Published at 30th of September 2021 07:34:48 AM

Chapter 45

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This Woman is Too Cunning!


When Chen Li saw the two people outside the door, her face changed, and she immediately clenched her lips and stopped talking.

Su Tang came back and looked at Song Shi’an who was smiling as brightly as flowers – You look like you’ve been rejected, wow, ha ha haha!

Seeing Su Tang smirking at him, Song Shi’an guessed the reason behind her smirk, and his face turned dark again. He then walked into the room, took his things, and quickly strode away. 

As his general walked away, Liu Chun quickly followed, but he reluctantly turned back and gestured with his eyes—Hey girl, remember to return my clothes!

Chen Li looked at the fervent gaze that the Vice General was sending her way. Two patches of red quickly filled her cheeks. She remembered how he had taken off his clothes and wrapped them on her wet body yesterday. A strange buzz burgeoned in her heart when she reminisced about the memory. Feeling embarrassed, she lowered her head and stopped looking at Liu who had walked away. 

Looking at this scene, Su Tang remembered Vice General Liu’s hero-saves-the-beauty moment yesterday, and she couldn’t help but squint. Seeing them go away, Chen Li was pulled back to sit down. She (Su Tang)  gave a thumbs-up, and said, “Great! You dare to say that!”

“I was reckless.” Chen Li lowered her head.

Su Tang slowly approached her again, like a thief, and said, “So … tell me, who’s the one in your heart? ”

Chen Li quickly waved her hand: “No, no! I- I just said that there is no one in my heart.”

“That’s it!” Su Tang was disappointed. She frowned and shook her head. 

“It’d be difficult, then. It’s not a problem for a maid to be sent to the pastry shop. The old woman might let it slide, but you are a beautiful girl, even if I agree, the General won’t agree, let alone the old lady. Besides, even I have to go under disguise – you have to keep this a secret – and I do have a reason for it, but you have none! Initially, I thought that if you had someone in your heart, I would give your hand in marriage, and then you’ll be married and be free. You could go wherever you wished to go, but now … sigh …” After saying all that, Su Tang sighed in embarrassment and sadness, looking helpless. 

Chen Li’s eyes were bleak, but she knew that going to the pastry shop wouldn’t be that easy. It was just that the young lady was good, so she came here betting on a fluke, unsure of the outcome. But now that the solution was presented before, the implementation was difficult. 

Where would she go to find herself a beloved? 

Is my fate set to forever stay here in the General’s Mansion? 

Suddenly, she remembered the Vice General …

Seeing that, Su Tang couldn’t help but be frustrated that she couldn’t find Chen Li’s beloved, but looking at Chen Li’s troubled expression, she wondered if she really had no one in her heart. Then she said, “It’s okay if you do not have someone in your heart for now, but it doesn’t mean you won’t have someone in the future. When you have someone, let me know. I’ll take care of you.” Su Tang was a little worried after the question about “Cold Noodles” came up earlier. Did she finally resolve it? 

“Well, I still have a question. Why do you think the General is not one for you? Look at him, he is handsome. He is a general, awe-inspiring … Though he has a terrible expression, it is tolerable. You have to talk to him and be able to coax and convince him. His heart is not bad either. It is strange, yet considerate …”

Um, wait, what am I talking about? There are so many advantages to cold noodles?!

Chen Li observed Su Tang’s tangled expressions and suddenly smiled a little, “Of course, the General is very good, but he can only be yours!! ”

“Ah?” Su Tang turned her head suddenly, surprised.

Chen Li continued: “In my eyes, the General is high above me and is not someone that can be blasphemed or someone who can be shown even a little disrespect. He doesn’t usually look directly at us, let alone be kind or considerate towards us. All those things are reserved for you alone, miss.”

Su Tang was a little dumbfounded. So he would only listen to her words and rub her belly for her? 

Well, she couldn’t think about it anymore.

Su Tang changed the topic and said, “Well, tomorrow, I will take that group to the pastry shop. Would you like to go out with me?” Although it was not yet possible for her to be assigned to the pastry shop, she could take her out, at least. The General’s Mansion was really boring!

Chen Li’s eyes flickered at Su Tang’s words. 

That night, three of them slept again. Xuan Zi fell asleep early because he wanted to play tomorrow. After he fell asleep, Su Tang’s stomach began to ache again – well, not that it hurt, but she remembered Chen Li’s words earlier during the day, and she wanted to test if Cold Noodles really did treat her gently and thoughtfully. 

After she began humming, Song Shi’an gently placed Xuan Zi on the side and dragged her over, and then continued to stretch out his hands to rub her belly. 

He began rubbing her belly and asked, “You, that … how long does it last?”

Su Tang thought for a while, pretending to be uncertain and said, “Well, probably ten days to half a month …”

Song Shi’an turned black for a moment, “Women are so troublesome!”

Su Tang grinned as she watched his face become impatient but his hands kept moving. What came to her mind when she poked at his arm again and said: “That, let me tell you something …”

When Song Shian heard it, his spirits immediately died down. He found out that every time this woman said something with a shy face that she wanted to talk to him, it would never be something good, such as taking Xuan Zi out to play or borrowing someone from him … She’d put it in a way that seemed so selfless and serious, but after thinking about it, he would find that it was full of selfish motives!

Having encountered so many enemies in his life, he still found this woman to be the most cunning!

Song Shi’an remained vigilant and wanted to see what else she could do.

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