Published at 5th of May 2021 09:13:36 AM

Chapter 321: 321

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She still had to go to her classes in the afternoon so she'd rather not look like a beggar that had somehow stumbled into the classroom.

Eventually she was able to stand until the array slowly faded back into the empty coliseum she was in before. The elder that had activated the array was standing off to one side, watching her progress in the array while Shen Tianyu herself has only moved a few steps from her original position at the center. She nodded at the elder in acknowledgement as soon as she got out and the old man walked up to her.

"I have received news that Miss Bai has finished her portion of the test, you may return to her." He told her as he beckoned her towards the gate she came from.

Shen Tianyu didn't move and instead pointed at her throat before pointing at the remaining marks of the array. She wasn't supposed to be able to talk after ingesting the pill but she had obviously spoke aloud when she was in the array formation's illusion. 

"Ah, are you asking how you were able to speak when you were within the array's illusion?" The old man speculated since she couldn't speak. Getting her nod of confirmation, he gave a small lift of his lips as he answered. "Since you were within the array formation, it was deemed there would be no way for you to communicate with Miss Bai so your ability to speak was granted to you. Though, of course, it's all just an illusion." 

Shen Tianyu nodded, signifying that she understood his answer and cupped her fist before she left the coliseum to travel back tot he Exam Hall. On her way back, she could see some students milling about either because they just got out of their class or they were about to have a class. It was almost noon and it's understandable for many of the students to have classes late. She returned the nods of greeting of a few. 

Arriving at the Exam Hall, the Headmaster was waiting outside with Bai Yaoxuan. 

"Congratulations, it looks like you have passed your section of the exam with relative ease. As for Miss Bai's portion, I'll need time to grade her answers before I can come to a conclusion. As she is currently not a student, however, she may not attend classes yet so she will have to go back to the Zhu Wangfu to await her acceptance letter. " The Headmaster said as he took a black pill out from his sleeve. "This is the antidote for the Silencing Pill." He gave her the pill and Shen Tianyu threw it into her mouth as easily as candy again, the liquid contained immediately dissolving on her tongue and stuck to the walls of her throat. 

She nodded at the Headmaster to indicate she understood his words and both the girls bowed to him. Shen Tianyu took Bai Yaoxuan to the stables and hired a carriage with a batch of silvers to take the latter back to the Wangfu. When Bai Yaoxuan was getting on board, Shen Tianyu pulled the driver aside.

Shen Tianyu had more than a few thousand yuan but she didn't use it because she was afraid of people with bad intentions seeing it. She also didn't want the driver to get the idea of collaborating with someone to take a hostage and ransom for more money. It was better to act poor rather than bring trouble by treasuring a jade bracelet[1].

Shen Tianyu personally saw them disappear from sight before she turned back to go to her classroom fro the next and first class of the day. Her next class would be the poison class she had signed up for. In fact, all students who passed the entrance exams, except for late admissions, got their schedules from messenger pigeons sent by the School before the Orientation Day. Shen Tianyu signed up for her electives by planning them around the time slots of her core curriculum. She had a few classes in the morning, with Introductory Course of Herbal Recognition being first. However, because of her confidence on that subject, she didn't need to keep a strict attendance for it, in her opinion, and could just walk in for the exams. Though she had to make a few friends so she knows when the exams are. Well, she'll attend the class tomorrow and see if there are any familiar faces. 

The Poisonous Herbs of the Demonic Forest will be held in it's respective building, as in the Poison Stage's classrooms. Following a few maps nailed into wooden boards around the School grounds, Shen Tianyu found her way to the building labeled "Poison Labs" with a disclaimer painted on the door saying "caution necessary, beware of dangers ahead". She scanned the words before pushing open the door like they were not there. The whole building was four stories high. The first floor was a reference floor with a whole library of research and a few locked rooms of what she assumed were the more common materials. She also saw a staircase leading down to, probably, the more fortified labs where more dangerous experiments were carried out. The second floor was where all the offices of the teachers and elders were at, with a few being owned by favored disciples. The third and fourth floors were the classrooms that taught various students on the basics and more advanced techniques for identifying or extracting dangerous substances from nature. Thankfully, Shen Tianyu's class was on the third floor so she didn't need to walk all the way to the top, not that the third and fourth floor made much of a difference. 

[1] an idiom to say that keeping a treasure will cause troubles for oneself even if the person did nothing wrong

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