Published at 27th of December 2022 06:11:51 AM

Chapter 159

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as I hit close to chapter 200 in my backlogs, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the future of Asteria, and this novel. I know that some of you were growing frustrated with what was perceived as a shift in focus to a more family oriented novel. That wasn't the end goal and it's been addressed. On that same note, I have finally settled on Asteria's tech level. 
 Steam punk with a touch of war world 1. There will be no automatic machine guns, or nuclear weapons, But as you have more than likely guessed, there will be steam tanks, trains, and other fun stuff in that same style setting. There will also be no hand waved magitech. Just because I have magic, a dream and ducktape doesn't mean anything. It will be rooted in reality, and capped at the absolute most 1850s. Also no masses of undead teaming with m16s and apaches, no matter how cool that sounds. Instead I have something cooler in mind :)

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