Under the Power - Chapter 81

Published at 13th of October 2022 06:49:42 AM

Chapter 81

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There were a lot of people in the inn and although they had specifically asked for the present carried carriage to be put in the barn, YangYue still felt anxious. After having eaten, he went to the barn in a hurry, thinking that while A’Rui was still unconscious he would carry him upstairs to the room and ask Lu Daren to call the doctor to check on him.

When he lifted the curtain of the carriage and pushed aside some of the gifts that were used to deliberately cover A’Rui, he saw that A’Rui’s two eyes were wide open, staring blankly at the roof of the carriage, not blinking at all. 

“You’re awake.” YangYue said, happy. 

Upon hearing his voice, after a long while, A’Rui turned his head and his eyes fell on YangYue’s face. He continued to stare at him and let out a cold laugh. The wound on his face had just formed a scar and, when he laughed, the scar was moving along with his mouth, making it look even more terrifying. 

YangYue didn’t really care about it. He calmly said, “The wounds on your body are starting to heal, so I’m a little worried you might feel uncomfortable due to itchiness, but don’t worry, as long as you bear with it for a few more days, the scabs will peel off and you will feel better.”

“You…” A’Rui’s throat was dried, so he struggled to talk. 

Seeing this, YangYue was quick to push him into a sitting position and fed him some water. 

Although his mouth was now better, his eyes still looked cold and scornful. He kept looking at YangYue and asked, “You took care of me? Do you know what you’re doing?” 

YangYue looked at him in confusion 

“That night in the alley, have you forgotten?” A’Rui looked at him coldly. 

YangYue’s face changed drastically in a second, “What are you talking about? the alley? What do you mean….”

“Have you forgotten? Zhai Lanye, ‘Ai Bieli’… Don’t you remember?”

His face suddenly darkened. YangYue stared at him and asked in disbelief, “You mean it wasn’t a dream? It was real?”

A’Rui let out a loud laugh, the scar on his face looked horrifying, “It definitely wasn’t a dream, I prepared the whole plan with great difficulty so that you would see Zhai Lanye die in the arms of the ‘Ai Bieli’. How could it be a dream?”

“She’s dead?!?” For a moment, YangYue felt like he couldn’t breathe, “She’s really dead? It wasn’t a dream?!?”

At that moment, A’Rui was stunned. When Lu Yi had shown him Zhai Lanye’s gold ornament, he’d thought that the case about how he’d killed Zhai Lanye had already been discovered, but he did not expect that YangYue would be clueless about it. 

“How did she die? Who killed her? Was it you? Was it you?!?” YangYue’s tone of voice turned into a rampage, he no longer cared about A’Rui’s injuries, he was holding his collar tight, and his strength was so overwhelming that A’Rui was having difficulty breathing. 

Seeing that he was choking, Yang Yue loosened his grip a little and ferociously said, “Speak! Quickly tell me!”

A’Rui sneered at him, “The person who killed her is you!”

After hearing his answer, YangYue punched him once, his strength was so powerful that it made A’Rui feel dizzy: his eyes darkened, the wound on his face was torn and blood spurted out. 

“Tell me! Who is it?” YangYue shouted. 

“Humph… If it weren’t for you, forcing her to leave, she wouldn’t have died.” A’Rui licked the blood on his lips and laughed coldly, “If you had known who she belonged to, you wouldn’t have dared to send her away.” 

“Who did she belong to? Say it!”

A’Rui continued to laugh and did not answer his question. 

His chest filled with anger, YangYue punched him again, “Say it! Who did she belong to? Who killed her?”

“Why are you acting like this? In fact, she didn’t suffer too much at that time,” A’Rui’s face was covered in blood, he laughed and slowly stretched out his hand, gripping his own throat, “That woman’s throat bone was very fragile and light, just a little squeeze and it broke already.”

“You killed her!”

YangYue was no longer thinking straight. Anger filled his eyes, his hands gripped A’Rui’s neck, desperately wanting to use all of his power to choke him…

“Da Yang!” Not knowing when Jinxia had appeared, he was hit by her punch and forced to loosen his grip and let go, “You’re crazy, aren’t you? Don’t forget your status as an official, how can you kill people?”

After escaping from Yang Yue’s grip, A’Rui coughed continuously. 

“He killed Ms. Zhai! He killed her!” YangYue was like a wounded beast, he couldn’t stop shouting, “What I saw that night, it wasn’t a dream! Not a dream! She’s really dead!”

‘He finally knows!’ Jinxia froze on the spot. She didn’t know how to calm him down nor what to say.

She looked at YangYue’s eyes and he understood at once, “You…You knew?”

Jinxia nodded her head, stern. 

“When did you find out?”

“When you told me about your dream that night, I already knew then.”

YangYue sighed deeply, stared at her in disbelief, and his eyes widened with anger and disappointment. 

“I was afraid you’d be like this… I didn’t know how to tell you…” Jinxia also didn’t have a choice, “This problem was too big, I didn’t dare to tell you…. I….”

“You, how can you…You clearly know, how I felt about her…” There was a single teardrop falling on YangYue’s face, his heart was beginning to burn up, “How could you cover it from me? How could you!”

“I was wrong, Da Yang, I was wrong…”

Jinxia said sincerely. 

YangYue was silent for a moment, then no longer cared about her, turning his body to face A’Rui. With one hand, he took out a small knife from his boots, pointing it at A’Rui…

“Da Yang! You can’t!” Jinxia exclaimed. 

“I couldn’t do anything for her! This is the only thing I can do for her!” 

“Da Yang! You cannot kill him! Absolutely not.”

A’Rui seemed to have a lot of hidden secrets… Jinxia panicked, running towards Yang Yue and tried to forcibly take the knife from him, then she gripped it tightly, not intending to let it go. 

The knife was held by both of them, and the blade reflected A’Rui’s stupid face. 

“Da Yang, don’t forget you’re a constable, you can’t kill anyone!” Jinxia couldn’t hold on to the knife anymore, but her mouth kept repeating the same words. 

“I know, but he killed Ms. Zhai!”

YangYue yelled, his eyes were red, and his strength became more intense as he screamed at Jinxia. At that moment, he fiercely pulled his hand back. 

“Da Yang!”

Jinxia didn’t have time to take the knife away and could only think about protecting A’Rui. 

At this time, the side board of the horse carriage was being pulled down with all its might by a person. He was standing there, all of a sudden hitting YangYue’s back; the person turned out to be one of the servants who was suspected by Jinxia. 

“Da Yang, be careful!” Jinxia exclaimed. 

Feeling a strong wind behind him approaching, YangYue intended to dodge to the side but it was too late, and his back received the hit. YangYue immediately spat out blood. 

Seeing YangYue was being attacked, Jinxia no longer cared about A’Rui, and took one of the gifts in the box next to her, throwing it at the attacker, then jumped over and started throwing a series of punches. 

In the beginning, her intention was to find YangYue, therefore she hadn’t carried any weapons; in addition her body wasn’t strong, therefore she was no match for this servant. With all the punches she was throwing, not long after, she was already feeling tired. 

“Da Yang! Hurry up and report to Lu Daren!” She said to YangYue in panic. 

When YangYue was about to move, from another entrance, another servant came out. 

“Cen Shou, stop!” He exclaimed. 

The servant who was exchanging moves with Jinxia named Cen Shou  jumped back a few steps from Jinxia, stopped and said, “They were about to kill the person in the carriage.”

Upon hearing his words, Jinxia was stunned, ‘They came to protect A’Rui?’

The person by the entrance glanced at Jinxia and YangYue, “Why do you two want to kill him?”

“Look, Cen Fu,” Cen Shou spoke again, trying to explain the situation, “The man wants to kill this person, but the girl wants to prevent it but can’t, that’s why I intervened.”

Jinxia hugged the injured YangYue and angrily asked, “Who are you?”

Cen Fu and Cen Shou glanced at each other. After a while, Cen Fu took out a badge from his pocket and showed it to Jinxia: the word ‘Jin’ was engraved on the badge. 

“You’re a JinYiWei?” Jinxia was surprised, then became annoyed. The way they walked, their appearance and tone of voice had actually given a hint, she should’ve figured it out, “You guys are from the Capital? Does Lu Daren know you?”

“We received orders from the Young master, to escort him in secret.” 

Young master: it was Lu Yi. Jinxia thought, ‘They called Lu Yi the eldest son, meaning they’re not only from JinYiWei, but their relationship is also much more than a superior and subordinates, they’re close to Lu Yi’s family.’ That’s why Lu Yi was hiding this from her, he told them to watch the two of them secretly, which meant he didn’t trust her. 

Cen Fu said in a formal tone, “I know that you are from LiuShanmen, temporarily the Young master’s subordinates. We shouldn’t make things difficult for each other, but if he intends to kill people, I have no choice but to bring him to the Young Master and let him decide.”

“He… He just found out that the person he likes died at the hands of A’Rui. For a moment, he couldn’t control himself and wanted to kill him.” Jinxia hurriedly explained. 

“I will report this to the Young master.” Cen Fu faced Cen Shou, “This person is not safe here, take him to your room.”

Cen Shou nodded. 

Having said that, Cen Fu approached and grabbed YangYue and pushed him. 

“I can walk alone.” His face was expressionless. 

Cen Shou coldly snorted at him. Cen Fu was not angry and slowly said, “Of course.”

“Da Yang, how are you?” Earlier he vomited blood, Jinixa was very worried. 

YangYue shook his head, did not make a sound at all, and just walked out. Cen Fu followed from behind. 

Jinxia hesitated for a moment, but because she was not feeling well either, she followed them out in a hurry. 

In front of her eyes, Cen Fu led YangYue to turn around the corner of the building, Jinxia was following them up the stairs when she met Chun Yumin who was coming downstairs to eat. Two maids were standing beside her. 

Upon seeing Jinxia’s appearance, Chun Yumin turned pale right away, no words came out of her mouth. 

“Miss Chun, are you okay?” Jinxia asked. 

Seeing her approaching, the two servants immediately rushed to protect Chun Yumin, and scolded Jinxia, shocked, “You, you…You hurry up and go! Why is there blood on you?”

Jinxia looked down at her clothes,  just realizing that they were stained with a lot of blood. Other blood stains were all over her body, she was surely looking quite scary. She tried to think back, maybe earlier when YangYue was hit, he accidentally spurted the blood on her. 

“It’s not mine…” Before she could finish speaking, Chun Yumin fainted. 

The two maids no longer cared about Jinxia and immediately carried Chun Yumin back to her room. 

It turned out Miss Chun had a blood phobia. Jinxia massaged her forehead, couldn’t help but feel guilty. She was close to Lu Yi’s room, and saw Cen Shou leaving the room, closing the door and standing guard in front of it. 

Cen Shou’s actions were clear, Lu Yi didn’t want anyone to bother him. 

Jinxia leaned against the wall for a moment. Maybe because of her master, A’Rui was still alive, hence Lu Yi shouldn’t bother YangYue too much. She decided to go back to her room and change her clothes. In the room, between her wet clothes and her dirty clothes, she hesitated for a moment; whether she wanted to or not, she finally took out the outfit borrowed from Mrs. Shen and put it on.

She sat uneasily in the room, until she heard a voice; it looked like Da Yang had returned. She immediately ran out and opened the door. 

“Da Yang…”

Her hands were about to push his doors open and enter, when she heard a ‘click’ sound from the inside. YangYue had locked the door. 

“Da Yang, are you still mad at me?” Jinxia asked. 

Inside, YangYue’s depressed voice was heard, “Go! I want to be alone.”

YangYue’s usual temperament was very soft, honest and innocent, but quite stubborn. When his anger rose, even Yang ChengWan wouldn’t dare to face it. She could only wait until his anger would subside before she could speak to him. At this time, Jinxia also didn’t want to persuade him anymore and could only say, “Then, you just rest first, but… Don’t think or act recklessly, okay?”

No sounds could be heard. 

Jinxia reluctantly walked back to her room, sitting dumbfounded in her chair, not knowing what to do, only holding her ears up to listen to any sudden movements. She was afraid that YangYue would suddenly cause trouble or harm to himself. 

After a cup of tea was passed, someone knocked on the door. 

Jinxia, who was a little tired, said, “Who is it? The door is unlocked, come in.”

The one who entered was Cen Shou; his face still looked cold, no different from the dead in a casket. 

“The Young master is summoning you to his room.” The tone of his voice was fierce. 

Jinxia, who was already displeased with him in her heart, saw that he was full of attitudes. For a moment, she felt irritated. She didn’t move right away but asked, “What business is he looking me for?”

Looking at her attitude, Cen Shou immediately got angry, “The Young master is looking for you, of course there is business, you’re just a petty constable, it’s not your turn to ask questions.”

“I’m just temporarily assigned here, why can’t I ask?” She snorted coldly, “Ha, you went to report me, didn’t you!”

“You’re being unreasonably rude! You know what, you had made Miss Chun so shocked that she passed out on the spot. Do you not know who Miss Chun is? I’ll tell you this, just this one mistake and you’ve got into big trouble with the Young Master.” Cen Shou scolded her out loud.

A ‘bang’ was heard, Jinxia had hit the table, her voice was no less loud compared to his, “She just fainted at the sight of blood, what’s the big deal? Instead, you beat YangYue until he vomited blood, I still haven’t dealt with you. Do you know who YangYue’s father is? He is the famous head of LiuShanmen. I’ll tell you, just this one mistake, you’ve got into big trouble with LiuShanmen!”

“You, you…” Cen Shou was so upset, he didn’t know what to say. 

“You what!” Jinxia’s anger was not over, “I see you’re a man, attacking me and going to report it… Do you think I’m easy to bully, don’t you? Picking on the weak, huh? You try touching me one more time, I will crush your hand!”

She was feeling suffocated due to her fury. She didn’t want to stay in the same room with Cen Shou, hence she lifted her foot and walked out. Right in front of her door, she met Lu Yi. 

Not knowing how long Lu Yi had been standing outside, nor how much he’d heard, Jinxia was dumbfounded for a moment. She was still feeling angry, but at that moment she did not know what to say. Behind her was Cen Shou who greeted Lu Yi with respect, “Young master.”

Yes, he was the Young master, she was a nobody. What could be done? 

She raised her head and said briefly to Lu Yi, “You go ahead and report me! This master won’t serve you anymore!”

Afterward, she walked down the stairs, away from Lu Yi’s sight.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!