Winter Nights of Hell - Chapter 33

Published at 23rd of April 2024 11:14:18 AM

Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three 

Pervara - the Sanguine Lands


The next day, Yushin and I woke up, ate breakfast, gathered our stuff, and left. It was a quiet walk until we reached the next city, Pevara, the Sanguine Lands. What an odd name. I questioned it repeatedly - just as much as I previously questioned Kurai’s bizarre behavior. My head was still in a whirlwind from last night as I tried to piece the puzzle together, but it was damn near impossible. 

My distractions got the best of me as I felt my foot get grabbed by something, and I stumbled forward, landing hard on a patch of grass. “Ughh,” I muttered as I momentarily lay on the ground. “Why is there grass all of a sudden?” I questioned as I felt it under me.

“Did you not… notice…. The portal back there?” Yushin questioned me, raising an eyebrow, standing above me, and offering a hand down.

“I guess not,” I sighed, gripping his hand as he pulled me to my feet.

“Really? Doesn’t it make your body go all woooosh?!” He asked, throwing his arms up and almost mimicking waves.

I couldn’t help but smile at his mimic, but I shook my head to his question. “Surprisingly not. Sorry, I'm a bit distracted.” I brushed the dirt off of my clothes and fastened them a bit better, only to realize that these clothes were disgusting from the last day of travel. Bits of ash from the short distance traveled within Lejithas - which I didn’t even know existed. It surprised me that there were so many portals connected to the underworld that you could walk through. 

“Distracted, huh? Fox got your tongue?” Yushin poked at me as he gazed at the area. 

I gave him a quick and annoyed glare, “I just can’t believe he just left after making such a big fuss!” I huffed, crossing my arms.

“You’ll be fine,” Yushin replied, rolling his eyes. “Who cares anyway, he’s a liar.”

It hurt me to hear Yushin mention the word, liar. It wasn’t my favorite word around, but he had a point. Kurai told me he trained hard for the tails he earned, but it wasn’t the same training we had in mind. It was the training of making a sacrifice and providing it to a… Well, whatever this trade was about. I needed to know, and my mind was whirling in questions.

What did he trade?

Who did he trade with? 

What did he give up?

Why didn’t he tell me? 

I’m only guessing Yushin heard all my thoughts, as I could see his body posture changing and slowing down. He had the answers, and I was going to get them.

“Yushin,” I said gently, “Start talking.” 

“Oh, you’re cold-hearted,” He replied, continuing to walk forward. 

I watched as Yushin continued to take some steps forward, his long black and thin hair flowing gently behind him, almost as if there were no gravity. Flawless hair, very jealous. Focus. 

He bowed his head and groaned loudly, “Really, Snow?” He grunted, turning to stare at me out of the corner of his eye. “We’re supposed to be focused on your reaper training, not some demon.”

“You do realize, without him, I wouldn’t be standing here, right?” I poked, pursing my lips at him and looking him up and down. 

“Why are women so complicated,” He sighed and shook his head, turning full-on to face me. His golden gaze focused on me, locking and not pulling away from me. His voice changed, “He made a pact with a demon to release you - a powerful one. One that could lend strength to him so he could release you and replace Mundus’s mark. So that mark,” Taking a few steps toward me, now a few inches away from my face, still serious as ever, “Yeah, sure, that mark belongs to Kurai. It was his doing, his marking but also imbued with a special connection to his demon. Honestly, Snow…” His voice trailed off, and when he started speaking again, it was lower and a bit sadder sounding, “Just be careful, I don’t quite trust the demon, neither of them.” 

I noticed his striking yellow eyes that seemed to hold a world of emotions. As I drew closer, I could sense an aura of sadness emanating from him. It was as if he had been carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders for a long time. Despite the sadness, Yushin greeted me with a warm voice and a polite nod of his head. I knew that he was a kind and gentle person, but there was a deep sadness in his eyes that I couldn't shake off. I could tell the sadness was still lurking beneath the surface. I couldn't help but wonder what was causing it. He knew something that I didn’t know. The way he spoke, he didn’t seem to want to get into detail very much. 

I nodded and said, “Ok,” before pulling away from Yushin’s worried stare.

He rested a hand on my shoulder before I pulled away, “Let’s try and focus on these portals for a bit longer. Then, if we need to, we can talk more seriously about what’s happening, ok?” Yushin’s gentle voice said to me, a slight smile on his lips.

I met with those striking golden eyes again and his soft expression, feeling assured at the reaction. Again, I nodded but stayed silent this time. 

“Now come along, we’re almost at Pervara. Pervara, The Sanguine Lands. They are very optimistic people indeed, but about a specific thing - and that is Blood Magic.”

“Blood Magic? Vampires?!” I asked him.

“Oh, don’t be silly - vampires aren’t real,” Yushin chuckled, glancing over at me. “At least, not here. There are a lot of magical creatures in Pervara, but they are mostly blood mages. This is where the second gate is. Mmm, maybe it’s not a good idea to bring you there yet. Your blood will be the sweetest they’ve tasted in a long time.”

“TASTED?!” I froze. “So they are vampires!”

“Not in the sense of, ‘blah blah blah, I am here to suck your blood,’” He mocked a fable-story vampire using his two front teeth and turning them into fake little fangs, eyes growing wide as he did so.

Watching him do that made me giggle again, “So, do they have vampires?”

“They are considered underworld creatures, but… I haven’t come across one. However, one spill of your blood may send a few of their uncontrolled ‘vampires’ into a frenzy, so please do be careful,” He warned me, wagging his finger at me. “Blood Mages are serious creatures… If they also get a taste of your blood, it can be tough to break from their spells - as they will manipulate your very body.” 

“That’s… Pretty serious,” I murmured, folding my hands together tightly. “I thought Demons were the bad creatures, but it seems you have so much more out here.”

“You’ve only been a part of Asturdorm - we are not the entire underworld - there are multiple realms and… kingdoms, I guess you can call them. We have numerous lords. Different realms too, thus why you see so many different types of demons but also different types of magic here,” He explained quietly.

“You’d think you would be seen more often in the human world then.”

“Oh, we’re there - not me, but other magical creatures. To disturb the human world is to upset the Celestial World and to throw us into a major war, crossing paths with the humans. Oh, it would be one big massacre, I fear,” The man paused and smiled as we approached an entrance where one could see towers for numerous miles - until overturned by the shadows surrounding the area. “Welcome to Pervara.” 

When I first saw Pervara, I was struck by its eerie and foreboding atmosphere. The city's architecture was unmistakably East Asian, with intricately designed pagodas and temples dotting the dark skyline. But it was clear that this was no ordinary city - the air was thick with the scent of blood, and an unmistakable sense of danger lurked around every corner. The smell was what I confirmed it was - lurking around—a city ruled by Blood Mages.

I frowned and, from the corner of my eye, at the Spirit Walker. “Should I be there, though?” 

“As the Reaper, you must explore every portal before being able to access them.” 


He nodded as he guided me through the city, straying away from people as best we could. “Stay close. And yes, Access. You may have activated one portal by mistakenly coming across it, but to move forward to the others and have easier transport, you must access the portals yourself. Similar to the one we did when you went into the human world with me the first time - at Abigail’s Tree.”

“Eugh, will I be randomly transported to the human world again?” I asked as I scooted closer to the spirit walker. My gaze scanned the clearing around us. Pervara was very busy at this time of night, it seemed - lots of ‘normal’ looking people just scurrying about. Surprisingly, the city here did seem far more advanced than Asturdorm. In Asturdorm, many homes are broken down and ruined - held together by many nails and random wood planks. Here, though, this was an entirely different city! Everything is nice and neat, very pretty and highly luxurious. 

“The previous time was because our channeling was interrupted by Kurai,” The Spirit Walker sighed.

I even noticed he had changed clothing - into something more royalty-like. Yushin's black robe with red accents was a striking garment that complemented his regal and royal persona, which he typically comes off as. The sleek black fabric hugged his body in all the right places, and the intricate red designs added a bold and alluring touch to the outfit. The robe's collar was high and adorned with delicate silver embroidery, further accentuating his commanding presence. Yushin's long black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, which gave him a refined and sophisticated look, and his yellow eyes sparkled with an alluring intensity. The combination of his attire and his handsome features made him look incredibly royal - very interesting. 

“What is that?” I asked him almost immediately as I looked over his body.

“This?” Yushin grinned as he turned around and showed his clothes, hugging his body. “Just a bit of something to blend in better, call it… Similar to a demon form - except more royal,” He stated, showing his attire off again. “I’m quite popular here.”

“With the bloodsuckers?” I questioned, crossing my arms and giving him a smug look.

“There’s more than just Blood Mages and other demons,” He stated. “Have you not met another human living in the underworld?”

“I mean, other than the wizards, no?” 

“You need to get out more,” He sighed.

“Every time I do, I get attacked or, you know, put into a stasis for three years. Need I remind you?!”

“Hey, it’s Yushin!!” I heard a voice call.

“Ah, look, Yushy! You’re finally back in town!” Another voice called over. 

Yushin turned his back to me and looked at those calling him. Several people were coming up to him and greeting him - as if he were royalty. I guess with how friendly he is and being a spirit walker, he’s a bit more popular than what I made of it. Watching him get swarmed with people, though, made me a bit nervous to be around him - as he called them blood weavers, and even vampires. I have no idea if he was joking about that or not. Are vampires technically an undead? 

As my thoughts got a bit carried away, I completely zoned out for a moment and realized that Yushin was now swarmed by a group of people greeting and talking to him. I could barely see the top of his head as he stood there, trying to speak to everyone surrounding him. All the people here seemed to be a bit of royalty, or maybe it was just their fashion choice. Regardless, he looked so happy. When he and I locked gazes, he even flashed me a smile and held up his hands to have me wait a moment. 

Patiently, I waited with my hands folded as even more people of the Pervara came up to him, and soon, I couldn’t see him. 

“Hey, you, girl. You’re with Yushin, right? Come over here!”

I gazed over my shoulder at the voice who called me. It was an older male with an apron over his dirty kitchen clothes as he motioned me to his little restaurant. I hesitated to go to him, but… I walked over to him anyway. He resembled your neighborhood-friendly chef running a food stand that everyone in town knew. As I approached his little building, I gazed around it. It seemed normal - no heads floating on the wall or blood running through it. 

“Welcome to EterniTea!” He said, with a big smile as he began to push some food on the grill behind him. “What’s a little human like you doing here in this town?” He asked me.

I frowned, saddened that he could scent me, but it made sense. “How did you know?” 

“Your blood is stronger and sweeter than my teas; it’s delectable and would make a fine tea for the fellow vampires here,” He said as he began to push some food together.

I squirmed at the thought of him draining any blood from me to make tea. 

“It would pay a pretty penny,” He said, barely glancing over his shoulder. “A single drop would turn into so many different cups,” he said. As he turned back around, he let out a roaring chuckle. “I’m just yanking your chain. I have no interest in using a human’s blood - especially one who is not fully human. So what are ya? Wizard, Werewolf, just another demon?”

“I’m uh,” My voice turned a bit quiet as I tightened the grip of my seat. 

“I’m kidding - you’re a friend of Yushin, so you are automatically a friend of mine,” the older gentleman teased. “Whatever you mix with, your blood is very succulent, and I would recommend not wandering off on your own once Yushin is done being famous.”

“If I may ask, why is everyone so welcoming to him?” I asked, my voice quiet.

“You’re gonna have to speak up louder than a mouse,” He called over his shoulder. “My grill is loud.”

“Why is Yushin so popular here?” I asked, my voice rising a bit.

“He’s a good man, a good Spirit Walker - always done us very well, never left us in a bind, and always provided aid when needed. Saved the town many years ago from a raid from another city,” He explained as he continued cooking some noodles on the grill, flaunting them with his pinchers. “A lot of the blood mages fall weak to the scent of blood - which can turn anything into a lot more serious than it is.”

“A raid, huh? Do other cities often raid… Well, other cities?”

The man laughed and nodded slowly. “It’s all a power game here in the Underworld,” He said. “From other realms. All spirits come here - there is only one underworld. Sure, there could be thousands of other worlds. But once they’re dead, all spirits join us in the underworld or up there with the Celestials. Name is Butch, by the way.”

“Ah, nice to meet you, Butch, thank you,” I said, feeling a small smile play my lips. “I thought the underworld had different realms - such as Tartarus. Is that not a different realm?”

“Oh no, no, no!” The man gasped, turning around and setting a warm brewed tea before me. “Tartarus is a part of the underworld, a more… Dangerous place, you could say. There’s evil all over the world and realms. Tartarus keeps the worst of the worst locked up. Necromancers, Nogitsunes, Wizards, all sorts of creatures. Anything your mind can think of,” He paused for a moment. “There was once a mermaid I knew, and she ended up down there after luring thousands upon thousands of souls to their neverending - well, soul-less souls… Or something like that. Anyway, I watched the older Reaper lock her up down there.”

“The old reaper?” 

“Yeah, she was something. She’d often travel with Yushin here with us, too - never saw her face. But her voice was sweet. Her blood was similar to yours - say you aren’t related to her by chance, are you?”

I gulped and bit my tongue - afraid of answering.

“Ah, that’s where I knew it from. Don’t worry, girl, your secret is safe with me. But be careful around some of the vamps and blood mages here. Stick with Yushin -”

“Why stick with Yushin?” His gentle voice flowed into the restaurant, followed by a silent pause. The man took his seat next to me at the bar top, taking a swig from the tea that Butch had given me. “Ah, perfect tea.”

“I was wondering when you would get in here from the group of admirers,” Butch stated, turning around and providing us with a bowl of noodles.

 I can feel the steam rising from the bowl of hot noodles before me. The aroma of the savory broth makes my mouth water, and I couldn’t wait to try it. As I sip the broth, I feel its warmth spreading throughout my body. The noodles are perfectly cooked, tender yet firm, and absorb the broth's flavor beautifully. With every bite, I taste a combination of spices and herbs that is comforting and refreshing. As I slurp up the last of the noodles, I can't help but feel satisfied and content. 

“She’s a good soul - and she’ll make a damn fine reaper someday, Yushin, with the right training,” Butch commented, preparing another cup of tea.

“She will,” Yushin said as he gently rested his hand on my head and petted it.

I glared at him, my lips pursed, as I paused to give him that look. I couldn't say much with a mouth full of noodles, but I’m sure my stare will give it away.

“Oughta be careful, though; it’s about time for the Red Moon. Blood mages and demons will be enhanced soon.”

Yushin’s face twisted into a sad expression as Butch mentioned the Red Moon.

Hearing those words brought me to the memory of Enoxon, who told me about the moon. It was a crazy phenomenon that happened every 100 years. 

“Has it been that long since the last one?” I questioned the man, who frowned at me.

“Honestly, no. It’s been less than 50 years. But strange things have happened, and the Red Moon will be here quicker than we hoped. At least, that’s what the Celestials tell us,” Butch replied, setting the other cup of tea in front of me since Yushin took mine. 

I could see Yushin’s face shadow over as he nodded in agreement. “Yeah… Um, Butch, hey, thanks for the food. We ought to get going now, though. How much do I owe you?”

“Don’t worry about it, Yushin. You two stay safe,” The man stated, rubbing his hands on his apron. “Here, take some to-go cups,” Butch poured our tears into the paper cups and handed them to us.

“Thanks, Butch. See you soon,” Yushin stated, offering a slight sly smile before turning away. 

Looking between the two, my gaze softened. I thanked Butch and went with Yushin, falling in step with him as we trudged through the small town in silence.

The Spirit Walker had his hands in his black and red kimono, his hair gently flowing down his back and behind him as he walked swiftly. 

“Um, Butch seems nice,” I murmured in contemplation with him. “He makes delicious teas and noodles!”

“He’s a good man,” Yushin replied gently, his gaze glued to the ground. “Come along, we’re almost to the portal.” With that, he quickly picked up his pace and took place before me.

This Red Moon must be concerning. 


Yushin!!! Our loveable Spirit Walker! 

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!