Published at 28th of August 2019 07:59:38 PM

Chapter 29

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Chapter 29a: Her Methods


Following that was the bidding for the woman in red. As long as their bid was the highest, then tonight, they would win the company of this Miss Hongyu (Rainbow Jade). But, Mama Du emphasized, that it’s only for conversation and drinks, singing a song, or playing instruments. These are all acceptable. Spending the night? Impossible!

“What? After paying money, she still won’t spend the night? How can there be this kind of rule?” Immediately, someone shouted out in dissatisfaction.

“This gentleman……” 

Mama Du’s complexion also darkened. “This is our Heavenly Dream Tower’s rule. The three young ladies tonight are all pure persons. We spent four to five years worth of labor just to train them to this point. They sell their skills, not their bodies. If you’re not willing, then just don’t spend money.”

That person was just going to blow up, when unexpectedly, someone voiced by his side. “The beauty of a nation, with looks just like a celestial, how can she be defiled as you wish like some common woman? A beauty is like a flower, she naturally should be admired from a distance and can not be played with obscenely. Everyone, don’t you think this is true?”

Once she saw the person speaking, Mama Du became pleasantly surprised. “It’s the respected Senior Teacher Wang. You can take pity on these daughters of our courtesan house, I thank Senior Teacher Wang’s understanding on their behalf.”

This white haired and bearded elderly man was a famous scholar in the current administration. He was even previously a royal teacher when His Majesty was still the crown prince. Since he already said these words, who would still dare to touch the young ladies at Heavenly Dream Tower?

“Yes, yes, Senior Wang is correct.”

“Naturally, this is justified. We are not like those vulgar, shameless common soldiers.” A group of scholars sitting in a circle revealed faces of even more disgust. They fell only slightly short of charging towards that person to spit on him.

This incident passed very quickly. Everyone started to focus on the bid for Miss Hongyu, the first performer on stage.

It need not be said, that since the person who was once His Majesty’s respected teacher, Senior Wang, looked favorably upon her, no one dared to disrespectfully fight over her with him. He merely spent one hundred taels of silver and no one else at the scene bid higher.

Having been pleasantly surprised by the first performance onstage, everyone looked towards the subsequent performance with even more expectation.

The oldest son of the commander in charge of five cities’ troops, Sun Feng even more straightforwardly said. “Mama Du, have people turn off the lights without delay. Quickly call out the second young lady!”

Turning towards him with a smile and waving the silk fabric in her hand, Mama Du replied. “Everyone, please look. Next to appear is Miss Ruyan.”

The lobby immediately quieted down. Even a needle dropping could be heard. It’s just that the lights were not extinguished like before. Everybody was unable to take their eyes away as they stared attentively at the center of the stage. Sure enough, they heard a mechanical sound. 

“She’s coming……coming……” Someone already couldn’t wait as his hand shook in excitement.

A young lady wearing a light blue muslin dress slowly ascended from the big hole on the stage. Her head tilted down slightly as her feathery eyelashes trembled like a pitiful lovely flower. Wearing a very light layer of makeup, her cheeks were tender and lovely. On her earlobes were amethyst drop earrings which swayed unceasingly, making her entire person look lively and moving. Her appearance immediately caused countless men to click their tongues and sigh with feeling. 

“Beautiful, indeed beautiful.”

“Really is a woman as beautiful as a dream, how can she be encountered ordinarily?”

In front of her, a zither was placed. It was evident that this is for her to play. Everyone became even more impatient.

And at this moment, at the fifth floor upstairs, Luo Qing Luan and Nangong Yu became very busy.

“This is the moment. Start.” Luo Qing Luan immediately gave the order.

Nangong Yu’s swept the surrounding areas and saw the ten plus people surrounding all of the outside corridors on the fifth floor. Each of them were holding a bowl in one hand, while the other hand was holding a long stalk of wheat. They were already prepared. He immediately said. “What are you guys blanking out for? Hurry and blow!”

“Yes, master.”

All of the servants immediately started to take the hollow wheat stalks, immersed them within the special liquid inside the numerous bowls, then extended over the railings to blow air towards the outside.

Very quickly, each and every multi-colored bubble were blown out, swaying slightly, before each multi-colored bubble descended as light as feathers.

As they fluttered about, at this point, there were tens of big and small bubbles which floated downwards. Nangong Yu’s eyes shined as he watched. Even he had never imagined that these things which Luo Qing Luan fiddled with unexpectedly could have this kind of effect.

Previously, they were running out of time, so he only watched one or two people blow bubbles. Moreover, they were standing before him. Naturally, he was unable to feel this kind of dreamlike scene where the bubbles covered the sky and fluttered about as they fell.

He could almost imagine how promptly, exclamation after exclamation of admiration would sound from below.

“Gasp. My God, quickly look!” 

As expected, when those bubbles floated downward and surrounded Miss Ruyan, everyone were stunned.

Continually, each and every one of the bubbles gently floated in the air before they burst, descending, some even floated down on Miss Ruyan’s hair, or perhaps, floated on her zither. Never having seen such a scene before, everybody watched to the point where their eyes stared wide open.

“Surprisingly, there’s such an arrangement, it really is……”

Some of the scholars and wealthy young masters were even more excited. These fantasy like bubbles contrasted with the outstandingly beautiful, gorgeous and refined Miss Ruyan. Immersed in the sweet, sharp and clear sound of the zither, they were simply a perfect match.

Nangong Yu was so excited that his face reddened, as he unceasingly waved his hand like a conductor. “Hurry, hurry, make more of them. The effect will be even better.”

As he was saying this, he looked at Luo Qing Luan, simply admiring her to the extreme. “Worthy Brother Luo, what in the world did you blend into the water that surprisingly could produce such splendid things.”

“What does this count as. Merely some stuff to serve as the background, that’s all.”

Chapter 29b: Her Methods


Actually, Luo Qing Luan was a bit dissatisfied with the result before her. If there were enough of those specialized bubble producing liquids from her previous life, the colored bubbles produced not only would be more colorful, there would also be more of them, such that the scene would be one where the entire sky would rain bubbles. Adding to that Miss Ruyan’s absolutely superb zither music and outstanding appearance, the result would be even better.

The scene before her……sigh, just passable.

“Alas, I really, truly admire Worthy Brother Luo’s mind.” Nangong Yu sighed with sincere emotion.

Very quickly, Miss Ruyan’s performance ended. Finally, the capital’s most wealthy and influential owner of the Blessed Treasures Commerical Firm, Li Daifu, spent one thousand eight hundred taels of silver to win the right to be her first and only guest for the rest of the night, drawing the envy and admiration of countless numbers of poor scholars.

Nangong Yu recalled that when he launched a new young lady last time, even though he proclaimed the event as loudly as today, ultimately, the three young ladies merely earned a little over three hundred taels. Furthermore, they did not garner much fame even up to today. They were far inferior to Heavenly Dream Tower’s current Queen of Flowers. 

However tonight, Nangong Yu felt strongly that Luo Qing Luan will very likely create a miracle for him.

“Finally, I’d like to remind Mr. Yu once again. These three young ladies from tonight must remain pure in body. Don’t think about having them service guests in that way, understand?” Luo Qing Luan suddenly spoke.

Once Nangong Yu thought about this, he immediately understood. “That’s right. All men have this kind of mentality. Only the thing which they can not obtain remains to be the best. I only need to continue to have them sell their skills, but not their bodies. On the contrary, this will lead the hearts of those men to itch all the more.”

Indeed, among everyone at Heavenly Dream Tower, Miss Qing was the most popular. Even if they had to spend ten times the amount they would spend on ordinary girls, those wealthy people still enjoyed her company without getting tired of it. So much so that for the sake of meeting her, they didn’t hesitate to grandly throw out one thousand taels. 

“It’s fine. The past is in the past. The last to appear, Miss Shimeng (Wait Upon a Dream), is the one who will genuinely be able to send the reputation of your Heavenly Dream Tower abuzz. Mr. Yu, there can’t be any slip-up here.” Luo Qing Luan reminded him.

No matter if it’s Ruyan, or if it’s Hongyu, as far as those methods of hers were concerned, they were merely ways to get the ball rolling, that’s all. Naturally, the best was saved for last. Moreover, because of this, she spent tremendous efforts, but whether everything will go smoothly or not will depend on what comes next.

“Don’t worry, I already had people try it. There absolutely won’t be a problem, but Brother Luo…..” 

Nangong Yu creased his eyebrows and asked inquisitively. “You had me go buy so much ice. When all is said and done, what result can they create?”

Today had been especially hot. The price of ice was as expensive as oil. If he didn’t think that they would be repaid with interest, how would he be willing to spend over a hundred taels of silver to buy so much ice?

Luo Qing Luan smiled faintly. “This effect is one that is absolutely necessary. Just wait and see.”

Below them, in Heavenly Dream Tower’s big hall, the moment that people looked forward to the most had arrived.

They saw the red curtains around them disappear, yet that big hole in the middle of the stage did not open for a long time. Everyone waited for awhile and actually became impatient. They could no longer hold it in and whispered one after another. 

“Mama Du, why is this Miss Shimeng……”

They had not finished speaking when they only heard the melodious sound of the flute arrive, seemingly reverberating in midair. There was a kind of fleeting and distant feeling. Everyone immediately lifted their heads to look, but they saw a white shadow sweep past them in the air. Long white muslin, just like a goddess from the moon, and exceedingly wondrous silhouette flew over.

Their eyes nearly crossed from watching. None of the people present had ever seen such a scene. She surprisingly flew. Could she really be a goddess who descended upon the world? 

The white figure continually circled in the air above the main hall, her clothes fluttering, exquisite and serene, like an orchid growing in a deep ravine, elegant, yet also permeating an intense mysterious and wondrous sensation.

Everyone were unable to take their eyes off of her as they stared. Not a single voice could be heard onsite.

Finally, she slowly descended. Only now did everyone discover that there was a black rope which suspended her, but at this point, no one bothered to care.

Shimeng was clothed all in white as she stood on the stage. Everyone discovered at this moment that she was surprisingly covered by a veil.

At this moment, all of the lights had already been extinguished. Only a single light remained above her head, the shroud of light making her even more mysterious.

Those who had been wanting to clearly see her facial features couldn’t help but become increasingly curious. Itching to see clearly, they wished to be able to charge upstage and reveal 

her real face.

“Beautiful, indeed beautiful……” The Vice-Minister of Revenue, Yan Xushan, praised in admiration, shaking his head as he continued. “Such a goddess like woman, so fortunate to see her tonight, truly is a rare sight.” The few people beside him immediately voiced their own admiration following his, evidently also hooked by Shimeng who had appeared in such a way.

The flute music had not stopped. As if mournful, the goddess in white slowly sat down. She just directly sat down on the stage. Everyone wanted to listen attentively to her flute music. Unexpectedly……

A burst of white colored vapors rose upward, seemingly enveloping and shrouding her in mist. At this moment, the entire stage started to be filled with fog.

The silhouette of the woman in white concealed by the fog all around her appeared increasingly hazy, similar to an angel in heaven thoroughly permeating an intense feeling of mysteriousness. 

At the same time, peal after peal of bird calls sounded, flowing through like running water. The scene became increasingly quiet. Everyone felt an indescribable feeling, as if they were placed in heaven, surrounded by countless numbers of heavenly birds while admiring the celestial’s exquisite graceful bearing.

Not a single person made a sound. Everyone was stupefied by this scene. Burst after burst of slight chill coming at them made the entire main hall within Heavenly Dream Tower cooler and more refreshing. Everyone stupidly stared at the lady in white on top of the stage, as if they’d forgotten where they were standing.

“Quickly look. Brother Luo, quickly look. I can’t believe those ice chunks……sigh, my horizons truly have been expanded.”

Only Nangong Yu, who was standing at the highest place could barely figure out what’s happening. However, he also couldn’t believe that the ice cubes which he ordinarily regarded as nothing special unexpectedly could bring about this kind of effect.

Each of those fine strand of mist made the scene become a fairyland. Fengming (Cry of the Phoenix), whose appearance was not outstanding at all, after her name was changed to Shimeng (Wait Upon a Dream), and wearing a veil to conceal her face, she truly appeared like a celestial being.

Added to that, two expert ventriloquists that Luo Qing Luan had him urgently find, such that one effect was added to another, directly creating an exceptionally splendid goddess for his Heavenly Dream Tower. 

Very likely, come tomorrow, his Heavenly Dream Tower……no, no need to wait until tomorrow. He reckoned that tonight, Heavenly Dream Tower’s presentations would spread and bring about a sensation in the capital.

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