Urban Inventor - Chapter 100

Published at 27th of March 2022 07:22:30 PM

Chapter 100

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"How can I not understand the sea? What medicine do you sell in this gourd? "

Zhang Zhijian looks at the bangs with a puzzled face.

"Then I will analyze it.

First of all, it analyzes why the Americans suddenly announced the individual armor, and specifically chose our country to announce the individual armor on the first day of the lunar new year.

In my opinion, it has something to do with Dawei. Dawei has realized the anti gravity technology and launched the anti gravity flying car. After the low-end flying car goes on the market, it can basically occupy the car market, with an annual output value of more than 10 trillion yuan. In addition, anti gravity technology can also be used in military and space fields, which can greatly enhance the strength of our country. Correspondingly, the U.S. automobile industry will collapse, the aerospace industry will also collapse, and the national economy will suffer serious losses.

Our country has been on a strong rise, and has made major breakthroughs in various fields of technology, such as precision machine tools, which have broken the technical blockade of Europe and the United States, and now have been exported on a large scale. With the emergence of anti gravity technology, the rise of our country is more irresistible, and the United States will face decline. In fact, there have been some signs in the past two months. Now there are signs of the collapse of the status of the dollar. As long as several major holding countries release the foreign debt of the dollar, the United States will go bankrupt in an instant. The status of RMB is rising, and it is accepted by more and more countries.

Therefore, the Americans feel the threat, so on the first day of the new year in our country, we launched a single armed armored weapon system. The United States is warning all countries in the world that it is the only superpower in the world, and its world hegemony is inviolable.

World hegemony can only be manifested by blood and war. Our country has risen abruptly in science and technology, but its foundation is not stable. If the United States launches a fierce campaign to maintain its global hegemony, our country will surely suffer losses.

In fact, the U.S. has been making small moves. If you pay attention to the current political news, you can find that the fleets of Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam are all restless and provocative to our country recently near the dongnanhai. However, we have been holding back again and again, because the United States is behind those countries. In addition, there are also people in the border areas of our country, which should be the devil of the Americans.

This time, the Americans have introduced strong individual armor. I think the senior level of our country has been upset by this. In order to improve the military support, we must want to build similar individual armor or robots as soon as possible to improve the combat effectiveness. However, the research and development of this kind of cutting-edge weapon is very difficult, it can not be achieved overnight, and it will take a long time, especially the artificial intelligence technology.

If the military knows that Dawei has made an intelligent robot at this time, it will surely come to our door and let us hand in technology or seek technical cooperation. Because intelligent robots are very useful in the military field, as long as they are put into the battlefield, it will be a epoch-making thing, which can reduce the casualties of the army and greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the army.

We can promise to cooperate, but we can't hand in technology, especially artificial intelligence. Robots are robots with intelligence. Without intelligence, they are just machines. Therefore, the military must cooperate with us. When developing robots in cooperation with the military, we just need to ensure that we have the highest authority of AI. Because we have the highest authority of artificial intelligence, which is equivalent to having the highest authority of robot. We can control robot at any time. If the military uses such robots to build an army, it means that we have the control of a robot army.

Of course, a cunning rabbit will not die. We should also take Zhijian's advice to establish several bases abroad, and at the same time secretly build our own forces. However, I don't think we need to build a robot army. We only need to develop weapons. If something happens, we just need to input war programs to robots and equip them with weapons, and a robot army will be born. "

After Liu Hai finished, he poured himself a cup of tea and finished it, asking, "Dawei, Zhijian, do you think my analysis is reasonable?"

"It makes sense! Dahai, you are indeed born in the red family. You know more about politics than I do. Especially your idea of cooperating with the military to develop war robots is a brain hole! If things are as you think they are, we will be able to lay eggs on the back of chickens and easily grasp a huge power. "

Zhang Zhijian's expression of admiration.

"Sea, I serve you!"

After hearing Liu Hai's words, Zhang Wei also found it very reasonable, and some of his ideas coincided with him. For example, build a pure robot force.

Through today's words, Zhang Wei also saw that the interests of Liu Hai and Zhang Zhijian have been tied to him, and they are also working hard to safeguard these interests.

Zhang Weidun then said, "don't worry, I have my own plan. After four years, we must have enough self-protection force. In terms of weapons, I have invented a neural acoustic weapon, and I have also obtained the permission of the state, when I am ready to study electromagnetic gun or laser weapons. As for the establishment of bases abroad, Africa can be chosen to do so in the name of investment. In addition, I am currently working with the state to study spacecraft based on anti gravity technology. According to the progress, we can land on the moon within two years, and then we can directly establish a base on the moon. In my imagination, the earth is just the starting point, and our future is to explore the sea of stars. "

"Haha, isn't this saying 'our journey is a sea of stars'? If someone said this to me, I must think that he is insane. But Dawei, you are different. You have created too many miracles. I believe you! I also want to explore the sea of stars to see if there are aliens. Maybe we will be treated as aliens. Haha, maybe you can play star colony just like the plot of avatar. "

Liu Hai said with a smile, his eyes full of longing.

"I'm going to rush out of the earth and go to the universe. It's a magnificent ambition, but I like it! It's reasonable to say that with the introduction of anti gravity technology, spacecraft can easily escape from the earth's gravity and the cost is greatly reduced. It's time for human beings to start the era of interstellar navigation, at least to develop the moon and Mars. Let's be the first explorers. It's just that astronauts have high requirements for physical fitness. We don't have to meet the standards. "

Zhang Zhijian not only hopes, but also worries.

"Rest assured, with the progress of technology, everything is not a problem."

Zhang Wei said with a smile. The technology of gene evolution that he got from the system can solve this problem.

At this time, he suddenly had a conjecture in his mind that the great inventor system first rewarded him with the anti gravity technology, then the genetic evolution fluid manufacturing technology, and then the energy technology he needed to make robots. Is this a step-by-step guide to the path of interstellar navigation?

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