Urban Inventor - Chapter 23

Published at 27th of March 2022 07:24:37 PM

Chapter 23

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In the next few days, Zhang Wei has been busy adding some necessary functions to Beidou. After adding these functions, Beidou has become a good auxiliary intelligence, which can help him to arrange affairs, retrieve data, and assist him to complete some work, and will not easily cause trouble to him, which can be called a good assistant.

Although Beidou's ability is still far behind Jarvis in the movie, Zhang Wei believes that with his help, Beidou will surely surpass Jarvis.

After finishing this work, Zhang Wei searched the Internet again for the latest progress of the hacker incident.

In the past few days, the heat of this event has declined significantly, which is not as attractive as before. Zhang Wei has walked around the mainstream websites and hacker forums and found nothing worthy of attention.

This matter can be put down completely. As long as Zhang Wei doesn't let others know that he has artificial intelligence, he is absolutely safe.

However, in this way, Zhang Wei can't use artificial intelligence in the anti gravity flying car project. He has to write a new intelligent control program for the anti gravity flying car, and the intelligence level of this intelligent control program can't be too high. Otherwise, after the launch of the anti gravity flying car, other people may connect the hacker event with him.

For Zhang Wei, there is no difficulty in writing the intelligent control program. It took him only three days to finish the work. However, after finishing, he suddenly felt that there was something missing in the intelligent control program. After thinking for a while, he slapped his head and lost an unmanned driving system! How can something as tall as an anti gravity flying car lack the function of unmanned driving!

Zhang Wei worked for another two days to add the driverless system to the intelligent control program.

At this time, Zhang Wei is also excited. The intelligent control program has been completed. The modules and parts of the anti gravity concept car he ordered from the mechanical manufacturers and electronic technology manufacturers have already been received. That is to say, he has been able to make the anti gravity flying car that only appeared in Science fiction movies before!

He can already think of how much influence the anti gravity flying car will bring to the world when it comes into being!

This time, it is no longer theoretical knowledge, but anti gravity technology products that can change human life and world pattern!

He can also foresee that with the introduction of the anti gravity flying car, his life will be completely changed!

Zhang Wei quickly moved the modules and parts of the anti gravity concept car from the warehouse to the laboratory, unpacked them, and then carefully checked the quality of these items. When he found no problem, he began to assemble the anti gravity concept car according to his own design drawings.

Before assembly, Zhang Wei specially pointed the HD camera connected to the computer at himself, and then said, "Beidou, record my work process."

"Yes, sir, I've already begun to video." Beidou said that the sound is a simulation of Guo biting.

"This is a historic day. Today, I will begin to assemble the first anti gravity flying car in human history..." While working, Zhang Wei explained to the camera, with a brilliant smile on his face. In this guy's idea, if someone wants to make his documentary in the future, this video material can perfectly present him. Even if no one wants to make his documentary, this video material can also be left for his own to see, there will be a full sense of happiness.

After another three days, the first anti gravity flying car in human history was finally completed.

"Beidou, take some pictures of me and this anti gravity flying car."

Zhang Wei excitedly stood beside the anti gravity flying car, put a pose and said to Beidou.

"Yes, sir." Beidou replied, and then the HD camera connected to the computer blinked a few times.

"Beidou, start recording." Zhang Wei told him that he was addicted to the video.

"Yes, sir." Beidou answered again.

Zhang Wei began to explain excitedly, "this is the first anti gravity flying car in human history. It's 3 meters long, 2 meters high and 1.7 meters wide. As for its shape, you can see that it's absolutely sci-fi in height.

The anti gravity device invented by me is installed in the car, which can realize vertical rapid takeoff and landing, and can take off without runway at all, which means that it can take off and land at almost any place conveniently. In addition, the anti gravity flying car does not need any jet engine to propel, it adopts a new scheme, and the detailed technical principle is too complex to explain for the time being. You just need to know that the flying car can fly in the air at supersonic speed, and the fastest speed can reach Mach 3, that is, three times the speed of sound, 3675 kilometers an hour. What is the concept? That means flying cars are faster than bullets! This means it only takes three hours from Beijing to New York!

Let's talk about the driving force. The anti gravity flying car replaces the traditional fuel with a new driving force. As for the driving force principle and related scientific knowledge, it is very complex to say, and the explanation can't be finished in a few days and nights. However, in general, it is a combination of gravitational wave, auxiliary space field and gravity field. As we all know, the auxiliary space field can be understood as the same force field as the gravity field. As for the gravitational wave, we can understand it as another kind of light, which is ubiquitous, but invisible and intangible. As long as any object in the universe moves, it will radiate gravitational waves. The motion of a black hole will release gravitational waves. When the moon rotates around the earth, it will release gravitational waves. Even when you and your sister pass by, they are also releasing gravitational waves. Well, the technical problems are too boring to be discussed in detail.

In addition, as we all know, the earth's atmosphere can be divided into two parts: flow and stratosphere. Because of the frequent activities of flow atmosphere, it is not suitable for flight of aircrafts. Generally, aircrafts are flying in the upper part of flow and stratosphere. The flight altitude designed by anti gravity vehicles is the same as that of aircrafts, mainly in this altitude area.


OK, that's all. "

Zhang Wei asked Beidou to stop recording, then reached out and caressed the cold body for a while, opened the door and sat in. He could not wait to experience it.

"Beidou, help me start the anti gravity vehicle." Zhang Wei closed the door, fastened his seat belt and said to the voice equipment installed in the front.

The anti gravity flying car has a built-in networking function, and Beidou can appear anywhere on the network. In addition, Zhang Wei has also modified the intelligent control program on the anti gravity concept car to let it transmit all the received signals to Beidou immediately, so Beidou can connect to the concept car through the network at the first time when it receives the signals.

"Yes, sir, please be ready." When the sound of Beidou sounded, the anti gravity flying car started in a flash, but because Zhang Wei had not carried out other operations, the anti gravity flying car also stopped in place.

Zhang Wei looks at the status display on the flying car excitedly. When he sees the "start status" displayed on it, he excitedly holds the handle used to control the up and down flight of the anti gravity flying car, and gently pushes it. The anti gravity flying car is also slowly flying. When it is 30cm high in the air, Zhang Wei quickly operates the handle to stop the anti gravity flying car Come on. If you keep going up, you will hit the ceiling!

In this way, the anti gravity flying car stopped in the air smoothly.


Zhang Wei shouted excitedly, everything is so perfect, he really wants to fly the anti gravity flying car to the sky immediately, and experience the real taste of flying.

However, in the daytime, if he flies out like this, he will definitely cause a big wave. Then, before he is fully prepared, a big wave of wolves, tigers and leopards who covet the benefits of anti gravity technology will attack him fiercely and clean him up!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!