Published at 29th of September 2021 12:16:22 PM

Chapter 194: 194

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What is easier to see is that when he said these words, Li Tang's eyes were turning and seemed to be considering how to deal with them.

It was because he Qingyu noticed those subtle expressions and movements that he became more and more confident.

"You talk nonsense. I started work after drinking some wine today. What's the matter? But then the alcohol attack was not sure. What does this mean? " Li Tang Zhenzhen has words to refute.

I thought he was an old hand in the Bureau. Who knows he was still a brave new man. It is estimated that when he wanted to commit a crime, he wanted to talk about heroes with wine! Drinking emboldened me. I didn't expect to be counselled in the end.

"Is this your first time? Are you flustered? " He Qingyu continued to ask calmly. Now the two people's emotions are changing dramatically. Now Li Tang's heart is irritable.

Li Tang didn't expect that he could see his maladjustment so quickly, but since he received other people's money, he should continue well.

"It's all your guess. Now young people are really strange. They don't do their jobs, but they like to read some fantasy novels and detective novels. " There seems to be a little truth in what Li Tang said.

However, he Qingyu will not be deterred by his words. How could he be greedy for those novels when he is a president?

It's all children's stuff. He hasn't been involved for a long time. If it's before the age of ten, it's still possible to watch some detective films.

"If you want to be a man, how will you be hurt by others?" He Qingyu continued to ask. The question was to ask step by step. Otherwise, how could they take the bait.

Although he looks very tough and seems to be a tough man, it seems that his clothing taste is not what a reckless man can do. To do so, he must have a gentle and decent wife in his family, and the relationship between their husband and wife is also good.

Every word he Qingyu said was right, and Li Tang was a little flustered“ You, why are you... "

"Want to ask me why everyone knows?" He Qingyu seemed to understand his heart again, and then he was completely shocked. Don't be prepared to continue lying.

Li Tang was stunned and nodded foolishly. After that, he Qingyu said all his guesses, but thanks to the recorder around him who sent all the information about his family.

"Why did you drive into my wife?" He Qingyu finally asked calmly. Even if he was no longer unhappy, he would no longer be angry because this is the police station and he would not do anything. The two men holding batons behind him will not allow him to do whatever he wants.

The batons in their hands are carried behind them. If there is a sudden situation, they will rush to punish the bad elements at the fastest speed.

At 5:01, Li Tang finally compromised: "I said it all."

He Qingyu was very happy. Jiang Qing outside was also a burst of joy. The calm man around him looked calm. He knew that the man would solve the problem, and he was still so calm.

If he just started to burn in anger, it must be because Zhou Xuanqing's injured appearance was shaking around in front of him; If he was calm and solemn later, he must know that this is not a place for mischief, and the woman lying in the hospital bed would not agree with him.

"You mean someone said to buy you, didn't you? But don't you remember the man? " At the moment he Qingyu heard the answer, although he had a preliminary mental preparation, he still didn't withstand the blow.

What did they do wrong? Why is someone always targeting them everywhere?

"I really don't know..." Li Tang lowered his head and whispered. His cautious appearance made him more suspicious. There must be something fishy in it, otherwise he wouldn't have to look like this.

"Don't you really know?" The recorder also began to speak. Now he admired he Qingyu's observation ability. Originally, they planned to torture, but later they found that it was wrong to do so. Finally, he Qingyu figured out what to do in time.

"I really don't know. You don't have to force me anymore. If you force me again, I won't say anything. " When Li Tang said this, he was still very decisive. It seems that he really can't say anything, but since he pays the money, there will be telephone contact or meeting contact between them.

The other party will certainly pay attention to the matter of human life. The possibility of real person meeting will be greater. Even if it is not the owner himself, there should be a special image. It seems that you can find the person through the network.

In fact, it's not that Li Tang refused to say this, because he received the full amount of others and treated all his children. It would be impossible for him to take them out.

"What's your secret? Can you tell me what will happen if you say it? " He Qingyu asked without understanding, "now you are in the police station, so you don't have to be afraid at all. You don't have to worry about your worries."

"I... I don't know what to say..." Li Tang said painfully, as if he had mentioned something bad. Now he Qingyu and the policemen feel in Li Tang's eyes that they are both angels and demons, who can help themselves and destroy themselves.

"You can tell what's hard to tell. They won't confront the police." The recorder also said that although Li Tang's attitude in the first part was not good, he also told a lot of truth later. They can't tangle with those mistakes, and they should care about the right things.

Being understood by them, Li Tang felt relieved, but he really couldn't take out the 300000.

"For a mere 300000, you agreed to take a life?" He Qingyu was shocked immediately. It turned out that 300000 yuan could save a life or take a life in their eyes!

"300000, may not be a lot in your eyes, but it is my son's life-saving money in my eyes!" Speaking of his son, Li Tang's eyes were full of tenderness, and his tone was more sonorous and powerful. However, his eyes soon began to look bleak“ The devil is an unjust existence. Xiaoxuan has been honest since childhood and won't cause us trouble. He is recognized as a good child, but the devil wants to take more of his life. "

Li Tang's eyes began to burst into tears. The recorder took out a paper towel from his bag and handed it to him“ Thank you. "

He did not take it for nothing, but said thank you with gratitude.

"Two years ago, Xiaoxuan was diagnosed with a difficult disease. Our family spent all the money to cure it. When we finally had nothing to do, he appeared and agreed to pay Xiaoxuan's medical expenses for us. The price I have to pay is... Everything after today's mid afternoon." Li Tang summoned up the courage to say all the hardest words.

The recorder's face was full of hatred. There were people who took people's shortcomings and asked for people to do things.

"There are too many such people." He Qingyu said that because the recorder has just been transferred, he doesn't know anything about ice city. If he stayed here for a long time, he will certainly hear many stories like this.

"Are you talking online or meeting in real life?" He Qingyu asked, this is very important to this matter. If it was a real meeting, the outcome would be much better.

"It was a real meeting, but the face was tightly packed. There was almost no way to recognize it except the sound." Li Tang seriously recalled that he was really frightened when he saw the man.

Because he is honest and responsible, he doesn't want to deal with people like underworld, because meeting them is like being addicted to drugs and can't get rid of them.

"Do you have any special impression of him?" He Qingyu is still indomitable. He believes he will always ask something. If he has a clue, he will find it bit by bit.

Like Conan's favorite words in the truth

He Qingyu has recognized this sentence since childhood, so he will recognize this criterion no matter what.

"Well... When he gave me the box, there was a scar on his wrist, like a knife wound, probably in this position..." Li Tang said and compared. He Qingyu glanced at the person with the wound in that position. He seemed to have seen a person, and the person himself had seen it many times. He just thought, unexpectedly.

"I seem to have seen this man somewhere, but I suddenly thought, unexpectedly." He Qingyu frowned and couldn't think of it.

The recorder seems to want to know who that person is. Since he is a familiar person, he must think of something if he tries hard.

"It's all right. Take your time. You can think of it." The recorder smiled and said.

"Oh, by the way, that's Peter!" He Qingyu said excitedly that the man was he Qingxiao's bodyguard. Because there was an accident last time, he hurt his wrist a lot, and then left a deep scar.

"Peter?" The recorder didn't know about it, and then said in confusion, and he didn't know that Peter was normal.

Li Tang didn't know this man either. He only heard his voice last time, but didn't see his face.

The man was wearing big sunglasses and a mask, and his voice wanted to be hoarse wantonly.

"Is that him?" He Qingyu forgot that he didn't know the man, so he asked urgently.

"I don't know, I really don't know who that person is? What I should say now, comrade police, how long should I be locked up if I hit someone? " Li Tang said painfully. He supported his elbows on the table and buried his head in his arms. He looked very painful.

"You can't catch people without accurate evidence." The recorder said decisively, although he also wanted to speak for them.

"I know." He Qingyu sighed, but fortunately the man told the truth, but... Zhou Xuanqing in the hospital didn't know what to do.

He took out his mobile phone and saw many missed calls and wechat messages, all sent by he Qingyue. He showed all the messages, all of which were bad news.

"Brother Qingyu, where are you going?" The two children saw that he wanted to leave in a hurry and hurried to follow him.

He said that Zhou Xuanqing was in some trouble. Although he had passed the dangerous period, he was still in a state of lethargy.

"What's going on?" When he Qingyu opened the door, he saw a man he didn't dare to see now.


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