Published at 7th of October 2023 04:47:08 PM

Chapter 170: Town Sacrifice

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Having heard the man's words, Arthur and the others understood quite a bit. But even then, there were some things that were not adding up.

"Wait, why would they need the barrier to be gone for them to enter?" Caleb couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, the barrier doesn't stop humans. Only beasts and monsters." Alchemist Lugan nodded.

They looked at the bandit, but he had already stopped speaking. It was evident that the drug had knocked him out as well.


"Bah, we have to use the last one." Fredric dropped the bandit and moved to the next cell.

The third and final bandit would have to give them all their answers, or things would get difficult. 

The bandit was quickly fed the drug and questioned.

"Speak, why does the cult need to destroy the barrier? Can't they enter on their own despite that?" Fredric demanded.

"The cult… Need blessed beasts to kill…" The bandit answered.

"Blessed beasts? What are those?" Fredric asked next while the others also listened in curiosity.

'Those blessed beasts? They can already make them?' Arthur though knew what the bandit was talking about. 

"Beasts blessed… By our lord… they will bring… Favor… AGH!" the bandit was speaking but suddenly showed an expression of pain.


The man's body started to spasm, and foam started to come out of his mouth.

"What's happening to him?" Fredrick asked frantically.

"This isn't from the drug." Alchemist Lugan replied while furrowing his brows.

"Let me take a look." Arthur quickly used Dragon's Insight on the convulsing bandit.

>Dragon's Insight has been successfully activated

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