Published at 2nd of November 2022 05:57:23 AM

Chapter 21

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Duan Changqing left the river with his fruit knife-bamboo pole.

He began to wonder if he could catch a rabbit or something else.

This world is very similar to the cultivation world. Animals can be divided into ordinary animals, demons, and spiritual beasts.

However, demons are called companion beasts, and spiritual beasts are called exotic beasts by people in this world.

And even if people in this world don’t cultivate, they can tell at a glance whether an animal is a companion beast or an ordinary animal.

On this continent, there are many vast forests and grasslands, all of which are occupied by powerful exotic beasts, and humans simply dare not set foot in them.

As for the use of high-tech weapons…

Duan Changqing has also discovered these days that because a warrior’s own strength is well-respected, the development of science and technology is particularly slow, and there are no major advancements in weaponry.

This is also normal.

This is a world with spiritual power. Although there are no strong people around him, there must be powerful people outside.

Not to mention, the nine-tailed fox demon that appeared a few days ago probably has reached the peak of qi refinement. If it goes berserk, it can destroy the entire town, and no one in the town can survive.

This kind of person is already a big killer by themselves. Who knows if there are even stronger ones or exotic beasts.

The most important thing is those with power are those who are strong.

They certainly won’t let people research and develop weapons that can hurt them.

Even if a ruler wants to develop powerful weapons to deal with exotic beasts… If those exotic beasts survive, what happens if they retaliate and attack humans?

If they really rush into human dwellings, can they still use weapons of mass destruction and sink the city along with the beasts?

Of course, ordinary humans dare not provoke exotic beasts. Those powerful exotic beasts also don’t pay attention to humans. They’re generally deep in the mountains or old forests.

Those exotic beasts prefer places full of spiritual energy and are well-fed and content, so of course, those exotic beasts won’t leave their lairs.

How can a beast bother with killing some lowly human beings?

As such, exotic beasts don’t occupy places where humans live. The animals that appear are all ordinary animals, so those occasional incidents of exotic beasts attacking humans are quite rare.

On the contrary, humans often go to the forest to hunt exotic beasts.

The mercenaries stopping by town from time to time are those who live by hunting exotic beasts and picking exotic plants.

What they hunt are low-level exotic beasts with low IQs. Many high-level exotic beasts will also feed on low-level exotic beasts… Low-level exotic beasts are actually afraid of humans, so they will naturally not retaliate against humans.

Occasionally when low-level exotic beasts run out of the forest… that’s actually a self-inflicted accident.

Duan Changqing walked forward with a bamboo pole, but did not find any rabbits. Instead, he encountered a weasel, a small hedgehog, and a small snake.

These small animals are well hidden, that is, they could only be found if one uses their divine consciousness.

But the point is, they are either too small or can’t be eaten…

Duan Changqing didn’t go far before he met a few children who often visited Xie Yunnan.

“It’s you! How did you come to the river?” asked the girl in the lead.

“Walking around.” Xie Yunnan said.

“We’re going to catch fish, do you want to come with us?” the girl asked again.

“Okay.” Duan Changqing agreed and asked again, “How do you catch fish?”

He just finished asking when he saw these children release their companion beasts.

The girl whose companion beast was a cat said, “Kitten can catch fish!”

Another child whose companion beast was a snake said, “My snake can also catch fish!”

Other people’s companion beasts can’t catch fish, but they chime: “There are snails by the river, we can dig… We also have a secret base!”

These children’s so-called secret base is a big puddle they dug by themselves by the river.

They dug this puddle and the river channel so that the fish in the river could swim in, and then put some bait in the puddle… After a day, they block the channel between the puddle and the river. After scooping the water out, some small fish and shrimp can be harvested.

“We put some earthworms and a small sweet potato in the pit yesterday. After scooping out the water, there must be fish in it!” The girl in the lead replied, and then looked at Duan Changqing up and down: “We will give you a little bit later to eat as tonic for your body.”

She acted like a little adult when she spoke, which was very interesting.

But Duan Changqing rejected her. “No.” Even if he is short of food now, he hasn’t fallen to grabbing food from children.

The little girl said old-fashionedly, “I’m not giving it to you either, I’m giving it to Brother Yunnan!”


… Then he can give these children a few sweet potatoes.

Duan Changqing had nothing to do, so he followed the children to the river.

Mainly because he was afraid that the boat was still there, and these children would accidentally offend the people on the boat.

That ship…really was still there.

It moved down the river, but because the children’s destination happened to be a little downstream, they still met.

Duan Changqing was thinking about how to instruct these children to be careful not to offend those people, when they saw these children bowing to the people on the boat: “Hello, sir!”

Each of the kids followed, and even pushed the two youngest to do the same as they knelt down and kowtowed: “Hello, sir! I wish you great wealth!”

The congratulatory words of these children were like a chorus.

Those who were casting nets on the ship were dressed in ordinary clothes, and looked like ordinary crew members, while those who were dressed in luxurious clothes all stood on the deck.

At this time, one of them was a little unhappy: “Go away!”

The person next to him said: “Don’t be so fierce, just a few children… Throw them a few cans.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a crew member threw a few cans towards the bank.

The cans nearly hit the children and fell into the water, but the children were very happy and rushed up to grab them.

Seeing this scene, Duan Changqing couldn’t help being silent.

The behavior of these children is almost like begging.

What’s heartbreaking is seeing them do so skillfully.

These children didn’t think as much as Duan Changqing. After they left the riverbank, they began to divide the cans.

The girl in the lead looked at Duan Changqing, a little disgusted: “You didn’t react at all just now, and you didn’t pick up the canned food. Too stupid… Forget it, this canned meat is for you, you can take it back and eat it with Brother Yunnan.”

She said and handed Duan Changqing a can of braised pork.

Duan Changqing’s heart felt heavy.

On the other side, those people who threw the canned food on the boat were amazed. “It’s that man again, he looks quite good.”

“Who knows if the face under that makeup is already rotten?” Another said.

“You really know how to ruin one’s appetite.”

“I’m just telling the truth.”

These people were sent out to find the body of the high priest.

Some time ago, there was a rebellion in the Holy City. Several groups fought together, and many of them rushed to the high priest.

Well, it wasn’t a rebellion per se – it’s just a power struggle. A lot of people want a new high priest.

The high-level officials in the Holy City know that the high priest has treasures in his hands, and his family can even pass on a strong power from generation to generation.

But they also have shortcomings. All high priests have quite poor health.

Especially the current high priest. He inherited the role and power of high priest from his father at a young age, but he didn’t have the strength to match his position. And his body was even worse than the previous high priests…

This naturally made others covet what he had.

Even those around the high priest betrayed him.

The high priest was killed on the spot and thrown into the river in the chaos.

Between those who were loyal and those traitors, the news was covered up.

For instance, all members in their family took action against the high priest that night.

They were ordered to come out and find the body of the high priest because the people of Holy City began to panic over his disappearance.

While the task doesn’t make much sense, maybe after the body is found, it might be useful?

Rumor is that there’s a treasure on the high priest’s body.

It’s a pity that when the high priest fell into the water, many people on their side were dead or injured, so no one went to look.

Even the fact that the high priest should have died was something they deduced not long ago.

As the ship continued to move forward, more and more people began to learn that Holy City’s high priest had died.

Of course, there were also many people who firmly believed that the high priest was not dead.

Many people left the Holy City in search of the high priest, even if it was a corpse.

It’s just that no one knew what the high priest looked like.

This high priest inherited the role when he was very young. Since then, he has been a recluse, wearing a mask every time he goes out, so only the people closest to him knew what he looked like.

There was a traitor among those people, but that traitor was dead.

Duan Changqing didn’t know these things, and he didn’t know that the original owner of the body he passed through had such a great background. It turned out to be the theoretical ruler of this continent, the legendary high priest.

Disliked by a group of children, he took the can of braised pork and prepared to go home.

He walked for a while, then stopped suddenly.

Duan Changqing felt that there was a person lying in the bushes in front.

His current divine sense is very weak, and can’t perceive too far away. Moreover, he can only use it to perceive his surroundings, there is no way to hurt people.

But even so, he could feel that the person lying down was very strong and dangerous.

What to do if there’s danger? Of course stay away.

Duan Changqing turned around and switched paths as if nothing had happened.

He couldn’t beat the man for the time being, so he could only take a detour.

Fortunately, he will be able to beat that person down after a while!

The Ghost King lying in the bushes: “…”

After being disrupted by someone yesterday, he wanted to find a chance to touch porcelain for the second time.

However, there were always others in the way whenever Xie Yunnan went to move sweet potatoes.

He was afraid of accidents, so he suspended the plan, and came out today to look for opportunities.

As a result… Xie Yunnan didn’t leave town!

Fortunately, Xie Yunnan’s partner left the town. After thinking about it, he switched to targeting Duan Changqing.

If Duan Changqing saves him, he will also be able to repay Xie Yunnan. Plus there is a high probability this person will ask Xie Yunnan for help if he can’t save him.

In addition, he also wanted to test his son’s partner.

The way a person reacts to the injured will reveal what kind of person he is.

However… this man took a different path.

Failed again…

Ghost King, Strike 2!

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