Published at 12th of February 2024 12:46:30 PM

Chapter 684: Orion’s Offsprings

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Chapter 684 Orion's Offsprings

?However, Orion didn't reply; instead, he heaved a weary sigh.

Seraphina exchanged a silent nod with Greta, conveying her agreement. It was clear to her that Orion needed to return home and rest for the day.

In response, Greta nodded decisively. She retracted her hands and spoke gently, "Let's head home. You need to give your mind a break and gather your thoughts," she said, guiding Orion towards the door.

With another nod to Seraphina, Greta led Orion out of the workshop.

After they left, Seraphina redirected her focus to the sealed container. She sighed and securely placed it aside, her mind already racing with new plans spurred by the revelation about the divine energy's possible role in the emergence of the potential four-star Vylkr vine. Seraphina dove back into her work to test her theories.

'I just hope it works,' Seraphina thought.


Orion's manor

As Greta opened the door, she brought Orion into their manor, where they were immediately met with the heartwarming sight of Ingrid, Grandma Meldra, Saria, Celeste, Crystalia, and the other women.

They were gathered on a vibrant, well-designed mat in the main room, tending to the babies, some of whom were breastfed.

Jasper, Elysia's son, is the eighth son and nineteenth child. Orion Junior and Bara, Maya's children, are the ninth son and twelfth daughter, making them the twentieth and twenty-first children. Yara and Astrid, Merida's daughters, are the thirteenth and fourteenth girls and the twenty-second and twenty-third children.

Lastly, Kimaya, Seraphina's daughter, is the family's fifteenth girl and twenty-fourth child.

The only one among his wives who hadn't given birth was Crystalia because, surprisingly enough, she had decided to wait and help Grandma Meldra take care of the rest of the women.

Also, Dariya, Saria, and Malaia, because Orion still hadn't found a way to ensure that what happened to Grace wouldn't happen to the rest of his children.

Nonetheless, Orion treated all his children equally, even though some of them were from different races, because, after all, they were all his children.

"How are you doing?" Orion asked Alden as he gently rubbed his tummy.

Alden chuckled lightly, sporting a bright smile as he stretched his tiny hands upwards, attempting to reach Orion's face.

Orion chuckled in return as he approached his wives and children, with Celeste and Greta by his side. As he sat down, he noticed Alden's expression suddenly souring. It dawned on him that Alden was hungry, so he swiftly turned to return him to his mother.

However, Celeste's hands were already occupied with Jasmine, Sura's daughter, while nursing Ragnar, Greta's son, with her other hand.

Both babies were happily nursing from her breasts.

"Bring him here," Greta said, stretching her arms to take Alden from Orion, recognizing his dilemma. Since Celeste was already occupied with Ragnar, she decided to breastfeed Alden herself and help him fall asleep.


Author's Note: One (*) for mild smut scenes. And (**) for smut scenes.

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