immortal god of war. The dark light turns black like the shadow of the God of war. Two thousand black laws are covered by flames, surrounded by the burning God of war rules, and its momentum is not half weaker than that of sun Xiaowu.

The strange creatures eroded by headless magic tools stood up again. The evil Qi was overwhelming and the ghosts were numerous. The ghosts behind them condensed into reality and the ghosts were flying in the sky.

Sunxiaowu fought until his blood flowed up into the sky. He rose to the sky and stood in the sky covered by black fog. Ghosts danced in the void.

Golden light sub film · Zhanshen Qianzhong

In an instant, there were a thousand separate bodies. Each separate body remained in the state of God of war and became a thousand dense golden giants.

The bright light reflected the sky, breaking the black fog and smashing the ghosts all over the sky.

Thousands of war gods were divided into two teams to kill two strange creatures.

Shining gold chop - thousand Swords

Thousands of gods of war are separated. At the same time, they use the shining gold chop. It is not only like the stars lighting up the sky, but also like a column of light. It is more like a golden fairy sword, with the intention of soaring into the sky.

Each immortal sword Rune mark turns into a sharp Heavenly Sword, as if it could cut open the sky.

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