Published at 7th of October 2023 04:53:12 PM

Chapter 36: Finessing The Beast

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"Ha… ha… ha…" Arthur couldn't stop now and needed to increase the distance between him and the Razer Tusk Boar as much as possible.


The Razer Tusk Boar shook its head and snorted loudly, trying to shake off the feeling of daze. In just a couple of seconds, it recovered its wits and charged toward Arthur again.

Its hooves stomped upon the rock fragments, reducing them to gravel while its razor sharp tusks pointed towards Arthur.

The beast only had one thought in its mind, it wanted to kill Arthur!

Of course, Arthur's goal was to avoid that and in order to do so, he had increased the distance between him and the Razer Tusk Boar by fifty meters now.

'This'll give me a little breathing room, but I need to find more obstacles for the dumb boar.' Arthur thought while going through his memories.

He had paid attention to his surroundings while coming here, taking note of different objects on his way. Since he needed to make use of them, there was no way he would forget them this quickly.

And soon enough, he spotted his next damage opportunity.

"Let's see how you fare against a tree this time!" Arthur said as he leaped over a collapsed tree.

The tree had broken in half naturally and the remaining part was still enough for Arthur to cross. But for the Razer Tusk Boar that was like a truck without breaks, it simply crashed into the tree stump.

>Razer Tusk Boar has crashed into a Tree Stump!Environmental Damage has been inflicted!Warning! Player Arthur's Stamina has fallen to 50%

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