War God Asura - Chapter 1871

Published at 13th of February 2023 10:42:13 AM

Chapter 1871

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However, it is hard to deal with the abnormal stubborn resistance of the blood spirits. Although it is simple to refine and absorb them into the body, it is even more difficult to refine them thoroughly.

And they have intelligence, because at this moment they have captured part of the body of the sentence, so when surrounded by the soul power of the sentence, they begin to create pain in the body, so as to reduce the spiritual power of the sentence, so that it can not gather the spirit and fight against them.

"I don't believe it. I'll be defeated by you scumbags."

In the face of the revolt of resentment and blood soul, the punishment became more and more tenacious. He clenched his teeth and began to exert the power of the soul eating formula to the limit, and chose to attack one by one.

There are nearly a hundred blood souls of resentment in the body of the sentence. At the moment, they are scattered all over the body of the sentence, but they have been surrounded by the soul power of the sentence, limiting their opportunities for further expansion.

Although they can create pain in the body and affect the concentration of the spirit of the sentence, he knows that it is almost impossible to refine all these guys in one breath, so he chooses to endure the pain and gather all his strength to refine a blood soul.

"Roar ~"

the soul power of punishment is very important. According to the soul master, it has reached the king rank. Although we don't know what level the king rank is, we can imagine that it should be very strong.

In addition, with the operation of the pitiful rhyme, the power of the pitiful formula can only be described by the word "terror". At the moment, this terrible power is attacking a bloody soul occupying the criminal body.

"Haw haw"

it seems to feel the powerful momentum of xingjue's soul. The blood soul of resentment began to make a low voice of begging for mercy, but Xing never let it go because it begged for mercy, so it could only shiver under the strong attack of the soul.

Gradually, its body actually began to split, and the split part was soon swallowed up by the soul power of the sentence. This phagocytosis is thorough, which shows that part of the body of the blood soul has been refined by the sentence.

Although the speed of its body splitting is not fast, under the attack of the criminal sentence, the split always continues, and every time a part of the body is split, the speed of its split will be increased. Therefore, after nearly half an hour, the bloody soul is finally thoroughly refined by the sentence.

"Hum, little scumbags, make you arrogant!"

Although it took half an hour, his face was still full of excitement. At least he knew that these terrible blood spirits could be tempered.

Although there are still dozens of them left in the body of the sentence, as long as this strange guy can be thoroughly refined, the sentence will be completely at ease.

After that, the criminal sentence began to devote himself to the refining. What is worth mentioning is that after refining the first blood soul of resentment, the punishment has mastered the refining skills, and the speed has been greatly improved when refining the blood soul behind, and this speed is still increasing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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