Urban Inventor - Chapter 90

Published at 27th of March 2022 07:22:45 PM

Chapter 90

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Zhang Wei did not rest in the experimental building, but returned to the villa of Yunhai reflection community.

After several days of large-scale joint suppression by the National Security Bureau and the special forces of the southern sword, the mercenaries who had infiltrated zhongyun city had been basically eliminated. Even if there were some missing fish, it was difficult to pose a threat to Zhang Wei. In addition, the State Security Bureau and zhongyun police have completed the investigation of Yunhai imaging community and confirmed that it is safe.

Therefore, Zhang Wei can return to live here at ease.

My parents also moved back to the original villa.

After returning to Yunhai reflection community, Zhang Weili arrived at his parents' villa.

Around the villa, there are guards on guard. They are all security personnel drawn from the future technology. After seeing Zhang Wei, the bodyguards greet each other warmly, "General Zhang is good."

Zhang Wei, smiling and nodding, walked into the villa and found that his parents were all in the dining room, sitting at the table, the dishes on the table were still moving, obviously waiting for him.

"Xiaowei, sit down and have a meal. They are all your favorite dishes."

Seeing Zhang Wei coming in, my mother immediately asked Zhang Wei to sit down.

"Xiao Wei, let's have a drink."

Dad opened a bottle of Maotai.

"Mom and Dad, you don't have to wait for me. You eat first."

As Zhang Wei said, he took his chair and sat down directly. He took a piece of braised pork and stuffed it into his mouth. "Mom, your cooking has improved again. It's so delicious."

"Eat more if it's delicious."

My mother smiled happily.

After eating some dishes, Zhang Wei and his father made a small glass of white wine. "Dad, I'll have a good time with you today."

"You only have three or two drinks. You can't drink too much."

Dad said with a smile on his face.

Eating food, drinking wine, and nagging about family life are the simplest daily life, plain and warm.

While drinking, Zhang Wei looked at the wrinkles on his parents' faces honed by the years. He thought that in the past few days, facing the threat of mercenaries, his parents had been living a life of fear, and he felt very guilty. He secretly decided to pay the heaviest price to those enemies who threatened their own personal safety and that of their families, so that they would never dare to fight their own attention again.

In addition, we should make intelligent robots as soon as possible, and then equip parents with powerful robot bodyguards to better protect their safety.

And let parents use genetic evolution fluid to make them have a stronger body. However, Zhang Wei is not going to give the genetic evolution fluid to his parents now. He is going to use the genetic evolution fluid as a new year gift for his parents.

The next day.

Zhang Wei came to the company and went to the experimental building.

Along the way, all the staff who met Zhang Wei said hello to Zhang Wei with a smile, and then chatted with their colleagues.

Zhang Wei's body has been strengthened and his hearing ability is very good. He can clearly hear what the employees are discussing, which is basically related to the company's year-end bonus, and all of them are positive comments, which are very recognized by the company.

It can be seen that, after the year-end bonus distribution plan was announced, the employees' sense of identity to the company was significantly enhanced, and their morale was greatly increased.

Zhang Wei is very happy with these changes. He hopes that all employees of the company will be proud of the future technology company and he is willing to give better treatment to the employees of the company.

When he came to the laboratory, Zhang Wei came to the experimental table. On the experimental table was a humanoid mechanical leg that was about to be completed.

After working for two hours, Zhang Wei finally finished the final work and successfully made this humanoid leg.

as like as two peas, the rest of the legs are almost identical to human legs, and are more perfect than most people's legs.

Then, carry out the test work.

Three hours later, the test is complete.

The test result is perfect, which completely achieves Zhang Wei's design purpose, which also excites Zhang Wei. In his opinion, although failure is the mother of success, we should try our best not to fail.

Now, the humanoid manipulator and the humanoid leg have been made. Next, as long as the skull and body are made, the complete robot body can be made.

As Zhang Wei has accumulated rich experience in the process of making manipulator and mechanical leg, the following work went on smoothly.

Four days later.

In the laboratory.

"Beidou, call out the robot design drawing."

Zhang Wei sat on the computer chair and said.

Beside him, there are a lot of materials, all of which are robot modules and parts. There are hundreds of them. In addition to chips, sensors, hyperspectral cameras and other things, other modules and parts are made by the company's production department according to his requirements.

"Yes, sir."

Beidou answered. As like as two peas, the

is a silver imitation humanoid robot. It appears on screen, and looks almost the same as human skin.

"Divide the robot into modules and parts, and then design a complete assembly process."

Zhang Wei ordered.

This is the advantage of having artificial intelligence, which can help him in all aspects and save him a lot of energy.

"Yes, sir."

Beidou replied.

Then, dense data came out, lines of data flashed across the screen, which could not be seen clearly by human eyes.

Then, the body of the robot is carefully divided into hundreds of pieces, from the head to the body, from the body to the limbs, each part is divided into dozens or even hundreds of modules and parts, each module and part has a number.

Two minutes later, a video file was generated on the screen and played automatically. The assembly process of the robot was demonstrated in detail through video demonstration and voice introduction.

With this robot assembly tutorial, the assembly work of the robot can be orderly without worrying about mistakes.

"Beidou, record my work."

Zhang Wei specially ordered.

This is a memorable scene. It must be recorded. It can be left to the future for its own viewing. Maybe it can also be preserved in the museum as a precious human film and television material.

"Yes, sir, I've already begun to video."

Said the Big Dipper.

Zhang Wei can't wait to explain, "since the birth of the robot industry in 1956, after more than 60 years of development, robots have already moved from film and television novels to reality. Industrial robots, service robots and military robots have emerged one after another, which has brought great impact on our lives.

I am not the first person to make intelligent robots, but I believe that the intelligent robots I make will be the most perfect humanoid robots in the world.

According to my design, the height of the intelligent robot is 180cm, with a durable titanium metal shell, 456 moving parts, melting point of 6000 degrees Fahrenheit, can bear a load of 400kg, and can withstand the impact of two tons of force.

It will have 80 language abilities, be able to make human expression, be flexible, fast, and very smart.

It can carry out all kinds of tasks according to the instructions of the host or the actual situation, complete all kinds of work such as safety inspection, material handling, caring for the elderly and children, washing vegetables and cooking, emergency rescue, etc., help us in all aspects of life, and bring us a better life.


Next, I will start to assemble the robot's body... "

Next, Zhang Wei began to assemble the robot according to the assembly tutorial made by Beidou!

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